The Wandering Neck

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Say someone doesn’t get along with their father or any other male.

When Mind Hacking them (prone on the carpet or massage table), they will often move their head AWAY from the LEFT side by rotating their neck.

Say they don’t get along with their mother or any other female.

Now they often move AWAY from the RIGHT side.

“Anyone who has a trauma with both a man and a woman won’t need a neck adjustment from a chiropractor,” I used to joke.


However, a beginning Mind Hacker can get fooled.

Say someone wants to get closer to their father or any other male.

They often snuggle against their LEFT shoulder.

Say they want to get closer to their mother or any other female.

They often snuggle against their RIGHT shoulder.


Avoidance neck-turning versus nuzzling neck-turning are distinctly different body language “tells.”


Mind Hacking’s Cornerstone Technique will validate both of these “tell” types.


According to Carl Jung (1942) …

“The more remote and unreal the personal mother is, the more deeply will the son’s yearning for her clutch at his soul, awakening that primordial and eternal image of the mother for whose sake everything that embraces, protects, nourishes, and helps assumes maternal form, from the Alma Mater of the university to the personification of cities, countries, sciences and ideals.”


'The Wandering Neck' have 2 comments

  1. December 6, 2022 @ 10:24 am John

    Hi Atom, the mind hacking blogs are great, they really help to understand it more.
    Could you please do Mind Hacking Newsletter #2??


    • December 6, 2022 @ 4:55 pm Atom

      Thanks, John!

      I’m combining Mind Hacking with related subjects in my new journal, Mind Over Matter.


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