The 24-hour rotational cycle of Earth bio-entrains human beings to the identical cycle.
If a jet traveler flies westward (east to west) against Earth’s rotation, he lengthens his biologically synchronized 24-hour cycle, and is prone to depression – a hypo, dilated, sedative, parasympathetic effect.
If a jet traveler flies eastward (west to east) with Earth’s rotation, he shortens his biologically synchronized 24-hour cycle, and is prone to mania – a hyper, constricted, stimulant, sympathetic effect.
One way to oppose such “jet lag” effects is to calibrate the body’s intrinsic 24-hour temperature cycle to the Organ Bio-Peak Clock, aligning the body’s highest internal temperature with that of Kidney Time (5:00-7:00 p.m.).
Biological clocks – for humans as well as any other living or semi-living (viruses) creatures – are not absolutely temperature-independent.
They’re temperature-compensated.
When the 24-hour light cycle becomes constant (Light-Light or Dark-Dark instead of Light-Dark), the temperature cycle emerges from the biological background as a back-up system.
A jet traveler simply has to eat according to his internal temperature cycle until he eats his way into calibration with the local light cycle.
This can be used to pre-adapt to a new time zone by synchronizing meals (calories, a heat measurement) to the temperature rhythm of the destination – but this must be done for three days under constant 24-hour exposure to light (Light-Light instead of Light-Dark).
Constant exposure to darkness works even better, but a constant Dark-Dark rhythm is impractical for most of us in modern society.
This temperature-compensation is often used by cockroaches.
Leaving the light on 24 hours a day will keep them away – for a few days.
When they get hungry or thirsty enough, their Heat Clock overrides their Light Clock, and they return.
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …
“The ‘when’ is always occurring in the ‘now.’ Why, what, how, where, perhaps, and maybe are all fixations. Until you get down to the ‘when,’ you don’t have any action.”
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'Temperature-Compensated Jet Traveling' have 2 comments
June 3, 2012 @ 7:20 pm atomb
ACIDIFY OR DIE: The Myth of the Benefits of an Alkaline Diet, 2012 …
Of course, being too acidic IS a serious health hazard. To say otherwise would be ridiculous (and irresponsible).
But high-level wellness is about BALANCE, not lopsidedness.
So “Acidify or Die” is a data-intensive rebuttal to the “Alkalize or Die” media blitz of misinformation and disinformation.
Your highest choice is Dynamic and Rhythmic Acid-Base Homeostasis 24 hours a day for Super Immunity and Extreme Longevity. :)
Acidify or Die is available at …
June 3, 2012 @ 7:31 pm atomb
“Where does smoke go when you move incense? It’s an example of acceleration to the mass.” – Swami Nitty-Gritty