Shock Versus Shock

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“If you set a house on fire, nine out of ten people in wheelchairs will jump out of their chairs and escape.”

He called this healing strategy “precipice therapy.”


Disease is mostly caused by shock, and many “cures” are achieved by counter-shock.

Dr. William Bradley Coley (1862-1936) pioneered the modern use of counter-shock therapy for cancer.


Isaac I. Keely (Keely’s Facts and Scientific Miracles, 1856) wrote …

“In October and November, 1845, a collecting business called me to various parts of the country. Whenever I stopped I felt inclined to make experiments, in sitting rooms, parlors, etc., for the amusement of persons present. And, when I came to singing schools, I would make a request of the teachers to dismiss early, and allow me to amuse them and their pupils with magnetic experiments. I thus continued for several weeks, until I found that I was entirely neglecting my business. But, observing that persons magnetized, were often immediately relieved from nervous, rheumatic, and many other affections, I inferred that magnetism involved a curative principle, which, if systematically developed and applied, might be made extensively and powerfully efficient in the treatment of disease in general. I therefore determined to devote my whole attention, for a time, to the investigation of the subject, and, should I find it worthy of the sacrifice, to give my life to the practice as a profession.

“My first effort in pursuance of this resolution, was made at Brownsville, Indiana, in December, 1845. Here I cured, with Local Magnetism, Mr. Rider, Postmaster, of sick headache, with which he had been afflicted for eleven years. He has frequently assured me, that he has never since been seriously troubled with it.

“I then lectured and demonstrated, in Liberty and other places, producing many similar results, by Local Magnetism, and effecting several important cures by general treatment; especially of rheumatism, pains in the limbs, and other parts of the body.

“Reflecting, one day, on the influence which a sudden shock often produces upon the nervous system, my mind recalled the account of a case in which the limbs of a man were instantly restored from a rheumatic affection, by the sudden burst of a flame of fire into his apartment. Immediately on this, came up other cases of sudden restoration from nervous affections, all which were well authenticated as facts; but for which no philosophy or rationale had been given. I was convinced that there must be a principle on which these cures were effected, and I set myself to studying it out. I observed that, when magnetized, the nerves were far more easily impressed than in the wakeful state, and hence concluded that these shocks must be as much more effective for cure, if produced on persons when in that state, than when in the natural, as their organs were more excitable. I had often heard it said, and had read in books treating on pathology, that deafness was frequently a result of partial or of total paralysis of the auditory nerve. Hence I concluded that, if I could place the deaf in a magnetic state, and then produce on them a sharp and sudden shock, I should certainly cure all cases that consisted in paralysis.”


Please don’t try this at home.

(To Be Continued)


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