The Tesla of Medicine

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Dr. Emanuel Revici has been called The Tesla of Medicine.

Many of my e-books explain his therapies to a greater of lesser degree.

Acidify or Die is entirely based on the Revici Method.

So is, Not Cancer—CANCEL.

Revici’s data plays a major part in Circadian Quantum Force Alchemy From A to Z (including the title words “quantum force,” complementary to “electrostatic force,” explained in the book).

My e-books about Copper (29), Iodine (53), and Magnesium (12) are substantially based on Revici, especially their dualism and their whereabouts on the Periodic Table of the Elements.

Butterflies Need No Taxidermist, although mostly based on Swami Nitty-Gritty’s Solar Nutrition, contains significant Revici specifics.


Why am I so stoked on Revici?

The Foreword and Chapter 1 of Revici’s textbook — FREE for viewing in cyberspace thanks to Steve Mitchell (That Crazy Pharmacist) — provide the major reasons for my passion.

For example, according to Revici (in his Foreword) …

“The exaggerated importance attributed to experimentation in biological science, its use even as a substitute for ideas, has led recently to a massive attempt to solve the therapeutic problem of cancer by indiscriminate screening of chemical agents. Here, empiricism has been brought to its culmination. After tests of tens of thousands of agents, many workers are now beginning to realize that the results are almost worthless for cancer therapy in humans, that seemingly promising agents have an effectiveness limited to the conditions present in the actual animal experiments. By its impressive magnitude, the failure of indiscriminate screening, of empiricism epitomized, has begun to impel many workers to change their idea as to what must be done if the cancer problem is to be solved.”

Revici — after denoting the failures of cancer surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy — outlines his approach …

1) The role of ORGANIZATION in the pathogenesis of the conditions.

2) A DUALISTIC [YIN YANG] SYSTEMATIZATION of the manifestation related to normal and abnormal physiology.

3) The predominant intervention of certain constituents such as LIPOIDS and chemical elements in the induction of the OPPOSITE manifestations.

4) The possibility to integrate the occurring processes into a system of DEFENSE MECHANISM against the noxious influence exerted by the environment.

Lipoids are listed above in Number 3, so Revici also plays a significant role in my fourteen e-books about Yellow Fat Disease.


'The Tesla of Medicine' have 4 comments

  1. June 18, 2022 @ 10:29 am Bob

    Great post!


  2. June 26, 2022 @ 9:05 pm John

    Hi Atom! In his outline to healing, Revici states: ‘3) The predominant intervention of certain constituents such as LIPOIDS and chemical elements in the induction of the OPPOSITE manifestations’ and ‘4) The possibility to integrate the occurring processes into a system of DEFENSE MECHANISM against the noxious influence exerted by the environment’ – Can you please explain with more detail what course of actions he is describing here that a person can use to heal themselves? Is point 3 in some way related to the Lipid-bound mineral formulas he developed for specific conditions, like the Lipid-bound Sulfur used to deal with leukotrienes?


    • July 8, 2022 @ 4:11 pm Atom

      Dr. Revici is referring to acid-alkaline balance. It’s under the control of the lipoid system — sterols versus fatty acids.

      Sterols are acidic and anabolic and fatty acids are alkaline (fooling most “experts”).

      Health and longevity mean “walking the razor’s edge” between Yin and Yang.

      Lactic acid (supposedly a major determinant of pH) is only measured in milligrams.

      Lipoids are measured in POUNDS — involving (in healthy people) from 8% to 39% of the body.

      These lipoids are NOT passive, and are major regulators of pH.


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