Spiraling Order Of United Life (SOUL)



By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“A paisley print is an energy representation. Energy can’t run in a straight line.”

“There’s no such thing as a straight line. If you have a circle constructed of wire, an impact will only go halfway, then come back.”

“A turban is a spiral reminding us of the flow of energy. Guru Nanak wanted his followers to wear the turban as a reminder.”

“Kundalini is the spiraling force of two nervous systems.”

“Helio means helical, spiral, which is prana. Solar energy is helical.”

“A helix is a screw-thread spiral.”

“Spirit is spiraling power internally releasing invisible thought in terms of time. A spiral is a spring, a straight line that curves upon itself.”

“God is a spiraling, spirit principle. There’s no power in a straight line.”

“Spirituality is the spiralistic or elastic nature of God. Spiral, spirit, and spider come from the same root. The spider is a reflex of God. He spins the web of illusion, the web of Maya, through his belly, which is astral projection and the Tree of Knowledge. Everything he catches, he does not eat. He sucks the juice out, just as we suck the juice out of every experience. Only one thing can dissolve the spider’s web — the spider’s spit which is the pineal gland, the Tree of Life.”

“Soul is the spiraling order of united life.”


Dragon lines are always curved.

DNA is spiralistic, and the Sun’s magnetic field curves away from the Sun in an Archimedes’ spiral, just like the pattern of water sprayed from a rotating lawn sprinkler.


The Earth hurtles spiralistically through space.

Professor Giorgio Piccardi (The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology, 1962) wrote …

“1) during the month of March, the Earth moves in its equatorial plane; 2) during the month of September the Earth moves, if not along its axis, then in a direction not too far removed from that of the North Pole; 3) the speed of the Earth’s helicoidal displacement varies during the year and passes from a maximum in March (45 Km/sec.) to a minimum in September (24 Km/sec.); 4) the Earth is displaced with the Northern hemisphere leading, except during a small part of the month of March. If space were empty, empty of fields of matter and inactive, a consideration of this type would be of no importance. But today we know instead that both matter and fields exist in space. For this reason, the displacement of a body such as the Earth in one direction or another is not inconsequential. Its general physical conditions must vary in the course of a year.”


Jeane Manning (The Coming Energy Revolution: The Search for Free Energy, 1996) wrote …

“Whirlpools and tornadoes are both types of vortices [three-dimensional spirals]. They create a funnel of energy from top to bottom. To picture what a vortex looks like, picture the sort of spiral coil that you might find in a mattress. When viewed from the top, the spirals in a vortex get wider and wider as you go from the inside to the outside. One can see this shape everywhere in nature, from seashells to fern fronds. Motion along such a spiral can be either outward or inward. In outward motion, matter and energy are dissipated. In inward motion, however, matter and energy are created. Researchers believe that space energy and other forms of new energy follow an inward-spiralling path, and are in constant motion.”


Sarah Rossbach (Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Placement, 1983) wrote …

“Besides piercing the earth’s flesh, straight roads conduct ch’i too quickly for anyone’s good. Traditional Chinese roads thus wander slowly along the land’s contours, avoiding any disturbance to nature’s balance and tranquility.”

'Spiraling Order Of United Life (SOUL)' have 5 comments

  1. February 16, 2017 @ 3:45 pm Atom

    An acidic environment spirally coils DNA to build tissue.

    An alkaline environment uncoils DNA to tear down and renovate tissue.



  2. February 16, 2017 @ 4:35 pm Atom

    In the San Francisco Bay area, psychiatrist fees begin at $125.00 per hour, and top out around $285.00.

    Psychologist fees begin at $90.00 and top out around $150.00.


    The psychobabble crowd feeds you a pricey fish at every session.

    Plus they prescribe drugs for desert.


    Body Dowsing doesn’t feed you fish at any price.

    Body Dowsing teaches you how to fish.


    Empower yourself and walk big circles around the professional hacks and wonks who try to shrink your brain.

    Expand your brain with Body Dowsing.

    Expand your brain in the comfort of your own home.

    No “expert” need be present.


    Body Dowsing is NOT a substitute for the whole-to-the-individual top-down methods of psychiatry and psychology.

    Body Dowsing is an individual-to-the-whole bottom-up hands-on method free of theory — Temple Grandin style.


    Body Dowsing provides Memory Bank Clean-Ups For the Millions.

    It’s the ultimate in DIY (Do It Yourself).



  3. February 17, 2017 @ 2:53 am Atom

    I don’t do consultations. I do Body Dowsing and Body Skype Dowsing.

    I don’t teach WHAT.

    I teach HOW.


    Once you learn HOW, you can find WHAT any time of the night and day, 24 hours a day, Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall.

    WHAT is the noun, “fish.” HOW is the verb, “fishing.”


    Information degrades.

    Self-knowledge UPGRADES.

    Body Dowsing puts YOU in charge.

    “Gee, you are you” spells GURU. You are your own GURU.

    A GURU knows HOW to find WHAT.


    When it comes to Body Dowsing, WHAT almost always turns out to be WHO.

    It’s not, “What’s the matter with me?”

    It’s, “Who’s the matter with me?”


  4. February 17, 2017 @ 5:36 pm Chris

    Is your heat lamp more orange than red. Its shows mostly orange, though on my skin it’s different. What brand did you buy? GE?


    • February 18, 2017 @ 8:58 pm Atom

      Peak healing, according to reliable experts, lies between 650-700 nanometers.

      Some say 660nm. Others say 690nm.


      I’d prefer a “redder shade of red” than my GE Heat Lamp provides, although red-orange provides limited benefits.


      Incandescent bulbs are better than LEDs, including LED-Orange (612nm), LED-Red Orange (623nm), LED-Super Red (633nm), and LED-High Efficiency Red (635nm), but LED-Special Red (660nm) might be a good choice.


      Stay tuned to Atom’s Blog for further bulletins.


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