Shock & Trauma, Nitty-Gritty Style
According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …
“The chrono-therapist works with acute time and chronic time. He encounters sequential behavior in a relative existence of a unified field.”
“Acu-when is accurate timing and acu-where is accurate points.”
“The yawn, the groan, the yell, and the sigh release carbon dioxide that should have gone out at the time of the trauma.”
“The five causes of disease are bad nutrition, bacterial invasion, broken bone, heredity, or trauma.”
“A trauma can make you instantly old. A commitment can make you instantly young — a commitment to life.”
“Pinching sends a message to the brain to release latent memory shocks.”
“Pinching is crab therapy.”
“Homeostasis is the correct therapeutic term for eu-stress.”
“Stress means emphasis, quickness, and discipline.”
“Stress means do over.”
“There is no psychological and physiological forgetting, only psychological and physiological forgiving. Since it will forgive, there is no stress. Forgiveness shows that karma, demand of payment, is not collected traumatically or is delayed.”
“Karma is demand of payment.”
“There are no sins, only misapplied decisions. The pain is only bringing to the surface an unfinished memory bank.”
“There is always a little unfinished business or karma left over. We are organisms that live for tomorrow. You must live now or fifty years from now in another body.”
“Futuristic confrontations form the basis of all attachment and suffering. The dream state is a reservoir of unfinished dreams in terms of geometry and the association plane. Delta is the dreamless state — all geometry disappears.”
“A dream is a shift of acceleration on the microwave level.”
“Distress is hyphenated — di-stress, division, discord, doubt, confusion, tension, illness.”
“Injury causes a liquid lubricant between tissue to gel or harden. Body fluids are like tektite of the earth, which injury will cause to fuse.”
“Oil acts as a buffer to avoid shock.”
“Christ peace is not peace without conflict.”
“Christ peace is strength of peace, not tranquility and sedation.”
“Jesus said, ‘The peace I give, the world doesn’t give.’ That’s regenerative peace. Peace is security and lack of worry, but therapeutic peace is regeneration.”
“Health is the capacity to cope with confrontational friction.”
“A Cosmic Tourist is an Initiate of Cosmic Living. The Initiate of Cosmic Living has no boundary lines.”
'Shock & Trauma, Nitty-Gritty Style' have 5 comments
December 14, 2017 @ 10:12 pm Atom
Vibrant Gal and I were evacuated on Dec. 10 due to the Thomas Fire.
We’re safe and sound on a ranch 160 miles away.
The fire has now grown to 60 miles long and 40 miles wide, and it’s only 30% contained.
December 15, 2017 @ 1:02 pm Ro
Difficult to wrap my mind around fires like that, but sure glad you both are well.
December 15, 2017 @ 7:12 pm Atom
This fire is expected to burn until January 7th. :o
It’s hard for us to wrap our minds around this scenario too!
Thanks for your well-wishing from both of us. :)
December 15, 2017 @ 10:31 pm John
Hi Atom,
glad to hear you are both safe.
Re- “The five causes of disease are bad nutrition, bacterial invasion, broken bone, heredity, or trauma.â€
Why is broken bones in there, could you explain that some more please ?
December 16, 2017 @ 4:47 pm Atom
Bone should remain high in calcium carbonate, not gradually transform into calcium phosphate (from excess grains, muscle meats, and/or soda pop).
Bone is created to bend, not break.
Three of my fingers were smashed and caught in a car door as an adolescent. I lost some fingernails, but no bones were broken.
In the U.S., 6,300,000 people a year seek medical aid for bone fractures — mostly due to malnutrition (Lunar Eating). That’s compared to less than 2,000,000 people a year being diagnosed with cancer in the U.S.
Mainstream Medicine (Dr. Evil) and Holistic Medicine (Mini-Me) share the same disinformation/misinformation about bone nutrition.