Dr. Daniel G. Amen is the tool of the Rockefeller Cartel.
Refer to the two main definitions of the word “cartel,” with emphasis on the first.
(1) “An association of manufacturers and suppliers that maintains prices at a high level and restricts competition .”
(2) “A coalition of cooperative arrangement between political parties to promote a mutual interest.”
The Rockefeller coalition is indeed a COAL-ition, a conspiracy of the four coal-producing nations under the command of the Rockefeller Coal Tar Cartel.
It’s intimately intertwined with the notorious I.G. Farben conglomerate, supposedly “demerged.”
Dr. Amen deliberately puts the cart before the horse to promote the molecular biology and genetic engineering agenda of the Global Elite.
His victims also get a huge dose of gamma ray radiation from his SPECT scans.
Smile, your brain is on Gamma Camera!
Doctor Amen advertises doing “high resolution brain SPECT imaging in a clinical substance abuse practice.”
Jeez, Louise, SPECT imaging itself is “a clinical substance abuse practice.”
The human CELL is a photographic plate.
Be vigilant about what kind of “pictures” are being “developed” in your basic UNIT of protoplasm.
The cell is the intergalactic part-time headquarters of sovereignty – the Kingdom of the Holy Mud (potassium/calcium).
The nucleus of the cell is the intergalactic part-time headquarters of republicanism – the Kingdom of the Holy Volcano (rubidium/strontium/ammonium).
The interstitial formation is the intergalactic part-time headquarters of democracy – the Kingdom of the Holy Ocean (sodium/magnesium).
Doctor Amen is a dupe of Rockefelleran Christianity,
“A rose is a rose is a rose” may be true, but “Christianity is Christianity is Christianity” is not.
He was “schooled” – not “educated” – at Southern California College (Vanguard University of Southern California) and Oral Roberts University School of Medicine.
Doctor Amen is a member in good standing of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), a front for the Coal Tar Cartel and the anti-sovereign “DNA Is Destiny” political agenda – a political alliance between the “hard Darwinists” (SIR Francis Galton) and the “soft Darwinists (BARONESS Beatrice Webb).
The APA – founded in 1844 – is a Siamese twin of the CIA and other racial hygiene fronts that promote “grand rounds” in the hospitals owned by the Rockefeller Cartel.
Happiness – a product of relativity and the “Seven Sisters of the Brain” – is the trap.
Joy – “cell-realization” and the unification of the “Seven Sisters of the Brain” – is the intergalactic portal.
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) noted …
“The Declaration of Independence guarantees us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but not to happiness itself.”
Why do you think the United Nations is so obsessed with happiness and promotes a Gross National Happiness Index?
You can’t make a man happy be throwing him a party, as Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) observed.
The Rockefeller Cartel eventually co-opts EVERYTHING, including the Hippie Movement of the 1960s.
Now it’s all about “hippie entrepreneurship.”
Bhutan’s anti-GMO policy is a Coal Tar Cartel MIRAGE to make the minions of the world think they are “making progress.”
One inch forward, three inches backwards.
It’s always going to be that way unless people WAKE UP.
Do you really think we’re making progress because Bhutan has gone non-GMO?
The King of Bhutan was educated at Phillips Academy Andover (Massachusetts), “a highly selective, prestigious co-educational independent boarding preparatory school for boarding and day students in grades 9-12, along with a post-graduate (PG) year.”
Care to investigate this monarchy in person?
Bhutan has the “most dangerous airport in the world,” so “dangerous” only eight pilots are allowed to land there.
'The Coal Tar Cartel Is a Coalition Of Coal Tar & Petroleum' have 12 comments
May 20, 2013 @ 8:29 pm B
Hi Atom,
When breathing slows naturally, there is less need for intake of water, and less urination is experienced, due to slow down of deterioration in cells and slowing down of krebs cycle? I don’t know, that is why I am asking. I can see (color of urine) and feel (energy, clairty) that I am hydrated, but I would like to know the nitty-gritty. Is Gray’s Anatomy worth the weight, or are there better anatomy and physiology books for intelligent laypeople to use as reference? Hopefully something that isn’t out of print!
May 21, 2013 @ 3:01 am atomb
It’s healthful when the breath slows naturally. :)
Forced is not a good idea.
I prefer Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, even though it’s “dated.”
May 21, 2013 @ 12:24 pm B
Why are a lot of these blood oranges, orange on top (stem side) and red on the bottom?
Have a good day,
May 21, 2013 @ 2:29 pm atomb
(1) More minerals are in the origin of a muscle – the proximal end of a muscle.
More minerals congregate where a fruit attaches to its stalk.
(2) Less minerals are in the insertion of a muscle – the distal end of a muscle.
Less minerals congregate on the opposite end of where a fruit attaches to its stalk.
It’s Geometric Body Resonance.
May 21, 2013 @ 12:26 pm B
Are there any oranges that have red on the bottom, orange, and then yellow on the top? Hehe. A citrus sandwich.
May 21, 2013 @ 3:14 pm atomb
LOL :)
May 21, 2013 @ 4:32 pm atomb
You may or may not know that Heavy Metal Hair Analysis was pioneered by the CIA and The Invisible College.
Are any of my readers perceptive enough to know how this benefits the New World Order and the Coal Tar Cartel?
May 22, 2013 @ 11:50 pm B
When something could be a threat, what else is there to do than pioneer it.
May 22, 2013 @ 9:25 am lydia
Hi Atom
Is there any music/sounds you can listen to and nutrition to aid concentration when studying at college.
May 22, 2013 @ 3:16 pm atomb
If you can find it on the Internet, the Prism-er of Love is ideal.
If not, jazz is second best, followed by classical music (esp. Bach and Beethoven).
Have someone muscle-test you (muscle response testing) to tailor-fit the music.
May 22, 2013 @ 11:51 pm B
I like for someone to muscle-touch me when I’m studying.
May 25, 2013 @ 10:27 pm atomb