Re: What are your suggestions for a healthy fast?

How fast is a fast?

It breaks the speed limit the first 3 days.

It goes the posted speed limit on the fourth day.

It goes below the speed limit thereafter. Don’t get a traffic ticket for going too slow in the granny lane.

Fasting for more than 3 days can be counterproductive – unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

According to W.B. Cannon (Professor & Chairman of the Laboratory of Physiology at the Harvard Medical School from 1906 to 1942), “A Consideration of the Nature of Hunger,” The Popular Science Monthly, Sept. 1912 …

“While it is true that with the lapse of time hunger increases as the supply of body nutrient deceases, this concomitance is not proof that the sensation arises directly from a serious encroachment on the store of food materials. If this argument was valid we should expect hunger to become more and more distressing until death. There is abundant evidence that the sensation is not thus intensified; on the contrary, during continued fasting hunger wholly disappears after the first few days.”

Saturday is the best day to fast.

A Saturday fast increases the velocity of a fast by taking advantage of circaseptan (7-day) immunity rhythms.

Human SUPERIMMUNITY is calibrated to a 7-day cycle, an example of biological numerology.

A juice fast is optimum.

(1) You can choose juices from all 3 Growth Zones to cleanse the 3 Scarab Zones in the abdomen, e.g., drinking apple juice in the morning to target the epigastric zone, grape juice in the middle of the day for the umbilical zone, and pineapple juice in the evening for the hypogastric zone. (Nurture your Inner Beetle.)

(2) You can do a MONO JUICE FAST, e.g., drinkingwatermelon juice all day.

Fasting in a dry climate raises the stomach temperature 1 or 2 degrees Fahrenheit, and puts the pedal to the metal for an even faster fast.

Anything Is Possible Department: A friend of mine was victimized by Candida for 2 years, and finally got rid of it with a Haagen-Dazs fast.

Hats off to Guru Dazs. :)

But my advice is to stick to juice fasting.

'Velocity of a Fast' have 4 comments

  1. June 27, 2011 @ 12:21 am rlmenard

    What about juicing midday veggies during zone 2 and maybe carrots, beets, celery, and asparagus at night during zone 3, along with watermelon juice during the day? Would that work as well?

    • June 27, 2011 @ 3:22 pm atomb

      Yes. Just don’t mix watermelon juice with anything, following the time-tested rule: “Melons – eat ’em alone or leave ’em alone.”

  2. July 7, 2011 @ 9:46 am Texan

    I have been challenged with candida(removed all mercury from my teeth 6/10) for the past 6 months. I have cleaned up my diet and the rash, bowel movements, etc… have healed. Suggestions for the foods I can eat would be welcomed. I am learning about the different blood types and I am an O type. Can all types eat fermented foods, apple cider vinegar, etc… I have eliminated all sugars and grains, breads from my diet. I take probiotics, colostrum, and herbs. I am a 51(female) and perimenopausal. I am not taking HRT, only herbs. My exercise of choice is the rebounder. Thank You.

    • July 8, 2011 @ 4:56 pm atomb

      The Blood Type Diet has flaws due to its focus on – and bias about – LECTINS.

      99 percent of lectin adhesion occurs in the GI tract, NOT in the blood … with few exceptions, e.g., lima beans.

      Also – and most important – many of the lectins avoided in the Blood Type Diet are anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, etc.

      Cranberry juice does very little for bladder infections without the benefit of lectin adhesion.

      Use YES NO MAYBE: CHRONOBIOTIC NUTRITION as a guidebook, and – if at all possible – attend at least a few classes and/or workshops at the OJAI SCHOOL OF TIME CONSCIOUS LIVING when it finally (the sooner the better) opens.

      I guarantee the School of Time Conscious Living will offer nutritional – and body & organ language – technology far more comprehensive than any other school in the world.

      Rebounding – and other “cellular buoyancy” techniques – will be part of our curriculum. :)

      Rebounding is Anti-Gravity Yoga.

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