Re: I don’t think this was a placebo response. The results were too dramatic.
The “expert” who said this obviously underestimates the power of placebo and its evil twin nocebo.
According to “Placebo and Nocebo,” Wikipedia, Jan. 14, 2008 …
“‘Placebo effect’ is the term applied by medical science to the therapeutical and healing effects of an inert substance (a ‘sugar pill’) in conjunction with the suggestion from an authority figure that the pill will aid in healing.”
… and …
“In the opposite effect, a patient who disbelieves in a treatment may experience a worsening of symptoms.”
Dolph Wheeler was repairing the roof of my mobile home in Carpinteria, and Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) told me …
“Because Dolph knows the word ‘roof,’ he’s standing on it. If he didn’t know the word ‘roof,’ he’d fall through it andbe down here talking with us.”
The First Chakra is Matter acting on Matter.
Biomechanics and particulate chemistry are prominent examples.
The Second Chakra is Energy acting on Matter.
Hydraulics, ionic chemistry, electronics, and emotions are prominent examples.
The Third Chakra is Consciousness acting on Matter.
Magnetism, temperature, color, metabolism, and the “lower mind” are prominent examples.
The Fourth Chakra is Energy acting on Energy.
Pneumatics, solar radiation pressure (photons), atmospheric pressure, partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide, acoustics, audible sound, OM, and ordinary verbal speech are prominent examples.
The Fifth Chakra is Consciousness acting on Energy.
Sonic waves, Logos, “The Word,” and inaudible sound are prominent examples.
The Sixth Chakra is Consciousness acting on Consciousness.
This level of attainment is also known as steadfast consciousness, Mind acting on Mind, or PLACEBO ACTING ON PLACEBO.
In Chapter 32 (“Rama Is Raised From the Dead,”) of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, 1946 …
Sri Yukteswar tells the story of Lahiri Mahasaya’s healing of Yukteswar’s clinically dead friend, Rama, by telling Yukteswar to place seven drops of castor oil in the mouth of Rama’s corpse.
Rama was immediately revived.
Lahiri Mahasaya mischievously chided, “Yukteswar, surely henceforth you will not fail to carry with you a bottle of castor oil. Whenever you see a corpse, just administer the oil. Why, seven drops of lamp oil must surely foil the power of Yama [the god of death]!”
Yukteswar recounted the story to his students at Ranchi, and one child asked, “Sir, why did your guru send castor oil?”
“Child, giving the oil had no special meaning. Because I had expected something material, Lahiri Mahasaya chose the nearby oil as an objective symbol to awaken my greater faith. The master allowed Rama to die, because I had partially doubted. But the divine guru knew that inasmuch as he had said the disciple would be well, the healing must take place, even though he had to cure Rama of death, a disease usually final!”
Sri Yukteswar was expecting a Matter acting on Matter RESOLUTION.
What he got was a Consciousness acting on Energy SOLUTION.
Does the above story seem far-fetched? Consider the experiment below.
Caryle Hirshberg & Marc Ian Barasch (Remarkable Recovery: What Extraordinary Healings Tell Us About Getting Well and Staying Well, 1995) wrote …
“The placebo response may powerfully affect the body in ways that cannot be accounted for by medicine alone. For example, hidden in the background noise of a 1983 World Journal of Surgery article on a chemotherapy trial for gastric cancer, buried as a single numerical entry in a single chart, is a fascinating notation: Nearly one-third of a control group – a group that received only a salt-water placebo in place of powerful chemicals – had experienced ‘alopecia.’ Alopecia – mirror-avoiding, clumps-on-the-pillow-every- morning hair loss – is a side effect well known to cancer patients who take powerful drugs. The control group had taken, in essence, nothing at all, yet they experienced a marked physiological alteration.”
For more information on the power of placebo, read …
Placebo versus Nocebo: The “Play of Concentrated Energetic Belief Orientation” versus The “Negation of Concentrated Energetic Belief Orientation.”
It’s available at …
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