Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) “knew his apples” …

“Crystals give off odors at different intensities of light.

“A green apple smells like ammonia, a yellow apple smells like peppermint, and a red apple smells like malic acid.

“The ammonia in a green apple is good for diabetes.

“The peppermint in the yellow apple is for diarrhea.

“The malic acid in the red one is for melted cheese.

“An apple farts at the time of peppermint switchover to malic acid, and that’s when the worm gets in.

“When the bird eats the apple, that’s when the early worm catches the bird.”

Swami Nitty-Gritty recommended apple cider vinegar …

“Now they say, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away.’

“What is it in the apple that keeps the doctor away?

“It’s malic acid, when the apple becomes vinegar.

“So apple cider vinegar is Nature’s best antiseptic digestive substance that there is in the body.

“When you eat anything wrong, instead of panicking, this is the formula – you need 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of honey, and 8 ounces of distilled water.

“That should be your stand-by emergency kit, but it’s not so much for medicine.

“It should be a digestive once a day to flush the body through if you’re malfunctioning or eat the wrong thing.”

Swami Nitty-Gritty affirmed …

“Physical man is transforming into a man of light.

“Physio Man is evolving into Helio Man.

“Am I eating an apple or am I eating ATOMS?”

'Swami Nitty-Gritty Knew His Apples' have 10 comments

  1. June 23, 2011 @ 9:48 am hns007

    Hi Atom,
    When would be the best time to drink the ACV for a daily flush?


    • June 23, 2011 @ 12:34 pm atomb

      It’s best to take an apple cider vinegar flush immediately after eating lunch.

      Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 pm) is ideal for flushing or purging.

      You can both build and flush if you take a 20-minute nap at Small Intestine Time.


  2. June 23, 2011 @ 11:09 pm rlmenard

    Atom, I read your book, and I’ve been experimenting with the chronobiotic style of eating. I have a few observations and hunches that I would really like to pass by you with the corresponding questions. What would be the best way to do this, if possible? I will try the apple cider vinegar and honey and water after lunch and see how that works, thanks. Also, since we’re in daylight savings time right now, that means that all the times in the book need to be pushed back one hour, right? IE: small intestine time right now for me would be 12 to 1pm because of the daylight savings time? Thanks.


    • June 24, 2011 @ 1:41 pm atomb

      Small Intestine Time is from 2:00-4:00 pm during Daylight Saving Time.

      If you push the clock forward an hour at 1:00 pm, it’s 2:00 pm Banker’s Time (Daylight Saving Time), remaining 1:00 pm Biological Time (Standard Time).

      Swami Nitty-Gritty usually wore 2 wristwatches – one set to Banker’s Time and the other to Biological Time.

      When a Native American was told the reason for Daylight Saving Time, he remarked, “Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”

      Feel free to let me know about your “observations and hunches” here at Atom’s Blog. :)


  3. June 24, 2011 @ 2:18 pm rlmenard


    1. I’ve struggled with heartburn for years, but I’ve noticed that when I eat things “on time” I don’t really get it, but if I eat something out of time, I do get it again, and back with a vengence. I’ve noticed this especially when I eat something not so healthy for me out of time…but when I eat that not so healthy thing IN time, I don’t have the bad side effects…wow! What’s this all about? :-) Also, when I drink coffee in the morning without the cacao powder and grade B maple syrup, I get heartburn, but if I include those in with my cup of morning coffee – no heartburn! Also, the other night, I gave in and ate chicken at night for supper – bad heartburn! Wow!

    2. But, I’ve noticed that if I eat something REALLY healthy out of time, it doesn’t bother me hardly at all (as far as the heartburn is concerned). Ex: For supper in the evening, if I have one or two fried eggs over a small serving of rice, along with cooked Kale…I feel great, and even feel great the next morning (even though Kale isn’t a night food). My hunch is that if a food is healthy enough and is packed with mega nutrition, there is so much nutrition flooding your body that it overrides the out of time thing a bit because your body is just happy you ate it at all. Like last night, I opened a young thai coconut and even though I knew it was a daytime food, I was craving it so bad that I ate the meat out of it and drank a bit of the coconut water. But…no heartburn. I know that these young coconuts are extremely healthy for you.

    4. I’ve just received in Barefoot Herbalist’s dewormer liquid for kiling parasites. What would be the best time of day to take this? or times?..so that it would be most effective in killing and cleaning out those bugs?

    5. For the first time in a long time, breakfast is becoming a stable time – whereas before breakfast was always a battle because I knew heartburn was going to ensue, and it always did, no matter what “healthy” breakfast of “champions” I ate…Now, I have my small handful of soaked almonds, my cobalamin drink, fruit, a few more nuts, and no heartburn.


    • June 24, 2011 @ 7:22 pm atomb

      Thanks for your observations and comments.

      Heartburn is a syndrome affecting the gastroesophageal junction and the lower esophageal sphincter.

      The latter is incorrectly called a sphincter – it’s operated by PRESSURE.

      Time Conscious Living – eating “in time,” exercising “in time,” etc. – prevents heartburn.

      Look for emotional correlations.

      Back in the year when I had it (2003 or 2004), a friend showed me a bottle of cranberry juice and I had a severe attack 10 feet away from the offending food.

      My trauma was connected to the color magenta – similar to the color of cranberry juice.

      I addressed the mneme and the engram, and the syndrome was gone 2 weeks later – with much help from Sufi teacher Adnan Sarhan’s exercises during Summer Sufi Camp in the mountains of New Mexico. :)

      Maybe I’ll discuss heartburn and GERD the next time I’m on Patrick’s show.


      • June 25, 2011 @ 7:30 pm rlmenard

        Thank you, yes, that would be great if you could address heartburn and GERD next time! I used to never have heartburn, but used to get it very severely when I was pregnant for my first child, 14 1/2 years ago, and it seems nothing I have done has ever made a difference! Eating in time has helped a great deal, though. It’s not all the way gone, but then again, my diet is not all the way “there” yet, and I’ve been so discouraged about exercise because it’s hard to find a time when a) I don’t have heartburn, and b)I don’t have a full stomach. I have a rebounder at home (a JumpSport fitness, with the bungee cords), but bouncing up and down when you have heartburn is horrible. Thank you so much for your helpful input. I don’t know what you are referring to about the mneme and engram. Maybe I should look further into it. Thanks – Lisa


        • June 26, 2011 @ 4:31 pm atomb

          See my recent blog entry about heartburn.

          It’s a “cookbook” explanation and may have no relevance to you whatsoever.

          Thanks for your questions, Lisa. :)


  4. July 31, 2011 @ 8:33 am RadioGuGu

    Dear Atom : )

    “Candida & vinegarS” comes to mind..

    Please, tell us more about apple cyder vinegar in this case.


    • August 2, 2011 @ 1:31 pm atomb

      Candida overgrowth indicates an immunity challenge.

      When not colonizing, Candida protects the retina, esophagus, etc.

      Vinegar – including apple cider vinegar – is not a morning food.


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