Your mind can restore your residual thymus tissue and its supply of “Peter Pan hormone.”

A healthy body PULSATES.


All muscle RIGIDITY is caused by neurosis or psychosis.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) observed …

“Man is a stiff-necked race.”

It doesn’t have to be that way. :)

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) called the healthy uninterrupted streaming of biological energy the ORGASM REFLEX.

It dances to the heartbeat and the heart’s DESIRE – hydrogen power and orgone energy, the anti-entropic power of the cosmos.

A philosopher asked a Shinto priest about Shinto theology.

The priest replied, “We have no theology. We dance.”

Humans are designed for continuous full-body orgasms, but the nervous system needs to be profoundly strengthened to handle the excess wattage.

For the “average” human being – incorrectly designated as the “normal” human being – it’s a case of too much wattage for stock wiring.

The mind CREATES the nervous system … which creates more mind, which creates a stronger nervous system, which creates more mind, which creates a stronger nervous system, and so on and so on, spiraling onward and upward.

Without a sexual partner, your left hemisphere and left hemisphere are still making mad love to each other every moment of the day … but it’s more fun to bring a friend along for the ride.

Folks would chill out and enjoy the coital ecstasy if they’d just stop their internal dialogue’s debate about which hemisphere is the one ON TOP.

In Yoga, the left male hemisphere – the odd elements of the Periodic Table – is on top.

In Tantra, the right female hemisphere – the even elements of the Periodic Table – is on top.

SEXUAL DIMORPHISM exists left to right, front to back, and bottom to top.

Paramahansa Yogananda said the experience of Cosmic Consciousness is greater than every cell of your body having 10,000 orgasms at one time.

Every cell, not every nerve.

That kind of JUICE would certainly kill the “average” Joe or Jane.

Neurology (the nervous brain) is trumped by cell-ology (the sanguine brain) – the blood-red cheerfully optimistic brain.

Adano said …

“The human brain is the only mechanism that can trigger atomic energy by thinking via the cerebrospinal fluid.”

Adano often held a pen up and asked, “How many ends does this pen have?”

Most people replied. “Two,” demonstrating their REDUCTIONISTIC DUALITY.

No merging, no orgasm.

The best answer is either “No ends” or “Infinite ends.”

When No Ends meets Infinite Ends, the Cosmic Dance begins – do the Funky Shiva!

Adano said …

“Mind over matter is more internal dynamics organizing physical matter.”

I once witnessed Adano roll both his eyes up his forehead to his hairline and back down again!

The Mighty Atom (Joseph L. Greenstein, not the Timely Atom, Atom Bergstrom) told Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman, “There is no such thing as an involuntary response.”

“The heartbeat,” offered Slim.

“The mind can control the working of any organ, any part of the body. The brain rules the heart, not the other way around. I can regulate my own heartbeat, my pulse – I can commit suicide by breath control right now if I want to,” replied the Atom.

“I believe you, Joe,” agreed Slim.

“Of course you do. But mere belief is not enough. You must know. You must see for yourself.”

So the Mighty Atom slowed his pulse to a standstill, stopped it for ten seconds, and slowly restored it.

How did the Mighty Atom realize WHAT he is is greater than WHO he is?

He was shot between the eyes at close range with a .38-.40 caliber revolver (backed up with forty grams of black powder), and walked away to tell the tale.

It happened in Houston, Texas, and a local newspaper headline proclaimed …


You can read all about it in Ed Spielman’s 1979 book, The Mighty Atom: The Life and Times of Joseph L. Greenstein

… and he’s mentioned in Dave Yarnell’s 2009 book, The Secrets of Age Defying Strength: And How to Obtain It.

Greg Whiteley said …

“It appears like you’re biologically threatened if you change your worldview, but you’re actually biologically threatened if you don’t change your worldview. How long do you have to piss in the wind before you figure out you’re getting soaked?”

Adano said …

“The art of survival is spiritual Kung Fu, gaining immunity from being put through the paces. The immortality of the cell is the continuance of the utmost war.”

… and he cautioned …

“Using the word ‘age’ instead of ‘revolutions around the Sun’ is creating a construction deficiency. The terminal sound of ‘age’ breaks the cells down. Revolutions indicate vibrancy indicates life indicates self-rejuvenation.”

Convert “age” to “stage” and don’t forget to change gears every 3,000 RPMs or so. :)

(To Be Continued)

'Sexual Vibrancy & Cellular Rejuvenation #1' have 3 comments

  1. January 6, 2012 @ 7:26 pm atomb

    Adano said, “What good is static electricity if you can’t USE it? Creating is sex release.”

    That’s pretty much Wilhelm Reich’s ENERGETIC METABOLISM (charge -> discharge -> charge -> discharge) and his LIFE FORMULA (tension -> charge -> discharge -> relaxation).

    99 percent of humanity has been tense so long they don’t even remember what actual relaxation is. :(

    They confuse NUMBNESS with relaxation.

  2. January 7, 2012 @ 2:15 am atomb

    Re: Cupid’s Poison Arrow.

    Yes, sexual surfeit is toxic.

    An orgasm is the entrance to lovemaking, not its exit.

    When its time for the actual lovemaking, most guys roll over and start stacking Zs.

    Women know better, but not as much as Cosmopolitan magazine would have us believe.

    An insatiable lover can never be satiated.

    Adano said, “If you go to sleep after sex, you’re toxic.”

    The Honey Moon is an aura that forms around a bonded couple.

    The bigger the aura, the greater the LOVING. (Love is a verb, not a noun.)

    Whenever we’re not getting what we desire, it’s foreplay.

    The universe is designed as a gymnasium, not a medieval torture chamber.

    Q: What’s the difference between a new spouse and a new dog?

    A: After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.

  3. January 8, 2012 @ 1:16 am atomb

    “…your left hemisphere and left hemisphere are still making mad love…” should read “…your left hemisphere and right hemisphere are still making mad love…”

    Thanks, Ryan, for catching that. :)

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