We make or refine most of our sexual hormones at Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 a.m.), so breakfast is a crucial meal for a balanced sex drive.

Stomach Time is 180 degrees away from Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.).

We “charge” at Stomach Time and “discharge” at Circulation-Sex Time.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty said …

“What good is static electricity if you can’t use it? Creating is sex release.”

Men & Women – Almonds increase libido by stimulating the limbic system of the body.

The odor of almonds alone arouses passion in women.

The entire limbic system was formerly called the “smell brain” (rhinencephalon).

The Greek word for “almond” is amygdala. and, of course, the amygdala is the most well-known part of the emotional brain.

The amygdalae – there’s two of them – process memory and emotion and play an important role in …

SEEKING, PLAY, LUST, and CARE (to borrow psychobiologist Jaak Panksepp’s terms).

Almonds help switch off prefrontal brain neurons (including serotonin and norepinephrine) in favor of the limbic system’s emotion-mediating ones – exactly what happens during the REM state of dreaming.

Adano recommended rapid eye movements (REM) for self-cleansing …

“Do self-cleansing for self-health. Yogis are constantly cleaning their bodies.”

Men & Women – Drink Cobalamin Tonic immediately after eating breakfast at Stomach Time.

Cobalamin Tonic is a combination of coffee, cocoa, and 100% maple syrup.

Adano called it a “hormone booster rocket.”

Men & Women – Eat a salted and pickled umeboshi plum (Prunus mume) with breakfast.

An ume plum is more closely related to an apricot than a plum.

Use a nutcracker (or a hammer) to crack open the kernel to eat the seed.

The seed also contains cyanide in the form of amygdalin, so go easy on them.

I personally eat no more than one a day.

Amygdalin is found in many foods in all three Growth Periods.

To list only a few …

Zone One – cashews, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, etc.

Zone Two – millet, lentils, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, Lima beans, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.

Zone Three – potatoes, sweet potatoes, watercress, etc.

Our e-books & e-booklets are available at …


[email protected]

Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com





'Stomach Time Is the Door to Sex Drive (Libido)' have 5 comments

  1. October 5, 2012 @ 11:36 am atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty said …

    “99 percent of all arthritis problems are problems with a sex partner.”


  2. October 10, 2012 @ 5:58 pm Lucy

    Hi Atom!
    What do you think about sex and kundalini energy. Should one abstain from sex-vital life fluid- to raise the hormones needed for cellular transformation?Thank you.:))))))))


    • October 11, 2012 @ 11:19 am atomb

      This requires a longer answer, and I’ll be out of cyberspace camping at Lake Tahoe for five days.

      Briefly, Swami Nitty-Gritty said problems with STORAGE are worse than the problems with RELEASE.

      The “Hugging Saint” Amma warned fluid conservation is dangerous for those without a guru to advise them.


  3. October 12, 2012 @ 9:52 am Lucy

    OK,thanks! :))
    I need to release everything then while here in Brazil.
    I have too much crying to do too -a lot of sadness seing Mom´s pain. I do believe that she has tons of trauma -mother´s,sister´s,father´s,husband´s,family´s -everthing in her body. I think,deep inside that she likes being a victim and because of that she got sick.It´s a way of punish everyone that hurted her.Me and my sister are the ones that are having to nursing her now.

    I want to live, eat to live,live to live, so I am out of this drama – very Operatic!! Maybe this is why I don´t do-pursue- Opera anymore.I want freedom,hapiness,light !!!
    So,release is the way -no more holding on. Yes!!!
    I´ll release all my pain through yawning and stretching,farting,burping,bathroon things (can I say poop and peep here?)-everything out from now on.
    Thank you so much!!! YOU ATOM BERGSTROM ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST !!!! Many kisses and hugs,and hope you have an amazing time camping! many good energies to YOU !!


  4. October 12, 2012 @ 9:54 am Lucy



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