Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Initiation is the key to the automobile.”

“The guru is the salesman who guarantees comebacks and warranties. The mechanic is the person who teaches you to drive the car away from guys like us.”

“Staying well is not to bump your car. Learning health is obeying rules.”

“The car is right here, and here is now. We don’t go anywhere.”

“Aches and pains is how we learn to drive the car.”

“The guru supplies a shortcut through space and time to the destination.”

“They bury the cell but they never bury the oxygen. But the next cell comes up and the oxygen is waiting for it.”

“Oxygen can’t see itself, but it knows how to call itself ‘I.’ ‘I am oxygen.'”

“I and the Mother are One.”

“Image and likeness are positive and negative, Yang and Yin, sperm and ovum.”

“Soul is being. ‘Me’ is the unified field. ‘I’ is ‘you.'”

“Routine ritualism to keep oneself healthy and relate oneself to the environment is religion.”

“Moment-to-moment practicality is spirituality.”

“Ultimatums – do this, do that – are not the solution to survival.”

“Compassion is the solution to survival. To forgive is to be compassionate. To forgive is to give forth of myself (to the surface). How do you know how much is in your savings account until your checking account is challenged?”

“‘I am’ states it is – the sole Lord.”

“‘I am’ has no geometry. No one has seen God an lived. Cell is the hell of it all.”

“There is no sound without oxygen. The electron is oxygen – negative ion. Positive ions kill you.”

“The unified field is oxygen, specific and varied.”

“You are reality when you image your imagination. ‘It is said, it is done, so be it.'”

“You can only live truth. You can’t know truth.”

“Nobody makes truth. We are truth.”

“Heaven and Hell is oxygen and carbon dioxide.”

“You don’t have free will. You have free choice.”

“If you say, ‘yes, but,’ you will never live now.”

“Breath is ‘with all your strength.'”

“Now is ‘won.'”

“Question is the quest of the ion. Ignorant is ignore and rant. Answer is ‘and so.’ Know is now is won.”

“The guru puts his thumb on your forehead, and the bulb is put in the projector.”

“The film is in the dark of the medulla oblongata. Oxygen is the audience.”

“‘When your eyes are single.’ That’s the pair of eyes you have in your head.”

“Biological TV is when the atoms are in a state of kinetic ignition.”

“The skin is called ‘darkness.'”

“Attachment is biological alignment to an object.”

“Freedom is prismatically mirroring everything.”

“Animals never get cramps.”

“There are five causes of disease – genetics, toxic ingestion, bacteria and viruses, broken bone, and trauma.”

“Trauma is either physical or emotional.”

“There are five ways to get well – yawning, yelling, crying, language, and colonics.”

“The sixth sense is the integration of the five senses, all five senses working in unison.”

“You live in the cell as oxygen but you don’t know that you think you are a being unto yourself.”

“All of us live in the c-e-l-l, and all of us are actually the o-x-y-g-e-n. If you don’t breathe, the cell is gone.”


'The Best Guru Is Your Automobile' have 5 comments

  1. September 15, 2013 @ 2:37 pm atomb

    My e-books are available at …

    Most of the quotes above are from …

    Butterflies Need No Taxidermist: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Resurrection Lifestyles of Swami Nitty-Gritty

  2. September 15, 2013 @ 3:53 pm Matt Phillips

    Language….language of thoughts , language of speech, or something else?

    • September 15, 2013 @ 4:14 pm atomb

      Our thoughts are like reading a contract.

      Our speech is like signing a contract.

      Unfortunately, moving your lips while you read is the same as signing.

      Doctors warn their patients not to read after any surgery affecting the vocal cords.

  3. September 17, 2013 @ 7:26 am John

    Hi Atom,
    cloudy sediment in a man’s urine, what is it & where does it come from (prostate, bladder, kidneys, testes) ?

    • September 17, 2013 @ 3:05 pm atomb

      Urine is similar to blood. It’s an indicator of numerous syndromes.

      Seven factors provide insights to sediment in the urine …

      (1) total-blood potassium

      (2) intracellular potassium

      (3) extracellular (serum) potassium

      (4) urine pH

      (5) urine specific gravity

      (6) urine surface tension

      (7) saliva or nasal pH

      Additionally – and more specifically – multiparameter urine test strips evaluate …

      (1) proteins

      (2) glucose

      (3) ketones

      (4) hemoglobin

      (5) bilirubin

      (6) urobilinogen

      (7) acetone

      (8) nitrite

      (9) leucocytes

      (10) pathogens

      (11) etc.

      One test for high blood sugar is simple …

      Urinate near ants, and, if you have excess glucose in your urine, they will be attracted to your urine.

      Otherwise, ants will not be drawn to it.

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