Self-expression ensures a healthy thyroid gland, including sticking out your tongue.
A terminally ill patient cannot stick out their tongue, and a stroke victim’s tongue points to the left or right.
Here’s a thyroid energizing technique …
Lightly grasp your thyroid area between your extended thumb and folded forefinger.
Move your thyroid back and forth from left to right while blinking your eyes.
It’s best if someone else is doing themanipulating while youblink — for the same reason it’s almost impossible to tickle yourself.
Blink with a steady speed, ignoring the speed of the manipulation.
The thyroid is associated with the Triple Heater Meridian, so stimulating the appropriate neurolymphatic, neurovascular, and acupuncture reflexes can be helpful.
These reflexes can be found in books like Touch For Health, by John Thies, D.C.
The Three Heaters are …
(1) Hypothalamus
(2) Thyroid glands (left & right, accelerator & brakes)
(3) Adrenal glands (left & right, left & right, accelerator & brakes)
'Thyroid Exercise' have 2 comments
April 9, 2011 @ 8:36 pm JosephMarcello
Greetings Atom –
You’ve often referred to yawning as the “poor man’s kriya”; in kriya as I’ve learned it from two Yogananda disciples — Swami Kriyananda and Roy Eugene Davis, there is the intake of breath with a concurrent expansion of the throat (much as a yawn will do)while sensing the cool rising current ascending the spinal pathway, circuiting to the third eye, sometimes the crown, and then returning on the warm descending breath.
However, after the initial oral intake of breath, more advanced practice mandates nasal intake, which yields a much finer level of life-force, fully filtered, and reaching the higher brain centers far more directly and easily.
When yawning, one is almost always mouth-breathing, though; so my concern is — doesn’t yawning remain a relatively low-level kriya practice due to its complete non-incorporation of the nasal channel?
Would you clearly describe the technique you enjoin?
Many thanks,
Joseph Marcello (a phone friend from the not far past)
April 11, 2011 @ 7:14 pm atomb
Good to hear from you again, Joseph!!!!
Yes, Kriya Yoga is yawning with a Ph.D.
The “cat pose” involves pandiculation — the optimum combo of Breath & Mudra by thorough ventilation & stretching.
I’d share my exact technique but my Guru would bop me on the noggin!
It seems like you’re doing a more-than-adequate technique.
Stay in touch! :)