One of the rules of Solar Nutrition is …

No Sulfur, No Melatonin.

A corollary to this rule is …

No Adenosylcobalamin (adoB-12), No Melatonin.

Without “LIVER B-12” (adoB-12) transforming into methylcobalamin (MeB-12), melatonin and sulfur never combine.

Cobalamin Tonic activates “Liver B-12,” releasing “Systems B-12” (MeB-12) from Liver Prison.

Another corollary to this rule is …

No Folate, No Melatonin.

Brazil nuts are the ideal source of Zone One Morning folate.

They also contain RADON, necessary for what Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) called “Inner Vision.”

Brazil nut trees are long-lived like pine trees (the ones with bundles of five needles)

Brazil nut trees grow up to 160 feet tall and live from 500 to 1,000 years.

Brazil nut trees are pollinated by swift-flying large-bodied bees, e.g., bumblebees.

Note for bodybuilders …

(1) Eat melatonin-rich foods when exercising the shoulders and arms.

(2) Eat melanin-rich foods when exercising the hips and legs.

The sulfur in pine trees is mostly homeopathic (except for lowland or wetland pine trees), helping to stimulate the pineal gland by activating a variety of other minerals (in trace amounts) involved in Inner Vision …

(1) antimony sulfide

(2) iron sulfide

(3) lead sulfide

(4) mercury sulfide

(5) zinc sulfide

(6) etc.

Sulfur is also involved in activating trace amounts of minerals to protect against the downsides of Inner Vision …

(1) barium sulfate (protects against radon)

2) calcium sulfate

(3) potassium aluminum sulfate

A healthy pineal gland contains brain sand.

Brain sand (corpora arenacea) is composed of …

(1) calcium phosphate

(2) calcium carbonate

(3) magnesium phosphate

(4) ammonium phosphate

Brain sand is an aid to …

(1) astral travel (Carbon Dioxide Body, utilizing carbon and oxygen)

(2) psychokinesis (Bicarbonate Body, utilizing hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen)

(3) bilocation (Elastic Smoke Body, utilizing nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen)

(4) semi-permanency (Carborundum Body, utilizing sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen)

(5) permanency (Diamond Body, utilizing phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen)

All of these subtle bodies depend on morning Zone One homeopathic foods from trees.

Hormetic is more scientifically correct than homeopathic.

Pine trees having needles in bundles of five are the Champions of Individualist (not Vegetable Cloning) Longevity, including …

(1) Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine

(2) Great Basin Bristlecone Pine

(3) Foxtail Pine (some varieties have only four needles)

(4) Eastern White Pine (The Tree of Peace of the Iroquois Five Nations)

(5) etc.

Holding pine tree products (pine nuts, pine pollen, pine needle extracts, pine cone extracts, etc.) in your mouth for as long as possible absorbs more of their DNA fragments for pre-programmed longevity via horizontal gene transfer.

Sulfur is a SHAPE-SHIFTER, existing in 30 allotropes and 25 isotopes.

So another Solar Nutrition rule is …

All Sulfur Is Not Created Equal.

Pine trees are designed to get most of their sulfur from the AIR and LIGHT from …

(1) evaporation from water

(2) bacterial processes

(3) decaying organisms

(4) actinic radiation (including infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light)

Pine sulfur loses its “edge” from excess sulfur (usually in the form of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur trioxide, or sulfuric acid) from …

(1) volcanic eruptions

(2) industrial processes

The destruction of the world’s old-growth pine forests is affecting global longevity.

Only 1 percent of U.S old-growth eastern white pine trees have escaped being sacrificed to “economic growth.”

Vivien Sung wrote …

“A man named Zhao Qu suffered a serious illness for many years. When he was close to death, his family left him in the mountains to die. Not long after, an immortal who crossed his path took pity on him, and offered him some medicine. Zhao Qu took the medicine for one hundred days and made a miraculous recovery. His vitality returned and his skin took on a healthy glow. When the immortal passed by again, Zhao Qu dropped to his knees in heartfelt gratitude and asked what had been used to make the concoction. The immortal explained that the medicine contained pine oil. Zhao Qu went home and lived to be over one hundred years old. His teeth never fell out and his hair never turned white, and consequently pine oil is said to have medicinal qualities that prevent aging and prolong life.”

WARNING – Be careful using pine oils (volatile oils or otherwise). Indiscreet internal usage can cause kidney damage, etc.


'The Law Of 5 & the Longest Living Pine Trees' have 12 comments

  1. September 22, 2013 @ 7:25 pm atomb

    My e-books are available at …

  2. September 23, 2013 @ 12:52 pm jean

    “Eat melanin-rich foods when exercising the hips and legs.”

    > Since you insist on diverting the subject to SIZE of buttocks, I’ll bite… :-p

    I haven’t found these foods in your books much, but I think they are here:

    Other previous tips of yours for “sagging buttocks”:

    I also took note of the worst hours to exercise them … “7-9 PM (Pericardium Time). The gluteus maximus, gluteous medius, piriformis, and adductor muscles are more susceptible to either injury or therapy during this 2 hr cycle as well as the 2 hrs of Stomach Time, 7-9 AM.”


    1) I’m still confused in which category most of these muscles would fall with regards to your tips about bodybuilding in Full-Spectrum Eating.
    Let’s say some exercises like these:
    Are they generally muscle contraction bodybuilding, muscle extension bodybuilding, muscle mid-range thermogenic bodybuilding, slow-twitch muscle or fast-twitch muscle, please?

    2) Besides the honest vanity part… ;) I always thought some serious exercising increased testosterone levels. But is it kind of the other way round? Does exercising change the metabolism in a way to expell some excess estrogens/xenoestrogens so it is only your *relative* level of testosterone that feels higher?

    3) Is it ok to sweat rivers like that girl is doing there every day?
    I just saw F. Patenaude claim “When you exercise for hormone health, you have two goals in mind: build muscle, and sweat. You must sweat to enhance cellular oxygenation, stabilize your blood sugar, and promote reparative hormones. Just the action of burning fat will metabolize excess estrogen. But the kind of exercise best for hormonal health is strength training.”

    My honest aim is the combination of all possible benefits by combining the best practises and tips :)

    Thank You for your SIZEable contributions!! :D

    • September 23, 2013 @ 12:56 pm jean

      *Aaaargh* The SIZE jokes are a brainfart from your previous “Size matters” blog entry… :-P

      • September 24, 2013 @ 1:37 pm atomb

        (1) The worst times are also the best times as long as you’re careful.

        You can change a fast-twitch muscle to a slow-twitch muscle if you know how (as bodybuilder Mike Mentzer pointed out).

        (2) Exercise increases testosterone in the short range, but increases estrogen in the long range.

        Estrogen grows cancer, while testosterone spreads cancer.

        (3) Sweating is very healthy. It’s why I don’t bother to fix the AC in my car. I drove straight through to El Paso recently through 111 degree heat (in the shade) and enjoyed it.

        I’ll probably do a blog entry to cover these subjects more thoroughly. :)

  3. September 24, 2013 @ 3:46 pm jean

    LOL :D

    Awesome! THX & TIA :)

  4. September 25, 2013 @ 7:37 am Tommy TIRS

    Hello AT-OM,

    Blast from the past…Mike Mentzer-HEAVY DUTY!
    I trained that method for awhile back in the days.
    How are you? Call me please/leave a msg.

    Ever-New Buds,

    • September 26, 2013 @ 10:28 pm atomb

      Heavy Duty for sure! :)

      I’ll phone you soon, Tommy!

      Apologies for the delay.

  5. September 25, 2013 @ 11:04 pm Naila Tauseef

    Hi atom
    I am just a beginner, trying to understand ur article all the time ,can u tell how can we practically apply that if want to take advantage of pine,i dont know which category of pine essential oil is available usually ,just know there is also pine oil available ,if u know there are different categories available then which is useful? Or any oil will be good if its mentioned just pine essential oil(like young livings)?

    • September 25, 2013 @ 11:40 pm Naila Tauseef

      Just read your warning,so how one can safely use it ?

      • September 26, 2013 @ 10:45 pm atomb

        Phone reputable distributors to find a 5-needled pine oil.

        (If anyone else reading this reply has any info about its availability, please let us know.)

        Unless you really know what you’re doing, use pine oil only …

        (1) topically in diluted form or

        (2) for its odor (aromachology).

        The usefulness of pine oil depends on the purpose of its use. :)

        • October 16, 2013 @ 4:59 pm Naila Tauseef

          Thankyou so much Atom for answering my question :)
          Your article inspired me alot and i dont know why that i was feeling so attracted to pines nd more especially 5 needle pine as you mention
          I searched a lot and finally this journey took me to Itasca state park in Park Rapids in MINNESOTA n feel so geed spending some time in the sight of giant white pines which i checked have 5 needles ,it was a great experience for me and i was feeling so calm breathing deeply overthere
          I Also searched for 5needle pine oil,usually there is pine sylvestris (or commonly known as Scotch pine)which is 2needle young living also have this one ,it was hard finding therapeutic grade but just found one (seems good )

          Do u know that company?

          • October 18, 2013 @ 11:58 pm atomb

            Enjoy. The forest is a living entity. :)

            I’m not familiar with the company, but thanks for sharing the information with us.

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