A passenger had a heart attack on a plane flying to Houston, Texas.

It was a classic NOONTIME “businessman’s heart attack.”

(Heart Time is from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Sundial Time.)

A flight attendant asked, “Is there a doctor on the plane?”

No one answered.

“Is there a doctor on the plane?”


“Please, is there a doctor on the plane?”


“Is there anyone who knows anything about heart attacks on this plane?”


“Does anyone here know anything about heart attacks?”


“Does anyone here know anything about heart attacks?”

The man with 3 belly buttons – Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) – raised his hand.

He always declined to interfere in other people’s karma unless he was asked 3 times.

Swami Nitty-Gritty pinched the pinkie fingers of both the man’s hands.

He asked, “Which one hurts most?”

“The right one.”

The right side of his body was involved, indicating a gall bladder crisis – and a FEMALE TRAUMA precipitating it – instead of the heart itself.

(The Gall Bladder Meridian is a 180-degree SHUNT for the Heart Meridian.)

Swami Nitty-Gritty asked, “What color do you think of when you feel the pain?”

“Gray and orange.”

The man “didn’t have the gall” to tell his wife about his affair with his secretary.

Swami Nitty-Gritty squeezed both sides of the nail bed on the right pinkie and the man’s chest pain dissipated.

An ambulance was waiting for the man when the plane landed at Houston Hobby International Airport.

He was grateful enough to mail Swami Nitty-Gritty a check for $1,000 as a donation for saving his life.

PS: BODY & ORGAN & MERIDIAN LANGUAGE will be an essential part of the curriculum at the Ojai School of Time Conscious Living.

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