Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Adam is reason, the inductive nature of yourself, the rational damming up of forces to use flow. It can become combustible. Eve is emotion and combustion. What good is static electricity if you can’t USE it? Creating is sex release.”

(Note: Adano explained, “Adam and Eve is the sperm and the ovum. The sperm is silicon. The ovum is carbon. Pregnancy is sulfurization.”)

… and …

“The sex force is not life force. The sex force is a function of life force, and we misconstrue and say that when a person is indulging in sex he is wasting his life force. To some degree he is wasting certain body chemicals by wrong use of it, but wrong storage would produce the adverse condition.”

(Note: Adano actually went so far as to say, “No celibate person can reach enlightenment.” He advocated the Way of the Householder.)

… and …

“For a vibrant sex life for conception, a woman eats plantain in the morning and a man a night. A woman eats two-thirds of a plantain in the morning, and the man eats one-third. In the evening, the woman eats one-third, and the man eats two-thirds.”

(Note: This is also for enduring love relationships. However, if the plantain is undercooked, Adano cautioned, this strategy will backfire and negatively affect a couple’s sex life. A ripe plantain should be baked at 300 to 350 degrees till it breaks open and has a pronounced odor. Then leave it in the oven till the plantain turns copper-colored.)

… and …

“Eat oysters for sex drive. Oysters are rich in iodine to stabilize hormones. Too much or too little iodine can make you impotent – sperm is marine life.”

(Note: A folk saying goes, “If you eat oysters, you last longer; if you eat clams, you love longer; and, if you eat fish, you live longer.”)

… and …

“Marine oil is a hormonal stimulant. Hormones are live volcanoes after being shut down a long time.”

(Note: Andre Prevost said, “Platonic love is a dormant volcano.”)

… and …

“Take tequila and pineapple juice for mucus in the sex organs.”

(Note: Pineapple strongly affects the taste of both seminal and vaginal fluids.)

… and …

“You do not wear gold lower than the sexual organs. Gold is a frequency that is exactly like skin, and if it is brought within certain areas of the endocrine system, it has a particular action. Below the sexual organs will start depletion or excessive stimulation. Gold worn above the solar plexus starts to conserve energy because it is coming closer to he heart, so the bracelet [astrological armlet] must be worn above the elbow.”

(Note: “Nip to tip” traces the Circulation-Sex Meridian from the nipple to the tip of the middle finger. Adano advised, “Gold rings should actually be worn on the middle finger of the left hand because that finger is connected right back to the median of the body.”)

… and …

“Use orange to control sex. Orange is for breaking up the pattern of fixations.”

(Note: Orange is the “warmest” color, and blue is the “coolest.” Unresolved sexual traumas cause either an unnatural craving for the color orange, or an avoidance of it, according to Adano. Blue associates with “disappointment” and “rejection,” and sometimes the biological rejection known as abortion, spontaneous or otherwise. In ancient Greece, orange stood for “avenged infidelity.”)

… and …

“Use scarlet as a sex builder.”

(Note: Scarlet is an aphrodisiac, whereas purple is an anaphrodisiac.)

… and …

“The best bedroom colors are pink and orange.”

(Note: Adano’s second choice was “pink and violet, and a little white or gold or blue.” Green is for pregnancy.)

… and …

“Sexual trauma retains copper, causing too much electrical conduction, which, in turn, causes stroke. Also, phosphorous is too dry.”

(Note: Excess copper – or unabsorbed copper – can cause a zinc deficiency and vulnerability to high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. Women usually have higher tissue copper levels than men, and, although men have more risk factors for stroke, women actually have more strokes.)

… and …

“Horny is a function of hydrogen.”

(Note: Adano equated oxygen with “consciousness,” nitrogen with “will,” and hydrogen with “desire” … and hydrogen combined with nitrogen as “will power.”)

… and …

“Hypnosis can be more intimate than sex. The hypnotist takes on the karma of the hypnotized.”

(Note: Tantric techniques usually involve HYPNOSEX or TANDEM HYPNOSIS, a sublime sharing of karma. The Tantric EYE LOCK is a prime example. By three weeks, a baby regards staring as an aggressive and threatening act, the origin of an adult’s aversion to the “evil eye.” Open-eyed sex and orgasm – let alone the Eye Lock – are threatening to a fragile ego, exhibited by the many folks having sex with their eyes closed or with the lights out.)

… and …

“Man marries an image and wants to put a frame around her and hang it on a wall. Man marries what he sees – because she walks and wiggles. She marries for what she hears. In a male-dominated home, the man wakes up first.”

(Note: Male babies are more sight-oriented, whereas female babies are more sound-oriented.)

… and …

“Christ’s fourth test was marriage, the last temptation of Christ.”

(Note: Christ’s first three tests, according to Adano, were EATING, the chemical test of “matter acting on matter,” SUICIDE, the electrical test of “energy acting on matter,” and POSSESSING, the magnetic test of “consciousness acting on matter.”)

… and …

“Nude dancers make good sexual partners because their hormones are overstimulated. However, they don’t make good wives because the agitated hormones leave them susceptible to boredom, and it’s had for them to stay in only one relationship.”

(Note: I was “in the house” when Adano totally unnerved a topless dancer by giving her darhan while she tied to perform a lap dance for him at Baby-O’s in Houston.)

… and …

“Marijuana is ‘marry wanna.’ If you don’t know how to stay married, no one’s gonna wanna you.”

(Note: Adano cautioned, “Marijuana causes the slow disintegration of the electrical field of the cells. This process takes eleven years. Marijuana emulsifies the lymphatic system, causes the lungs to harden, and causes impotence. The only therapeutic use for pot is during childbirth.”)




'Swami Nitty-Gritty on Sex & Marriage' have 3 comments

  1. December 8, 2011 @ 1:47 pm atomb

    Re: What is a plantain?

    A plantain banana is also known as a “macho banana,” and is available in the produce section of most supermarkets.

    It has less sugar than a regular banana, and has to be cooked.

    Bananas (all kinds) help boost testosterone.

  2. January 2, 2012 @ 4:32 pm suz

    Atom, please tell me how to get rid of wrinkles. Thank you.

    • January 2, 2012 @ 6:54 pm atomb

      Here’s how to start eliminating wrinkles.

      Eat soaked almonds for breakfast at Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 am) every day – one per ten pounds of desired body weight.

      If you split an almond in half and run your tongue around an inside half, it will feel like smooth glass.

      It eventually has the same effect on your skin. :)

      (It’s a sensual feeling too.)

      Stay tuned to Atom’s Blog for more information.

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