Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) said …

“The human brain is the only mechanism that can trigger atomic energy by thinking via the cerebrospinal fluid.”

& …

“The vowels take you from the base of the spine to the cervicals.

“The consonants take you from the nostrils up to the top of the head.

“Consonants are the drone – constant consonants.”

NOTE: The vertebral plexuses resonate with the 5 vowels of the alphabet and the brain resonates with the consonants, esp. “M,” “N,” and “NG.”

(1) The vowel “A” resonates with the coccyx,

(2) “E” with the sacral vertebrae,

(3) “I” with the lumbar vertebrae,

(4) “O” with the thoracic vertebrae, and

(5) “U” with the cervical vertebrae (and at the U-shaped hyoid bone in the throat).

“OM” takes you from the heart to the crown.

& …

“The spinal column is the altar of the temple.

“The spinal cord is a heart.

“The heart is a brain.”

& …

“Don’t lock your mind off to the body’s autopractic capabilities.

“A chiropractic adjustment takes care of spinal alignment, but the muscle is still full of gas and needs to be corrected.”

NOTE: An example of an autopractic technique is dancing yourself into alignment.

Another example of self-chiropractic alignment is doing a breath-assisted Yoga exercise such as the Spinal Twist – ON ONE SIDE ONLY.

& …

“Bamboo is a fiber model of bone.

“It is like hollow bones with joints, and ghee is for bone marrow.

“Heat bamboo up to harden it.

“Spin the body to make the bone hard.”

NOTE: Now you know another reason why Sufis WHIRL.

Swami Nitty-Gritty advised eating bamboo, clarified butter, 1000-year-old-eggs, and ginger together at night for strong bones and teeth.

& …

“The head is the base of the thermometer.

“The spinal fluid is the mercurial measurement.

“The dead man is cold.

“Everything runs back into the head at death.

“Pseudo or placebo death is in the solar plexus.”

NOTE: The “conscious coma” produced by tetrododoxin poisoning is an example of “placebo death.”

It is well-covered by Wade Davis in his 1985 book, The Serpent and the Rainbow.

& …

“The spine is set up like a flute, 6 holes in front and one in the back.”

NOTE: Paramahansa Yogananda warned, “A bent spine is the enemy of realization.”

The “internal sounds” of the 7 endogenous states of spiritual advancement are, starting at the coccyx …

(1) bees, drums, or rolling marbles;

(2) flute, trumpet, or reed;

(3) string or harp;

(4) bells;

(5) thunderclap;

(6) lightning; and

(7) bagpipes or oboe.

& …

“Kundalini is the bioenergetic kinesis of the body, the spiraling force of 2 nervous systems.

“Kundalini is an accelerated constriction-dilation of tissues.

“You gotta constrict before you dilate.

“Kundalini is when the alcohol is rushing upward in the spinal cord – the spine is an inverted thermometer.”

& …

“The Kundalini flow of energy is a bipolar vortex that spins around the spinal cord.

“A snake was the symbol for a coil and springlike action.

“When a wire becomes a spring, it is an inherent property of the wire.”

NOTE: It’s a far better choice to cultivate cosmodyne force (Life Flow) instead of Kundalini force (Magnetic Flow).

Cosmodyne force is the Tree of Life, and Kundalini force is the Tree of Knowledge.

The Garden of Eden is the human body.


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