The Life Is In the Blood


By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog


“Old age” is associated with a “predominance of fatty acids at lower levels and of sterols at higher levels.”

This was only one of the many discoveries of the “Tesla of Medicine” — Emanuel Revici, M.D.

He “walked his talk” and “talked his walk,” living to 101 (1896-1998).


According to Dr. Revici, at the Systemic Bloodstream Level of Organization …

1) Anabolic agents generally increase red blood cell volume. Catabolic agents generally decrease red blood cell volume.

2) Anabolic agents generally decrease the red blood cell sedimentation rate. Catabolic agents generally increase the red blood cell sedimentation rate.

3) Anabolic agents generally increase the perseverance of red blood cell isolation (hemoisolation) and decrease platelet aggregation and sludge formation. Catabolic agents generally decrease the perseverance of red blood cell isolation and increase platelet aggregation (hemoconcentration) and sludge formation.

4) Anabolic agents generally increase the bright red color of blood. Catabolic agents generally darken the color of blood.

5) Anabolic agents generally increase the number of white blood cells in circulating blood (leukocytosis). Catabolic agents generally decrease the number of white blood cells in circulating blood (leukopenia).

6) Anabolic agents generally increase the number of eosinophil white blood cells (eosinophilia) in circulating blood. Catabolic agents generally decrease the number of eosinophil white blood cells (eosinopenia) in circulating blood.

7) Anabolic agents generally decrease (and even eliminate) C reactive protein (CRP). Catabolic agents generally increase C reactive protein (CRP).

8) Anabolic agents generally increase the perseverance of oxygen fixation in circulating blood. Catabolic agents generally decrease the perseverance of oxygen fixation in circulating blood.

9) Anabolic agents generally decrease potassium in blood plasma (hypokalemia). Catabolic agents generally increase potassium in blood plasma (hyperkalemia); etc.


According to Dr. Revici, at the Systemic Urinary Level of Organization …

1) Anabolic agents generally promote water excretion. Catabolic agents generally promote water retention.

2) Anabolic agents generally lower the specific gravity of urine. Catabolic agents generally raise the specific gravity of urine.

3) Anabolic agents generally increase the surface tension of urine (making it less “wet”). Catabolic agents generally decrease the surface tension of urine (making it “wetter”).

4) Anabolic agents generally increase urinary pH (alkalinizing the urine). Catabolic agents generally decrease urinary pH (acidifying the urine).

5) Anabolic agents generally promote phosphate retention. Catabolic agents generally promote phosphate excretion.

6) Anabolic agents generally promote sulfhydral retention. Catabolic agents generally promote sulfhydral excretion.

7) Anabolic agents generally promote calcium excretion. Catabolic agents generally promote calcium retention.

8) Anabolic agents generally promote sodium excretion. Catabolic agents generally promote sodium retention.

9) Anabolic agents generally promote chloride excretion. Catabolic agents generally promote chloride retention.

10) Anabolic agents generally promote retention of surfactants (surface active agents). Catabolic agents generally promote excretion of surfactants.


Compared to the above — only one level of Structural Organization — mainstream and holistic Blood analyses aren’t worth a bucket of spit (or a drop of blood).


Anabolic means acidic (99% of the time).

Catabolic means alkaline (99% of the time).

'The Life Is In the Blood' have 2 comments

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