What happens when you shine orange light on ducks?

It encourages them to mate.

Rabbits too.

Orange energizes the Svadhisthana, or Hypogastric and Inguinal Chakra, which is intimately associated with human sexual and reproductive functions.

Orange regulates the hydraulic functions of the body, such as blood, lymph, and that potent type of lecithin known as semen.

The genitals of both men and women expand and contract with hydraulics.

Orange mobilizes the body’s electronic and enzymatic systems.

Acupuncture accesses specific pathways that traverse the body.

An electrolyte readily dissolves in SOLUTION and becomes electrically conductive, which means any form of electrical therapy, including acupuncture, depends on the Body’s hydraulic (Svadhisthana) system for satisfactory results.

One translation of Svadhisthana is “sweetness,” meaning the “sweetness of desire,” but it’s actually the SALT Chakra.

The Root Chakra (Manipura) is the SUGAR Chakra.

Orange is a prominent color of the pigmented hydrocarbons called carotenoids.

Carotenoids range in color from red to yellow, especially affecting the first three chakras.

They occur widely in plants and animals, and are responsible for the color of salmon, shrimp, flamingos, as well as yams, carrots, pumpkins, and oranges.

The orange-pigmented carotenes, especially beta-carotene, are particularly useful to humans, and specifically affect such “water” problems as phlegm, exudations, and inadequate breast milk (the color orange is a galactagogue).

Orange-hued alien pigmentation of the iris of the eye is an example of “color constipation” – carotenoids are being incompletely metabolized, often due to spleen and/or pancreas dysfunction.

Diabetes often destroys sexual vitality and potency, one reason the Second Chakra is sometimes mistakenly called the “Spleen Chakra.”

Orange stimulates digestive fluids and the flow of saliva.

It activates the thyroid while depressing the parathyroids.

The color indigo reverses the scenario, depressing the thyroid while activating the parathyroids.

The Orange Ray is dominant between 9:00 a.m.-noon, another reason the Second Chakra is mistaken for the “Spleen Chakra.”

The Indigo Ray is dominant between 9:00 p.m.-midnight, which is why iodine foods should be used judiciously after 9:00 p.m., and “iodine blockers,” such as garlic, onions, peanuts, parsley, turnips, rutabagas, tequila, aloe, and pineapple, are therapeutically valuable during Thyroid Time (9:00-11:00 p.m.)

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'The Color Orange & the Electronics of Sexuality' have 25 comments

  1. July 28, 2012 @ 11:08 pm atomb

    The Bitter Chakra is the Thyroid Chakra.

    Coffee without sugar, anyone?


  2. July 29, 2012 @ 9:58 pm lucy

    yummy,I love coffee without sugar.
    Atom,after 9 pm ? Isn’t too late to eat an onion,garlic?
    Normally I eat at 7 pm,and the tequila sunset at 9-11 pm,but as you said I can
    have only pineapple and aloe (sometimes tequila).
    I have problems with peanut butter at night.In fact should one eat peanut butter?
    Or it is better only eating peanuts.My mother in law gave an recipe with 1 cup peanut butter,1 egg ,1 or more Tablespoon of clover honey -mix it and bake it as a cookie.
    What do you think?


    • July 29, 2012 @ 10:55 pm atomb

      7:00 p.m. is best for onions or garlic, but other times are OK for therapy.

      An example is garlic at Gall Bladder Time (11:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.) to help the biliary system.

      Some people have trouble with peanuts or peanut butter due to the way peanuts are grown and processed in the U.S.

      There’s no peanut allergies in China or Africa … yet.

      Your mother-in-law’s cookies are probably delicious, just don’t overindulge. ;)


  3. July 30, 2012 @ 2:58 pm Vera

    Can you tell me, please, what is the brown color trauma?
    And what is black color trauma?

    I have lupus for 2 decades now (I’m almost 40) and 2 weeks ago I had all my mercury fillings and one (and only) root canal removed. And thanks to you I’m eating Brasilian nuts and plenty of eggs. I’m feeling great for now besides all health things I do, but come to think of it I still see brown color in my gut area when I think of my illness. And I see black color in my chest, something like heavy weight.

    Thanks a lot, and I love your work :)


    • August 1, 2012 @ 10:31 pm atomb

      Brown has to do with attachment.

      Conception may be the only healthy attachment there is.

      Black involves unresolved issues with one’s father.

      Yawning helps take the “weight” (emotional as well as physical) off the chest.

      Thanks! :)


  4. July 30, 2012 @ 8:18 pm lucy

    Thanks Atom.
    I’ll have 1 or 2 cookies with ginger tea.


  5. August 1, 2012 @ 8:56 am lucy

    What ‘s the relationship between brasilian nuts and eggs?
    I know that black color is father traum,and brown comes from orange that is a sex traum.
    Is it?


    • August 1, 2012 @ 9:00 am lucy

      My husband has a irregular heart beat sometimes that goes away when he eats garlic and onions.Last night we ate tons of garlic,onions and mushrooms and he felt great .
      He was with the irregular heart beat,some kind of fever and very tired,and after that meal he felt great.Do you have any idea what it is?


      • August 1, 2012 @ 10:50 pm atomb

        Do you have a health adviser?

        Garlic in moderation is used to help prevent heart disease and atherosclerosis.

        Mushrooms are good for the pericardium when eaten at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.).


    • August 1, 2012 @ 10:40 pm atomb

      Brazil nuts and eggs have sulfur in common.

      Brown is the color of attachment.

      It’s sexual and reproductive by being related to conception.

      The frequency of orange and a certain shade of brown are exactly the same.

      The only thing different is the INTENSITY.


      • August 2, 2012 @ 3:26 am Vera

        You are so right about colors, orange, yellow and brown are my nightmare colors and I’m always wearing blue, light blue or white. It can be related to my parents because my father was always weak and mother dominated and aggressive. And at the time a got sick there were guys that either tried to aggressively dominate or they expected to treat them as if I was their mother. And at some point I gave up the idea I could have a loving relationship with a “real man” who would love, respect and treat me as a woman, not his mother or/and enemy. It could be that attachment or sexual trauma.
        Last night I started your color meditation and in seconds I recognised my fear of money too(that is coming from my father side = father trauma). Orange color could be money also.
        Thank you so much, I’ve learned so many things from you.

        And for Lucy – Atom gave me his advice how to remove mercury from my body after fillings removal and so far it is working great.
        10 years ago I had similiar problem with my heart and homeophatic remedy for Cocxsackie virus helped and cured it in two months.


        • August 3, 2012 @ 11:07 am lucy

          Hi Vera,
          Thank you for your response regarding the irregular heartbeat. This is Joe, Lucy’s husband writing here. I have spoken with Atom and he gave me a pressure point to alleviate this which also worked, but it is only temporary. The cycle of how the symptoms have come and gone has been regular over the last 10 years or so. For obvious reasons, I have avoided a cardiologist. That being said, I would perceive the irregular heartbeat, which would worsen over a 3 month period, culminating in feverish symptoms, and diarrhea. After this I would be symptom free for several months and the cycle then repeats itself. All my blood numbers are the in “excellent” range for good health (fasting sugar, cholesterol, etc., though slightly elevated blood pressure), so I reasoned this was some kind of pathogen, especially since things like garlic, onions, oregano and olive leaf oil would suppress symptoms as well. I will be seeking a homeopathic but could you tell me which remedy was indicated for cocxsackie? Thank you and wishing you continued good health.


          • August 4, 2012 @ 5:25 am Vera

            Hi Joe,
            Just to let you know English is not my native language and I’m writing from south-east Europe, so excuse me if I tell you something that is hard to understand. I had severe problems with my heart, beside yours symptoms I had great fear and I was locked in my home for 2 years. And I had “heart bag” bigger and thicker than it’s normal, which indicated I had inflammation in that area. That was all more than 10 years ago. Then I went to my homeophatic doctor (she is the real MD with specializations in acupuncture and homeophaty). But she doesn’t practice the classical homeophaty style with water remedies in small bottles. Here in Europe and in Russia frequency homeophaty is very popular. You come to your doctor and talk about your problems, and while you talk doctor checks your meridian points on your fingers and palms with low voltage device connected with small computer. That computer (size of an Ipod) matches your frequences with viruses, bacteria, plants, elements and so on…And the best match is your remedy. For instance I had natmur (natrium muriaticum – sodium salt) as my main cure, but next time I had belladonna, and then candida… It doesn’t matter if it is called a plant or something that causes disease. The same frequency is what matters. When it came to my heart which was emotionaly broken and physically damaged at that time my MD found that “Cocxsackie virus” and “Mycoplasma pneumonia” worked equally good. When she “matched” frequencies she than put the small round box on other end of device and filled the box with small eatable balls. And she (trough the device) put the same frequencies in those balls. So for the next two months I took one small ball in the morning, chew it and that was it. One day it was Cocxsackie, the other was Mycolasma pneumonia. I only had to keep those boxes away from computer, TV or other devices and not to eat or drink 15 minutes before and after I took the remedy.
            We call it in my country “small balls homeophaty” and it cured so many symptoms I had, including severe rheumatoid problems in just 10 days (I had terrible pain, swellings and so on for 10 years) with Streptococus remedy. Some symptoms weren’t curable with it, but I found the solution with blood type food, getting off gluten and diary, changing the supplements and herbs, removing teeth fillings and root canal, and so on.

            For the last 5 years I’m doing Chi Gong, fitness with yoga, ballroom dancing and mixed marshal arts every week and when I went to my cardilogist and did all the exams and tests doctor told me I had excellent heart. But, my big heart bag?, I asked. What big heart bag?, he said. There’s nothing here, everything is perfect. So perfect I can be an airplane pilot?, I asked. Yes, if you want to you can be a pilot, he laughed.

            So, if you can Joe, please find frequency homeophaty doctor if there is one in your area, but also check your cardiology tests and don’t forget the thyroid gland tests because thyroid can give the same symptoms.

            I hope you both be well and in good health.

  6. August 2, 2012 @ 2:34 am lucy

    Thank you Atom.
    So,do you think he has some hearth thing going on, or some bacteria?(because of the garlic)
    Maybe gas? Because when he eats onions too ,it helps a lot.
    MSM would help him at mid day? ( i’m guessing ).


    • August 2, 2012 @ 10:33 am lucy

      No,we don’t have a health adviser.He is trying the chronobiotic style diet,and then will call you.He is very health conscious.
      He though that irregular heart beat was gone,but it didn’t. He thinks that it’s a bacteria,or a virus because always goes away with garlic and onions.A long time ago a doctor gave him water pills for his high colesterol,but he didn’t feel good.
      But,you know about MDs…and how are they and the Matrix…


    • August 3, 2012 @ 3:06 pm atomb

      MSM is in all fresh fruit and vegetables.

      It’s sulfur in disguise. :)

      Urine therapy is MSM therapy.


  7. August 3, 2012 @ 10:24 am lucy

    Vera,thanks,Ill search about cocxsackie virus.


  8. August 3, 2012 @ 10:38 am lucy

    Vera,about the colors,that was so interesting what you said.
    I use a lot black ,definitely a father trauma.My farther died in a car crash when I was one month,and my mother got very depressed and had no milk for me. In fact she still dealing with my father’s death until today -49 years later.
    Well,my grandmother hated black clothing -old style people that think using black is for mourning/grief. So,I couldn’t wear black until teenager time when I went crazy and almost got to be a punk ( only black clothing-crazy style,but no piercing or tatoo – too painful for me). Later on,I started to change for blue,some red,some orange (love orange and brown -so much attachment…) but I never wear yellow,never.My sister gave me a yellow t-shirt that I like,but it is the only yellow that I wear. I still not good with colors.
    Now I wear a lot violet,which is one of my favorites,but still a lot with black and blue.
    Father trauma is with me,definitely. I have to start to do the color sequency that Atom has.I did try to wear the color chakra in a week basis,but I could never “remember” / definitely a sabotage.


    • August 3, 2012 @ 3:09 pm atomb

      Yes, the weekly color sequence helps.

      So does repeating the colors in order while yawning and stretching.


  9. August 3, 2012 @ 4:27 pm lucy

    Atom,thanks a lot.
    I’ll do that from now on every night,and also pandiculating (what a difficult word to remember! ).

    ps)what do you think about Joe’s problem?


    • August 3, 2012 @ 5:34 pm atomb

      He needs a physical examination, holistic or otherwise.

      If we weren’t so geographically separated, I could identify the emotional trauma.

      I’m hoping to teach my method to others – as many others as possible – so I can stop being the Lone Ranger of Engram Identification. LOL

      Meanwhile, regarding both physical and emotional factors, I’ll write a series of blog entries focused on the heart and its “issues.”


  10. August 3, 2012 @ 6:49 pm lucy

    Thank you Atom,always.
    I hope I’ll be one of your students. LOL and a smiling face (I don’t know how to post it)
    We are looking forward for your blogs.


    • August 3, 2012 @ 7:34 pm atomb

      Looking forward to it, Lucy! :)


      • August 3, 2012 @ 7:37 pm atomb

        To your being a student, that is.

        You don’t have to look forward to the first blog entry because I just posted it as …

        Swami Nitty-Gritty on the Heart & Anahata Chakra #1.


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