“What do you do for a living?” someone asked Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty).
“I eat on time,” he replied.
Adano also said, “One person’s mouth is another person’s evolution.”
How would you like to “live long and prosper” with less fat and more brain power?
Solar Nutrition is a time-governed eating science that …
(1) increases your lifespan,
(2) optimizes your weight, and
(3) supercharges your brain power.
A Sun-calibrated lifestyle synchronizes you with Nature’s solar cycles by knowing “when” to eat “what.”
A time component is built into every biological organism on Earth in greater or lesser synchrony with our central environmental clock, the Sun.
Solar Nutrition entrains the human body’s genetic and cellular pacemakers to the environment’s 24-hour rhythm for the “synchronous absorption” resulting in high-level wellness and vibrant aliveness.
The Earth’s 24-hour rotation in relationship to the angle of the Sun’s radiant energy causes a frequency-pulling entrainment determining the rhythm and survival of everything that moves, crawls, or walks on this planet.
The Sun’s angle of light acts as a giant pendulum compelling all lesser pendulums to swing in unison, a phenomenon discovered by Christiaan Huygens in 1665.
Nonlinear physicists and computer engineers call it “synchronized oscillation.”
Desynchronization results in illness and eventual extinction.
Solar Nutrition reestablishes the resonant cycle-specific bond between man and his environmental field.
Religare is the Lain word for “to reconnect, to bind back” – the origin of the word “religion.”
To reconnect to what? To the environmental field, an expression of the Unified Field.
The secret of dynamic health is ludicrously simple – vegetation on our planet processes sunlight in three different ways.
To build shape or form or cellular structure out of solar radiation, plant life has evolved three different geometries to process radiant energy …
(1) tree
(2) bush/vine/plant
(3) root
These are known by forest ecologists as …
(1) canopy
(2) understory,
(3) floor/subfloor
The first sacred geometry is the TREE.
The tree’s strategy is to harvest the 45-degree angle of light in the morning.
To capture the first rays of the Sun for photosynthesis, trees are the most “heliotropic” of plant life – they oppose gravity by growing upward to seek the morning sunlight with an earlier and greater effort than the bushes, vines, and plants below.
Morning tree foods are Zone One foods
All foods growing on trees are best eaten between 12:30 a.m.-12:00 noon.
Morning foods usually grow at least four feet above the ground.
The second sacred geometry is the VINE.
The vine’s strategy is to harvest the 90-degree angle of light at midday and in the afternoon.
When the cooling breezes are blowing through the trees and the ground is heating up, it’s now time for the vegetation closer to the soil to get busy.
The bushes, shrubs, vines, plants, and grasses (including grains and vegetables) are now the most active.
Midday and afternoon foods are Zone Two foods.
All foods growing on bushes or vines or walking on four legs or two legs upon the ground (beef, chicken, turkey, etc.) are best when eaten between 11:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Midday and afternoon foods usually grow between four inches and four feet above the ground.
The third sacred geometry is the ROOT.
The root’s strategy is to harvest the bounce range of light in the evening.
The “eating” phase of photosynthesis is over after the Sun sets, and the “digestive” phase of photosynthesis comes on line.
The roots now “warehouse” the infrared heat radiation left behind by the sunlight.
Roots are “geotropic” — they align with gravity by growing downward and away from the sunlight.
A synonym for geotropic is “apheliotropic,” turning away from or growing away from the Sun.
Evening foods are Zone Three foods.
All foods growing underground or living or swimming in the sea are best when eaten between 6:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m.
Zone Three evening foods include a wide selection of plant stalks, stems, shoots, bulbs, petioles, rhizomes, roots, rootstocks, and tubers.
Eggs, seaweeds, algae, fungus, bamboo shoots, peanuts, and asparagus are also evening foods.
Evening foods are usually found no higher than four inches above the ground.
The bromeliad family and some members of the cactus family are notable exceptions to this “below four inch” rule.
Forget what blood type, body type, metabolic type, glandular type, or genotype you are.
Solar Nutrition transcends these “typing” restrictions.
Forget what oxidation type or homeopathic constitution you are.
Forget about being a type A, B, AB, or O.
Or a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.
Or an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph.
Forget about being a sympathetic or parasympathetic type.
Or an anabolic or a catabolic type.
Or a fast oxidizer or a slow oxidizer.
It doesn’t matter if you’re acid or alkaline.
Or if you’re Yin or Yang.
Or if you have black, white, red, or yellow, or polka-dot skin.
Forget biochemical individuality or if you have three kidneys or more than four parathyroid glands.
It doesn’t matter whether your liver is made up of three or five lobes or if you have extra mini-spleens (like 20% of humans do).
All of these typologies do have some therapeutic value, but they’re not even an also-ran when it comes to the overall value of Solar Nutrition.
So put all your other nutrition, wellness, and diet books back on the shelves, and pay attention.
The great thing about Solar Nutrition is one size really does fit all.
It’s verily the magic bullet of nutritional systems.
It’s the futuristic cutting edge of nutrition … yet has been “wheels up” for thousands of years.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, whether you’re a 500-pound Sumo wrestler or a 90-pound pencilneck geek, your body temperature is highest between 5:00-7:00 p.m.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, you’ll bleed less readily between 5:00-7:00 a.m. than you will between 5:00-7:00 p.m. – your blood platelets are “stickier” in the early morning.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, your oxidative rate (as well as your renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate) is highest between 3:00-5:00 p.m. – why, almost without exception, all track and field records are broken during this time of the day.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, your oxidative rate is lowest between 3:00-5:00 a.m. – why monks and meditators all over the world jump out of bed early to achieve the “breathless” delta brain wave state of meditative awareness.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, you’re more likely to experience a “breathless” asthma attack between 3:00-5:00 a.m., and less likely to experience an asthma attack between 3:00-5:00 p.m.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, your nasal plasma proteins are five to twenty times higher between 3:00-5:00 a.m. than between 3:00-5:00 p.m., making a morning runny nose far more likely than an evening one.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, man or woman, your testosterone is higher in the morning than it is in the evening.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, you pee more in the morning hours than you do in the evening hours.
No matter who you are or what your “type” is, when you take an afternoon nap you’ll lose up to sixteen times the calcium you’ll lose if you wait to take an evening nap.
For those at risk of osteoporosis, this is the difference between supplementing with 1,600 milligrams of calcium vs. a mere 100 milligrams of calcium.
(But I’m foursquare against supplements, so just ignore the above statement.)
Solar Nutrition synchronizes you with all of these biological rhythms and many others unmentioned.
Eat (1) tree foods for breakfast; (2) bush, vine, and grain foods for lunch; and (3) roots and underwater foods for supper, and you’re automatically synchronizing your internal biological pacemakers to the environmental solar and terrestrial 24-hour rhythm.
You’re now eating the Solar Nutrition way, connected to – and transcending – the endlessly ongoing cycles of Earth’s rotation in space.
What could be easier?
What about animal foods? Well, what do cows eat?
Grain and other midday plants.
So chow down on beef or drink cow milk for lunch.
And what do fish eat?
Sea vegetables or other fish that eat sea vegetables somewhere down the food chain.
So dine on fish for supper.
Solar Nutrition allows you to be a vegetarian in the morning, a meat eater in the afternoon, and a fish eater at night.
Or you can remain a vegetarian all day if you’re not too alkaline.
Or you can remain a carnivore all day if you’re not too acidic.
Until recently, very few people on our planet suspected such an amazing science as Solar Nutrition existed … yet it’s been utilized by our low-profile “wisdom brothers” for thousands of years.
Almost every longevity eating system existing in history has been either intentionally or unintentionally Sun-calibrated.
According to Japan’s Dr. Maki Takata …
“There is no doubt that solar radiation must contain a hitherto unknown biologically effective component, characterized by its strong penetration power and intensive vital-ionizing ability.”
The origin of Solar Nutrition can be traced back many centuries to the science behind Chinese acupuncture’s Sun-indexed “Midnight-Noon Law.”
An outstanding diagram of the Midnight-Noon Law appears in Omura Yoshiaki’s 1982 book, Acupuncture Medicine: Its Historical and Clinical Background.
The Midnight-Noon Law as a “circulation of energy” diagram is mentioned in many acupuncture texts and holistic therapy books, for example …
Dr. John Thie’s Touch for Health, 1973, 1994;
Dr. David S. Walther’s Applied Kinesiology: The Advanced Approach to Chiropractic, 1976;
Daniel Reid’s The Complete Book of Chinese Health and Healing: Guarding the Three Treasures,1994;
Adano said Solar Nutrition originated in Mongolia 10,000 years ago, and that Moses was introduced to its principles while living in Egypt.
At the turn of the 19h Century, in the U.S., Dr. John T. Richter and his wife, Vera M. Richter, were familiar with circadian eating.
They co-authored a book including some of the basics – Nature: The Healer, reprinted in 1962 and still available through Health Research.
Adano rediscovered “time-lapse eating” in the 1950s and evolved it into today’s scientifically comprehensive system.
Steve Shiver – now a practicing chiropractor in rural Arkansas – introduced me to Adano, and I apprenticed with him for fourteen years, including two years at his Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences.
(I studied with Steve too, who was one of the teachers at TIRS.)
I’ve been teaching Solar Nutrition workshops since 1977, “burning the midnight oil” for thousands of hours in many libraries validating and updating Solar Nutrition’s cycle-specific wellness principles.
'Solar Nutrition Reconnects Us to the Environment' have 23 comments
January 27, 2013 @ 3:15 am Eduardo Millan
Well…this article was really interesting, thanks Atom!
January 27, 2013 @ 4:44 am atomb
Thanks, Eduardo! :)
January 27, 2013 @ 8:49 am jean
If blood type doesn’t matter, what did this mean?
“If you don’t know your blood type, don’t monkey around with nutrition.” – A.Ley
Does it mean you *can* go even further, but then you *do* have to know your blood type?
January 27, 2013 @ 10:20 pm atomb
B & O can be 100% meat-eater.
A & AB can be 100% vegetarian.
That’s all we gotta know, according to Swami Nitty-Gritty.
However, the investigation of blood types – all 97 of them – by medical anthropologists is fascinating stuff.
The “pop” blood type books available in health food stores are goofier than a left-handed football bat. :)
January 27, 2013 @ 2:52 pm Tommy TIRS
Hey Brother,
Just got re-introduced to a great Night-Time food…
Paella Negre…Squid in Black Ink Sauce and rice.
Molto Delizioso!! And, according to the literature, cephalopod ink is toxic to some cells, including tumor cells…cancer cells too according to some reports.
When you get the “Good Stuff”, when you finish eating, your plate is black and so is your mouth/teeth/tongue. Not to worry, both dish and buccal cavity wash clean :-)
Love ya, Bud,
January 28, 2013 @ 12:40 am atomb
Adano referred to the gall bladder as the body’s octopus.
That probably applies to squid too. :)
Yer Bud,
January 28, 2013 @ 11:54 am Janice
Atom, I have night time food being the most difficult for me. Squid … no way for me! I just can’t seem to get past the smell and taste of fish. And as far as eggs are concerned, I’m now allergic to them.
I agree with you about supplements but am feeling I need to now supplement with some kind of fish oil (and taking it without tasting it). Do you have any recommendations for supplemental fish oil (like cod?), manner taken and any brand names that are better than others? And what’s this about Vit. A being added?
Thanks so much! Keep up the good work!
January 28, 2013 @ 4:36 pm atomb
Not to worry! Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are available from butterfat – another word for clarified butter.
Clarified butter is time-neutral.
Thanks for the compliment, Janice! :)
January 29, 2013 @ 8:13 am lydia
Hi Atom
Thanks for all the great information and answering all my questions. You say cherries are good for the hormones but to be careful when eating the kernels. How many kernals is it ok to eat a week? and are apricot kernels good to eat?
Many Thanks
January 29, 2013 @ 5:17 pm atomb
Two or three cherry kernels a week is a conservative answer.
I’m leery of apricot kernels … although I’ve eaten them back in the day.
Apricot kernels are mainly for male hormones … and for people with cancer.
January 29, 2013 @ 9:45 am lucy
Thanks Atom. You are Wonderful ! <3
January 29, 2013 @ 5:18 pm atomb
Big Hugs! :)
January 29, 2013 @ 5:21 pm Janice
And another thank you comes your way, Atom!
The info on ghee has not only eased my mind and body, it has given me a different relationship with it. And night time food. This is very important to me since “Timing always Trumps” is my motto! It supports me in eating to live.
I could ramble on but will instead send you a big hug and another thank you for sharing such valuable information as Solar Nutrition.
“See you on the radio, soon.”
January 29, 2013 @ 5:29 pm atomb
Thank you, Janice!
Yes, see you on the radio soon! :)
January 30, 2013 @ 5:56 am lydia
Hi Atom
Thanks for the great information. Looking forward to the February show on Monday.
January 30, 2013 @ 4:00 pm atomb
January 30, 2013 @ 9:37 pm Janice
Hi Atom, this may be off subject … but so many people have pets I thought it might be of interest to us all and I haven’t found where it has been addressed in any of your writings
(? please correct me if I’ve missed it). Do dogs have Buddha nature … no really, do dogs have timing too? Does timing always trump for them? And what about using herbs? And also, meridians? So, do you have any knowledge/experience to share in this area?
Thanks, once again, so much!
January 30, 2013 @ 11:09 pm atomb
Dogs do very well on Solar Nutrition if owners know exactly what they’re doing.
One out of four dogs die of cancer mainly because ..
(1) they don’t eat live food, and
(2) their circadian rhythm is imposed on them by humans, not Nature.
Cats are more “time-labile,” making them less vulnerable to cancer but more susceptible to aggressive forms of cancer.
One of the greatest pitfalls on the spiritual path is “owning” a pet.
This is true for 99% of humanity, but not for Cesar Millan, who doesn’t “humanize” his pets.
He (Cesar’s Way, 2006) wrote …
“When we humanize dogs, we create a disconnect for them. By humanizing them, we’re going to be able to love them the way we love a human, but we’re never going to achieve a deep communion with them. We’re never really going to learn to love them for who and what they truly are.”
Worse, when owners humanize pets, they transfer whatever diseases they have to their pets.
“Pet” and “petty” share a common etymology.
“Pet” originally meant “indulged child” (1508).
January 31, 2013 @ 3:36 pm Janice
Thanks again, Atom.
I’ve been doing my homework/research for what to feed the dog but am finding difficulty in connecting with a dog’s natural circadian rhythm.
Could you suggest a site or book that will help me out?
January 31, 2013 @ 6:33 pm atomb
Unfortunately, no one has yet written a book on Solar Nutrition for dogs.
Avoid commercial dog food and make sure your dog’s protein needs are satisfied.
Dog foods have been toxic since the days of Spratt’s Patent Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes in 1860.
Almost all veterinarians are brainwashed by the $41-billion-dollar-a-year pet food industry.
In plain words, they’re “on the take.”
January 31, 2013 @ 6:34 pm atomb
Today’s male-dominated medicine continues the long tradition of violence against women and Mother Nature.
Seymour Haden, M.D. (British Medical Journal, 1867) wrote …
“We, being men, have our patients, who are women, at our mercy.”
April 18, 2020 @ 4:31 pm amber
Atom, this was a super duper article. I came here with a different question, but first, regarding this article, how do you see the “reconnecting with the environment” and being “in not of” the world? What acceleration points have to do with this?
The question I came here with is more so for your recommendation. Do you have persons of interest or a book to suggestion on ‘strategy’. Id like to study to increase this ability, and would like some excellent examples :D while i was searching the ggl.. i came across a magazine (im not sure what to call it, but it has ads, so ill call it magazine) from the 20s called National Service – Grenville Clark. Looking at the volume 7-8, I thought you may find it interesting.
May 2, 2020 @ 10:43 pm Atom
The Witness Technique connects us to the environment. It’s the perfect combination of DOING while realizing what we’re doing has been DONE already. That keeps us from becoming ATTACHED. “The universe is not evolving. It’s unreeling,” according to Adano.