No government has the right to force you to take a drug against your wishes.
That’s especially true if the drug isn’t pharmaceutical grade, and, like fluoride, is hazardous waste.
I never gave my informed consent to take a pharmaceutical drug, did you?
And I certainly didn’t give my informed consent to swallow highly toxic waste.
Sodium fluoride is only used in 10% of U.S. public water supplies.
The other 90% is a waste product of the PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER industry.
It costs them big bucks to dispose of two highly toxic fluorine gases and two radioactive contaminants of phosphate …
hydrogen fluoride (HF)
silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires “mandatory reclamation†of the phosphate fertilizer industry’s hazardous waste, transmuting highly toxic HF and SiF4 into a saleable product.
How’s that for a typical example of economic alchemy?
Many people still think that Big Government and Big Industry are two separate entities.
They are what David Icke correctly calls OPPOSAMES.
Fluoride is not an essential nutrient.
It’s a toxic drug, and its use in our water supply is indiscriminate medication delivered on a mind-blowing scale.
Fluoride is “prescribed†by both the …
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
American Dental Association (ADA)
Using the public water supply as a drug delivery system for fluoride is ridiculous.
Way over 99% of the “medicine†is wasted …
watering the lawn (both yours and the local golf course),
washing the dishes (both yours and all the restaurants in town),
flushing the toilet (both yours and all the public ones), and
filling the swimming pool (both yours and the one at the local YMCA).
Is there a fertilizer plant in your area?
If it uses a wet scrubber, you’ll get fluoride poison in your drinking water.
If it doesn’t use a wet scrubber, you’ll get your fluoride poison in the air you breathe.
'Water Fluoridation Is Massive Mandatory Medication' have 6 comments
January 23, 2014 @ 5:21 pm atomb
My e-books are available at …
A second apprenticeship position with me has now opened up for anyone interested in visiting New Zealand.
A second unit next to mine is now available.
(The unit is also available o rent for those who don’t wish to apprentice with me.)
January 23, 2014 @ 5:34 pm atomb
Wendy McGuinness & Miriam White (Nation Dates, 2012) wrote …
“The Act [New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987] secures New Zealand’s nuclear-free status, inspiring the United States Congress to retaliate with the Broomfield Act. This downgrades New Zealand’s status from ally to a friend. However, this has little effect on the country’s nuclear-free stance, and in 1989 52% of New Zealanders indicate that they would rather break defense ties with the US than allow nuclear-armed ships into their harbours.”
January 24, 2014 @ 2:53 pm martin
Atom, sounds like New Zealand is having a positive influence on you☺ does the islands have fluoride in their water??
Ireland is one of very few countries where it is mandatory by law! Utter madness from nutcases!
I read a while ago and cannot confirm but that in the 50s in Ireland, the united states government paid the Irish government a large sum of money to test out fluoride on the Irish, after all we are friends right☺ who needs enemies?
Here is an interesting link
January 27, 2014 @ 3:03 am atomb
New Zealand hasn’t been left out of the picture when it comes to fluoride.
Fortunately, I’m on a farm, and my Cobalamin Tonic is made with rainwater. :)
And the skies are pristine here on the northern end of the North Island. No acid rain, etc.
January 26, 2014 @ 4:06 am sebs
seems like the best way to avoid it is minimizing contact with tapwater in general. when abroad i usually wash in the sea. sometimes at home too come summertime.
what do you know about orgonite? long time effects? it does give an energy boost and attract animals+boost vegetal growth. but so does radiation apparently. i want that stuff to filter out colour and protect my thyroid.
January 27, 2014 @ 3:10 am atomb
Re: orgonite
The evidence I’ve seen ~so far~ has not been very convincing.