Re: I want to encourage my intuition. Is there a better way to do this other than sticking fluoride toothpaste in my ears?

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“If we slow the brain down to the rate of the heart, we will have convex vision, or intuition.”

“Intellect is a large vocabulary. Intuition is a large understanding. Many wise men have led us down the garden path of ignorance, but the ignorant man leads us nowhere but to our wise men.”

“Intuition is common sense. Sense comes in three polarities. Sense is positive, nonsense is negative, and common sense is neutral.”

“Thinking is cataloging a book called mind. The intellect is a posed picture. The intuition is a spontaneous picture.”

“Neanderthal man was a mammal too, till intellect made him human, but not man yet, who has intuition. There is no Superman, only intuitive man evolving from intellectual man evolving from five-sense operative man.”

Sat is the five senses, photography. Chit is the intellect. Ananda is intuition, timing. The synchronicity of the infinite velocity is anandum – bliss is not a state, it’s an acton when two things merge. You can only live in it in two stages, immobile and mobile – security as security or insecurity as security. One offers pacification and tranquilization. The other constantly aggravates you, and forces you to react and get strong and healthy. Savikalpa samadhi is sedation. Nirvikalpa samadhi is health. Hate breeds intelligence. Dumb loving people live in sedation.”

“The sixth sense is the five senses accelerated. Equilibrium is the intuitive frequencies of the body. The audible life stream drifting is negative, or Kal. It is the downward pull of the body.”

(Note from Atom – Kal is “time,” and the downward pull of the body is the “Fall of Man.”)

“Your five senses look at things. Your intellect labels it. Intuition capsulates time to movement, and is independent of the senses and the intellectual wavelength. Time is the intuitive function, not the geometry or label.”

“Acceleration is the synchronization of the cell to the environment. Intuition is when to function. I may know what’s ahead, but I can’t experience ahead. It’s the moment of acting that validates intuition, that IS intuition. You can be informed or in form. If you say it and if it’s not demonstrative, then you’re a liar.”

“Intuitive regulation is the Christ nature, which is in charge of the time dynamics.”

“Circumprocess living is spontaneous intuitive living. Point-to-point mathematical constriction is logical and limited living. The intrinsic overflow of time explains how everything falls into place and you still have overflow.”

“Radionics is radio-bionics, an enhancement process. It is electromagnetic resonance, the intuitive level independent of the senses.”

“It’s revelation, not visualization. The school of total knowledge is the college of your own brain. Books are the long route to it. Dreams are the short-cut route to it. Electromagnetic resonance is the intuitive level independent of the senses. Oxygen is necessary for biophotography of the brain – witnessing atomic elements in the bionic state of continuity.”

“The owl is symbolic of the medicine man or the wise man. The eagle is symbolic of clear vision, reaching for the heights. The owl is never asleep at night, That’s knowing ‘who’ you are when you’re sound asleep. First learn the owl, then the eagle. The unlimited insight of intuition is the eagle. The journey is a change from ‘who’ to ‘what.'”

“The closest thing to the resonance of intuition is [the sound of] whales and dolphins – cosmic Morse code.”

“The intuitive man doesn’t have attachments or fixations.”


'Swami Nitty-Gritty On the Moment Of Acting That IS Intuition' have 6 comments

  1. January 19, 2013 @ 4:37 am atomb

    “Out of all the spiritual teachers and great Masters you’ve ever met, who influenced you the most?” Adano was asked.

    He answered without hesitation, “Artie Shaw, for his VERSATILITY.”

    Adano said listening to jazz helps develop intuition.

    His technique? Strive to anticipate each note before it’s played.

    • January 19, 2013 @ 4:43 am jean

      “Strive to anticipate each note before it’s played.”
      > I have attained this state with now many grey records! ;)

  2. January 21, 2013 @ 5:29 am lydia

    Hi Atom
    Thanks for all the great information. In January’s podcast you talk about cold sores and a stone you can use in a humidifier. I could not catch the name of the stone, also how often do you use it and drink the water.

    • January 21, 2013 @ 12:27 pm atomb

      It’s the rose-colored variety of lepidolite, containing the trace elements lithium, rubidium, and cesium.

      Put it in a humidifier and run it from 2:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

      Drinking the water is for special therapy only.

  3. January 24, 2013 @ 12:34 pm Ryan

    Atom – Thanks for this compilation of Adano quotes.

    It’s so amazing how a true teacher will blow you away every single time you read and reread and reread again their words!!

    Thanks for recording them!


    • January 27, 2013 @ 1:44 am atomb

      Thanks, Ryan! I’m glad I followed him around with a pen in my hand. :)

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