Something Fishy About Omega-3 Oils


By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog


Polyunsaturated fatty acids generate oxidative stress — an overload of free radicals.

More oxidative stress creates more inflammation creates more lipo-pigments, namely, lipofuscin and ceroid “wear and tear” granules.

Lipo-pigments are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (no saturated fats), and are the secondary cause of yellow fat disease.

The primary cause is omega-3 fatty acids — ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

Yellow fat disease (steatitis) impacts numerous organisms, from yeast to cats, from flies to dogs, from bees to crocodiles, from fish to horses, from chickens to pigs, from monkeys to human beings.

Brain fat gets rancid too.

The order of rancidity is …

highly-unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) —> polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) —> monounsaturated fatty acids —> saturated fatty acids —> cholesterol

If omega-3 fatty acids are harmful, why are the fish oil pills sold in the U.S. a $1.2 billion industry?

Why is the global market supposed to reach $4.08 billion by 2022?

Why is it being forced upon public school children as in Texas?

Corporate marketers say it’s because of “rising consumer awareness regarding benefit of the product.”

Maybe there are other reasons.

Niir Board (Modern Technology of Oils, Fats & Its Derivatives, 2002) wrote …

“As a class the marine oils are among the cheapest of all the fats and oils. They are used in edible fat products, in soap, and in protective coatings, although in none of these fields are they considered as desirable raw materials as ordinary vegetable and animal fats.”

'Something Fishy About Omega-3 Oils' have 5 comments

  1. March 11, 2016 @ 1:44 am Atom

    Yellow Fat Disease (e-book) by Atom (© 2016)

    The world’s largest producer of fish oils boasts, “Omega’3s from Menhaden Oil Can Save Billions in Healthcare Costs.”

    There’s a better way …

    Fill all the world’s industrial incinerators with all the world’s fish oil supplements, then we really can save billions in healthcare costs.

    Government guidelines advise eating fish only 2-3 times a week so we don’t get overburdened with mercury and other toxins.

    What if this warning is a sham?

    What if it’s for a more underhanded reason?

    What if it’s to keep human Yellow Fat Disease at a subclinical, “idiopathic” level so mega-corporations can keep banking billions of dollars selling us fish oil supplements and fish products that are dangerous to our health?

    What if many diseases of “unknown cause” really do have a cause — known only to certain corporate and government insiders?

    What if fish isn’t the ideal food we’re told it is?

    What if fish oil — just-made or completely rancid — is a poison for most of us?

    What if so many tumors on so many pets are caused by polyunsaturated fatty acids?

    What if so many well-meaning veterinarians are slowly killing so many pets by recommending fish oils?

    Can cod liver oil kill your dog? Your cat? Your horse? Your chickens?

    Can cod liver oil kill a human being?–e-books.php


  2. March 11, 2016 @ 1:48 am Atom

    “Freshen up with vital consciousness and you don’t want to eat. Nectar descends from the brain.” — Swami Nitty-Gritty


  3. March 11, 2016 @ 10:17 am Carole

    HI Atom:
    I just finished my first read of your e-book Yellow Fat Disease. Very informative and life changing. Could you please comment on the use of oils externally. I regularly use face and body creams that contain coconut oil, castor oil, shea butter and the like. Also, would you have any suggestions for all that frozen wild salmon in my freezer?


    • March 11, 2016 @ 12:57 pm Atom

      Thank you, Carole!

      Coconut oil, castor oil, and shea butter are good choices.

      I’ve eliminated three moles courtesy of castor oil.

      I honor the workers who produce castor oil, because the seed meal they remove is “only slightly less toxic than plutonium.”

      Olive oil, cocoa butter, and ghee (clarified butter) are other good choices.

      Indulge yourself with an occasional wild salmon steak in the evening. :)

      Serving eggs with salmon offsets the extra-long-chain fatty acids.

      Walk big circles around farmed salmon, since their pink color is courtesy of molecular engineering.


  4. March 11, 2016 @ 1:14 pm Matt

    Hi Atom,

    I just heard your interview with Patrick where you stated that intermittent fasting reduces HGH, instead of increasing it. Most of the info on the internet shows studies where HGH increases by 1000% after a fast. Can you point me to a book or a study which shows why you feel that intermittent fasting is not healthy. I really trust your knowledge!


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