Things I Didn’t Say Monday #5


By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Here are more footnotes to Monday’s show (Feb. 1, 2016).


Re: What’s the best time to take elk velvet antler?

Morning and midday are both OK.

Elk eat grasses and herbs, and leaves off trees and shrubs.

They eat fruit too.

Hungry elk have been known to gobble up entire trees, bark and all.


Re: So the delta brain wave actually produces human growth hormone?

The more delta brain waves, the more human growth hormone.

That’s why babies stay in delta for most of the day.

An adult is an adulterated child mostly because they have less delta.


Re: Does Atom have a unique opinion on Low Dose Naltrexone?

Reading the numerous side effects of Regular Dose Naltrexone is enough to make me walk big circles around it.


Re: What is a successful protocol for Type 2 Diabetes?

It’s usually a lifestyle disease, and it responds to eating whole foods containing natural dietary fiber, and moderate resistance training (weightlifting).

Type 2 Diabetes is a so-called wastepaper basket term, referring to a group of loosely-related aging syndromes too numerous for all of them to be given a single protocol.

Type 2 Diabetes is a symptom, not a disease, and, like any symptom, it can have multiple causes, most of them involving excess estrogen, natural or otherwise.

Of course, the “remission of symptoms” entails a lifestyle bio-hack, while the “cure” requires resolving the Cognitive Shock.

'Things I Didn’t Say Monday #5' have 3 comments

  1. February 7, 2016 @ 6:46 am Atom

    Now available! / MIND READING FOR THE MILLIONS was formerly known as Body Dowsing.

    I’ve changed the name because folks inevitably confuse it with radiesthesia.

    Why have I added THE MILLIONS to the MIND READING?

    Because it’s so amazingly simple once you get the hang of it even a child can do it.

    MIND READING FOR THE MILLIONS — without the slightest trace of exaggeration — is by far the most effective emotional trauma detection technology on the planet.

    Everything else is an also-ran.

    It’s consummate low-tech biofeedback — all you need are your eyes to observe and your fingers to feel. Practice makes perfect. :)–e-books.php#Mind-Reading


  2. February 7, 2016 @ 6:47 am Atom

    Our Internet order was screwed up and we got the original bulb we bought at Home Improvement by “mistake,” which is acceptable — a GE red 250-watt heat lamp! :) :) :)


  3. February 29, 2016 @ 3:29 pm Atom

    Unintended consequences — Vitamin D supplementation increases lead absorption, especially vitamin D3.

    Vitamin D2 and lead are both Growth Zone 3 evening nutrients, according to Sun Sync Science.

    Tiny amounts of lead (lead oxide, lead nitrate, lead subacetate) act as growth stimulants.

    A Little Dab’ll Do Ya. A Bigger Dab’ll Kill Ya.


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