This Bud’s For Sheep-Bots

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Is Budweiser a company, a product, or a hypnotic “power word?”

Is “Bud Light” a more potent power word than “Bud Heavy,” or are they two sides of the same coin?

Remember the Bud Light glass-carrying commercial with Biggie Small’s “Hypnotize” as the hip-hop soundtrack?


What better celebrity to put in a Bud Light commercial than Dylan Mulvaney?

The ad immediately captures the attention of both transphobes and transphiles.

It speaks to both conscious homosexuality and unconscious repressed homosexuality.

Clarence Paul Oberndorf (1882-1954) claimed that everyone could be assumed to be homosexual to a greater or lesser degree.

What better issue to hypnotically link to Budweiser, the “King of Beers?”

The hypnotic power word is “Budweiser,” not “Bud Light.”

Notice how everyone blames or praises “Budweiser,” not “Bud Light?”

Why do you suppose that is?


Clarence Paul Oberndorf, M.D. (1929) wrote …

“As a matter of fact, all people are homosexual to a limited degree, if we use the term in its very broadest application, and very few people pass through life without participating in some sexual experience, transiently or for a period of some time, of slight or greater intensity, with a person of the same sex.”


Is Budweiser a company or a product?

Sheep-Bots can’t make the distinction.

Why aren’t transphobes like Kid Rock and Ted Nugent boycotting Corona, Michelob, Stella Artois, Beck’s, Brahma, and Leffe beer brands? They’re all owned by the same transglobal (pardon the pun!) ginormous corporation.


Not anymore. They were swallowed up by a bigger corporation.

Belgium’s InBev merged with Brazil’s AmBev and “acquired” Anheuser-Busch in 2008 to create AB InBev (Anheuser-Busch InBev).

If you think going “woke” on Budweiser will put a crimp in the style of AB InBev, you’re playing the dozens with your uncle’s cousins.

Check out Wikipedia’s “Anheuser-Busch brands” just for baby steps.


AB InBev is into blockchain, “green” surveillance, and “sustainability linked revolving credit.”

As you read this, AB InBev is busy colonizing Africa in “partnership” with BQ (BanQu), a corporation selling “traceability & supply chain compliance software that collects audit-proof procurement and sustainability data across your value chain, so you can drive smarter business.”


According to a February 18, 2021 AB InBev press release …

“Anheuser-Busch InBev Announces 10.1 Billion USD Sustainability Linked Revolving Credit Facility, Inaugural Participation in the Sustainable Finance Market with Largest Ever Sustainability Linked Revolving Credit Facility; First Among Publicly Listed Alcohol Beverage Companies.”

According to the same source …

This milestone facility is the largest SLL RCF in history, and the first syndicated facility of its kind among publicly listed companies in the alcohol beverage sector. The facility has an initial five-year term (which may be extended by an additional two years), and incorporates a pricing mechanism that incentivizes improvement in the following four key performance areas, that are aligned with and contribute to the company’s 2025 Sustainability Goals:

“Further improving water efficiency in our breweries globally, supporting the Water Stewardship Goal;

“Increasing PET recycled content in PET primary packaging, contributing to the Circular Packaging Goal;

“Sourcing purchased electricity from renewable sources as outlined in the RE100 commitment; and

“Reducing GHG emissions as a part of the science-based Climate Action.”


My overall point is that the “mass multitude of ordinary people” don’t have a clue in a Covid about how they’re being manipulated by hypnotic power words like “Budweiser” and “Trump.”

And Sheep-Bots don’t know that a gun is a well-known phallic object used to “reaffirm masculinity.” (It’s old-school Freud.)

We have the great penile divide between the National Rifle Association’s gun culture versus the Pink Pistols (“pick on someone your own caliber”).

The guitar is another well-known phallic object. (It’s old-school Freud.)

So is a hypodermic needle. (It’s old-school Freud.)


Gustave Le Bon (The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, 1896) wrote …

“Crowds being only capable of thinking in images are only to be impressed by images. It is only images that terrify or attract them and become motives of action.”

(To be continued in an upcoming issue of Mind Over Matter.)


'This Bud’s For Sheep-Bots' have 5 comments

  1. April 9, 2023 @ 4:53 pm Atom

    The 10 Codes of Advanced MIND HACKING FOR THE MILLIONS …

    (1) Foot Codes.
    (2) Hand Codes.
    (3) Face Codes.
    (4) Eye Codes.
    (5) Neck Codes.
    (6) Shoulder Codes.
    (7) Organ Codes.
    (8] Color Codes.
    (9) Voice Codes.
    (10) Language Codes.

    I’ll start teaching the above WHEN enough people learn the Cornerstone Technique.

    Mind Hacking’s goal? Freedom from the Medical Police State’s war on humanity.


    • April 11, 2023 @ 10:46 am John

      Could you write an eBook on the 10 codes?


      • April 11, 2023 @ 11:58 am Atom

        I’ll write it as soon as enough people learn the Cornerstone Technique.

        I’ve been running full-bore about it on Facebook, writing things such as …

        Imagine a world where entire communities of people knew how to do Mind Hacking’s CORNERSTONE TECHNIQUE? The “expert” would be put in his proper place and the Medical Police State would be impotent. Wellness and longevity cannot be found in the intellect. It’s in the CHARACTER. In the words of Gustave Le Bon, “Men the most unlike in the manner of their intelligence possess instincts, passions, and feelings that are very similar. In the case of everything that belongs to the realm of sentiment — religion, politics, morality, the affections and antipathies, etc. — the most eminent men seldom surpass the standard of most ordinary individuals. From the intellectual point of view an abyss may exist between a great mathematician and his bootmaker, but from the point of view of character the difference is most often slight or non-existent.”


        Q — Do you believe you can carry someone else’s emotions in your body? Pain mostly on the right side of jaw
        A — The RIGHT side of the body is a WOMAN and the LEFT side is a MAN. That’s what MIND HACKING FOR THE MILLIONS proves. I’ve never found an exception to the rule. It happens 100% of the time to a greater or lesser degree. The “individuals” in a crowd RESONATE with each other in the same manner as millions of starlings flock together without hitting each other and in the same way a school of fish swims in formation. Remember when TV stations went off-air and all those swirling white dots appeared … and there were no collisions?


        Imagine a world where entire communities of people knew how to do Mind Hacking’s CORNERSTONE TECHNIQUE? The “expert” would be put in his proper place and the Medical Police State would be impotent. Wellness and longevity cannot be found in the intellect. It’s in the CHARACTER. In the words of Gustave Le Bon, “Men the most unlike in the manner of their intelligence possess instincts, passions, and feelings that are very similar. In the case of everything that belongs to the realm of sentiment — religion, politics, morality, the affections and antipathies, etc. — the most eminent men seldom surpass the standard of most ordinary individuals. From the intellectual point of view an abyss may exist between a great mathematician and his bootmaker, but from the point of view of character the difference is most often slight or non-existent.”



  2. April 17, 2023 @ 11:34 am John

    Hi Atom,
    when you have diarrhea does drinking fresh fruit juice (oj) make it worse or stop it from clearing up?


    • April 26, 2023 @ 4:59 pm Atom

      It’s OK to drink fresh fruit juice in moderation if the diarrhea isn’t too serious.


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