Trauma Is Internal Resistance



By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“Stress controls ego. The egotist pushes out.”

“Ego is energy going out — e, g, o.”

“What your heart is to your body, what your brain is to your body, the Life Stress Point is to your psychic and emotional life.”

“The Life Stress Point is the Emotional Discharge Point.”

“Hydraulic stress causes increased sensitivity to pain. Fluid control is in the Achilles tendon.”

“Euphoric stress is the ‘peace that passes all understanding, regenerative peace, not sedative peace.”

“Initiates hold their peace and continually transform themselves.”

“Not everyone who is initiated is an Initiate.”

“The Initiate lives the life of the exception to the rule. He does not live a life of statistics.”

“Live the life of the exception to the rule. Live with no expectations.”

“Blind men cannot be initiated because they have no images to go back to.”

“Jesus had to heal the blind man in order to initiate him.”

“Eu-stress is euphoric stress.”

“Eu-stress is euphoria, release, relaxation, health, balance, and homeostasis.”

“Trauma is internal resistance — a mental input block.”

“Resistance is measured in ohms.”

“The first law of the universe is order. Obedience to instructions is stress or discipline. Without obedience, a negative condition puts you off coordination — you spin out.”

“Shocks and traumas are governors to the mechanism.”

“The amount of stress you can take is predetermined or preprogrammed by the shocks the body encountered during pregnancy — the mold determines the stress. Wherever the mold will crack, the product will crack.”.

“Peace in the human body is only found in death. A living person must have stress, which is discipline. Remember Moses and the Ten Disciplines?”

“Regenerative peace is like burning a haystack to find a needle.”

“Pain is like breaking a piece of glass on a nerve ending.”

“Many of us are hooked on the tranquilization of the body. Enjoy pain. Don’t be afraid of it. Fall back on the survival nature.”

“If we don’t head for the tranquilizer bottle, we may head to the ice cream parlor.”

“Monkey consciousness is when the emotions are above normal.”

“Monkey consciousness is restlessness and nervousness.”

'Trauma Is Internal Resistance' has 1 comment

  1. December 15, 2017 @ 3:24 am Atom

    The Life Stress Points are on the upper insteps of both feet.–e-books.php

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