Things I Didn’t Say Monday #3
Here are more footnotes to Monday’s show (Feb. 1, 2016).
Re: Would we want to mix sugar and potassium with our sulfur product?
There’s no need. Sugar and potassium are too easy to get in whole (unrefined and unprocessed) food.
Just to mention three of many choices, sweetened chocolate (morning), vine-ripened tomatoes (midday), and dextrinized potatoes (evening) all contain sugar and potassium.
Burning high-sulfur coal (sulfur and sugar) may be bad for our lungs, but not for the inside of our bodies.
The potassium salt of humic acid comes from brown coal
Re: Atom mentioned SAF by Joseph Scogna in Yes, No, Maybe. Can he explain what it is?
Who is John Galt? Who is Joseph Scogna?
Somehow a “Self Awareness Formula” ad ended up on pages 271 and 272 of Yes, No, Maybe.
Asking Mr. Scogna how it got there is not an option. He went on his Cosmic Vacation in 1989.
But after looking at relevant websites in cyberspace, I’ll bet a dollar to a gluten-free donut that Mind Reading For the Millions (Body Dowsing) can run circles around his SAF techniques.
(I’m kind of a shrinking violet, but not when it comes to Mind Reading For the Millions.)
Re: What are your thoughts on frozen algae?
Some of its ingredients are damaged in the freezing process.
Evening is Algae Time, except in the case of blue-green algae.
Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 p.m.) is Blue-Green Algae Time.
I’m walking big circles around blue-green algae these days due to all the warnings about its neurotoxins, cytotoxins, endotoxins, and hepatotoxins.
Re: Cacao and chocolate make me jittery when I take it in the morning.
It’s likely caused by an estrogen overload — too much oxygen and not enough carbon dioxide.
Re: What is the Solar Timing for shilajit?
Shilajit (Sanskrit for “rock-invincible”) is NEUTRAL, in the same category as humic shale and certain colloidal mineral products.
It’s not only used in Ayurveda; various forms of it are used around the world.
It’s known as “devil’s feces” in Afghanistan, and “mountain blood” in the former Soviet Union.
Re: What is meant by “poor methylator”?
The 45 percent of human beings who are “dysfunctional methylators” may be healthier than the 55 percent who are “functional methylators.”
Aging is the Royal Road to functional methylation, but the Timely Atom is more apt to travel by jet.
I get my trimethylglycine (TMG) from beets at night because the fructose in beets protects me from the methionine produced from the TMG.
Granted, this is not the mainstream view. Go with your gut feeling, John!
'Things I Didn’t Say Monday #3' have 3 comments
February 4, 2016 @ 2:32 am Atom
Now available! / MIND READING FOR THE MILLIONS was formerly known as Body Dowsing.
I’ve changed the name because folks inevitably confuse it with radiesthesia.
Why have I added THE MILLIONS to the MIND READING?
Because it’s so amazingly simple once you get the hang of it even a child can do it.
MIND READING FOR THE MILLIONS — without the slightest trace of exaggeration — is by far the most effective emotional trauma detection technology on the planet.
Everything else is an also-ran.
It’s consummate low-tech biofeedback — all you need are your eyes to observe and your fingers to feel. Practice makes perfect. :)–e-books.php#Mind-Reading
February 4, 2016 @ 2:35 am Atom
Almost no fruit leaves home without potassium.
Buying potassium pills while having access to fruit is like drinking bottled water at Lourdes.–e-books.php
February 4, 2016 @ 4:34 pm Atom
97.5 percent of the U.S. population are NOT vitamin-D deficient.
Wall Street defrauds everybody, not just homeowners.