There’s four phases of colonic motility …

(1) Saccular Propulsion.

Nonprogressive segmental contractions knead the feces into an oval shape.

(2) Saccular Propulsion.

Orthograde segmental contractions urge feces in the direction of the rectum.

Retrograde saccular propulsion also occurs.

(3) Multisaccular Propulsion.

Multiple orthograde segmental contractions propel feces in the direction of the rectum.

Retrograde multisaccular propulsion can also occur.

(4) Peristalsis.

Peristalsis is mass saccular propulsion involving the entire colon.

True peristalsis only occurs two or three times a day.

Here’s three ways to kick-start feces evacuation …

(1) The Orthocolonic Reflex.

This is the call to stool immediately after arising from bed.

It’s a gravity-induced fecal evacuation.

(2) The Gastrocolonic Reflex.

This is the call to stool after eating a meal.

It’s a food-induced fecal evacuation.

Eating three meals a day is a healthy idea.

(3) The Chronocolonic Reflex.

This is the call to stool by the time-lapse interface with environmental time cues (Zeitgebers).

It’s a time-induced fecal evacuation.

The large intestine “turns on” between 4:00-6:00 a.m.

If the large intestine is activated before 5:00 a.m., colonic hypermotility is the issue.

There’s a tendency to diarrhea.

If the large intestine is activated after 5:00 a.m., colonic hypomotility is the issue.

There’s a tendency to constipation.

Large Intestine Time – following the well-known Midnight-Noon Law of Traditional Chinese Medicine – is from 5:00-7:00 a.m.

A healthy large intestine is activated at 5:00 a.m. and goes “off line” by dumping its contents at exactly 7:00 a.m.

The above times are biological times calibrated to Sundial Time, not Bankers’ Time.

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'The Straight Poop on Colonic Motility & Time Cues' have 6 comments

  1. June 29, 2012 @ 8:35 pm atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty advised …

    “An appendix problem is actually an impacted cecum. Apply ice to put in minerals to stabilize constipation, eat almonds, then get a colonic.”

  2. June 29, 2012 @ 8:41 pm atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty advised …

    “If you don’t have your appendix anymore, make sure you eat melons and cranberries.”

    But not at the same time.

  3. June 30, 2012 @ 1:46 pm atomb

    Re: It still doesn’t make sense to me that it doesn’t matter whether a body eats acid or alkaline foods.

    It DOES matter. The problem is most people don’t have a clue which foods leave an acid ash and which ones leave an alkaline ash.

    Or the difference between an acid-alkaline index and an acid-alkaline load (corresponding to glycemic index and glycemic load).

    Or how extracellular bicarbonate and ammonia buffering is involved (sodium chloride versus magnesium sulfate).

    Or how intracellular phosphate and protein buffering is involved.

    Or how the cell “shuttles” pH between the nucleus and the lymph for additional buffering.

    Or how lung and kidney compensation are involved.

    Or how hydrolysis and degradation are involved (the “age” of your food outside the body and how long it’s retained in the body).

    Or how pH neutral water factors into the picture (in the same way treating an alkaline skin burn is done with pH neutral water because adding acid increases tissue damage.

    Etc., etc., etc.

    Meanwhile, I’ve finally carried out my threat to write Acidify or Die as a rebuttal to Alkalize or Die.

    Here’s the advertisement on our Website …

    Acidify or Die by G.I. Atom Bergstrom
    Our Price: $19.95

    ACIDIFY OR DIE: The Myth of the Benefits of an Alkaline Diet — Of course, being too acidic IS a serious health hazard. To say otherwise would be ridiculous (and irresponsible). But high-level wellness is about BALANCE, not lopsidedness. So “Acidify or Die” is a data-intensive rebuttal to the “Alkalize or Die” media blitz of misinformation and disinformation. Your highest choice is Dynamic and Rhythmic Acid-Base Homeostasis 24 hours a day for Super Immunity and Extreme Longevity. (28 pages, PDF)

  4. June 30, 2012 @ 2:40 pm John

    How do you activate the ‘3 ways to kick-start feces evacuation’ or are they in an ebook ?

    • June 30, 2012 @ 4:12 pm atomb

      Getting out of bed a 5:00 a.m. calibrates the orthocolonic reflex to the chronocolonic reflex, facilitating a 7:00 a.m. bowel evacuation.

      Eating a Solar Nutrition breakfast between 7:00-9:00 a.m. is a back-up plan than engages the gastrocolonic reflex.

      A 7:00 a.m. BM is optimum, but as long as it’s before the beginning of Spleen-Pancreas Time at 9:00 a.m., you’re in the ball park. :)

  5. June 30, 2012 @ 4:29 pm atomb

    Another case of MEDICAL AMNESIA …

    If current odor theory is correct, how do cockroaches smell the color black?

    And how do they smell the color black while they’re enclosed in a vacuum chamber with no access to odor molecules?

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