Steve Falconer

Steve Falconer and Patrick have been contemplating what the next step into the “Flat Earth” phenomenon. Perhaps it’s been psychological operation from a deeper perspective  than imaginable 

part one

part two

'Steve Falconer | If the Earth Is Flat, Where Is It? | September 20, 2023' have 5 comments

  1. September 23, 2023 @ 7:56 am Andy


    Besides the shape of the earth, this person is an activist who also discussed frequency, 5g, and other pressing issues. Matt Landman:


  2. September 26, 2023 @ 7:38 am George

    Patrick–add this to your playlist…great music from Conspiracy Music guru.


  3. October 1, 2023 @ 12:59 pm Jon Smith

    When you have Steve Falconer on the next time, can you have another guest that would include a scholar on the Vedas. Vedic math can be done in ones head not using any computers – that is how they did astrology back then, too, using the same method. How do I know this? Because I know Vedic math and I do not use a calculator which is inferior to Vedic math. There is nothing new to find out there we are only remembering it and revisiting it – Vedas are vast and so please have more guests who are scholars to discuss from India on your shows.


  4. October 17, 2023 @ 7:31 pm Martin

    If the Earth is not a spheroid, why does spherical trigonometry (used in navigation) work ?


  5. March 12, 2024 @ 12:59 am Graham

    Being a great fan of your virology expose videos, I find it really sad that you haven’t learnt that Flat Earth was a CIA psyop created in 2014 to discredit the ‘truth movement’. Believing that the earth is flat has always been synonymous with stupidity, and that is exactly why it has been promoted by controlled opposition – to tar the truth movement with the brush of stupidity. Yes the moon landing was a hoax, filmed in a studio, and yes NASA is lying to us about a lot of stuff. But great minds discovered that the earth was a sphere thousands of years before NASA existed.
    Flat Earth believers must therefore belong in one of two categories. 1) Controlled opposition. 2) Those who have been fooled by the CIA ‘Flat Earth’ psyop. Please don’t be fooled by this CIA psyop any longer.
    God bless. :)


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