Walrus Versus Whaleboat

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Walrus livers and kidneys were Eskimo delicacies, but walrus hunting was dangerous business.

Walruses are peaceful and sociable unless you mess with them.


A polar bear would kill a walrus on land, but a walrus would kill a polar bear in the water.

A polar bear can swim for days, dog-paddling at up to six miles per hour.


A walrus can hold its breath underwater for ten minutes.

The longest observed polar bear dive was 3 minutes and 10 seconds while swimming a distance of about 150 feet.


Robert J. Flaherty (My Eskimo Friends, 1924) wrote …

“‘The walrus is bad when he is angry,’ Wetalltok continued. ‘That same summer one Eskimo went out from shore with his kayak to hunt ducks. Though early in the morning there had been a walrus kill, there were no signs of walrus then. He did not come back. All that the people could find were pieces of kayak. The water was red, red, red.

“‘And you have heard of that kablunak [a member of the Northwest Mounted Police at Cape Fullerton]. Their whaleboat was strong and big, but the walrus they had wounded with their gun but did not kill swam under the boat and up over the side. With his tusks he turned it over. Two of the kablunak swam in to shore, which was near, but the other one was frightened. He swam out. The two kablunak who got out on shore saw the walrus charge the kablunak who was swimming. The walrus kept on charging him, even after he was dead. Then he went for the boat and smashed it to pieces with his tusks. And then he charged the pieces which floated on the sea.'”


'Walrus Versus Whaleboat' have 5 comments

  1. May 24, 2023 @ 2:35 pm Atom

    Elon Musk’s Boring Company applied to dump 142,500 gallons of wastewater per day into the Colorado River, polluting Texas cities all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico at Matagorda Bay.

    Note to Elon — The redfish and speckled trout of Matagorda Bay won’t be sending you a Christmas card this year.


  2. May 24, 2023 @ 2:37 pm Atom

    You can rent Kevin Costner’s Aspen estate for $36,000 a night while American homelessness is multiplying like rabbits on Spanish fly.

    Welcome to the world’s largest banana republic — the Hew Hess Hey.


  3. May 24, 2023 @ 2:38 pm Atom

    Farmers are under attack in California.

    Governor U-Haul is in the pocket of special interest groups.


  4. May 24, 2023 @ 2:41 pm Atom

    The California water crisis is political.

    The problem is solvable for good in less than a year if all California politicians were in prison or shipped to the third largest country in total land area for rehabilitation.


  5. May 24, 2023 @ 2:43 pm Atom

    Fatty acids and sterols are the master control governors of pH.

    Fatty acids are usually catabolic – entropic, homotropic – and make the body more alkaline.

    Sterols are usually anabolic – negentropic, heterotropic – and make the body more acidic.


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