Waxy Liver Disease




By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Waxy Liver Disease is what doctors called Yellow Fat Disease during the time of the Civil War.

“Waxy, lardaceous, or amyloid liver” distinguished it from Fatty Liver Disease (cirrhosis).

Yellow Fat Disease also affects the heart, kidneys, pancreas, brain, etc.


Many doctors were already beginning to suspect cod liver oil and fish oils.

Charles Murchison, M.D. wrote (in 1868) …

“Cod-liver oil is of questionable utility; Frerichs states that he has known cases where waxy liver was developed under its continuous use.”

According to the same source …

“The liver undergoes greater enlargement from the so-called waxy, or amyloid deposit, than from any other disease, excepting, perhaps, cancer. I have known the liver of an adult affected with this disease weigh upwards of 180, instead of 50 or 60 ounces, and the liver, of which I show you here a portion, weighed one-seventh, instead of a twenty-fifth, of the entire body of the child from whom it was taken.”


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are slow poisons.

Hyped as “essential for the brain,” what they really do is shrink the brain.

According to Ray Peat (“The Great Fish Oil Experiment,” 2006-2016) …

“In declaring EPA and DHA to be safe, the FDA neglected to evaluate their antithyroid, immunosuppressive, lipid peroxidative (Song et al., 2000), light sensitizing, and antimitochondrial effects, their depression of glucose oxidation (Delarue et al.,2003), and their contribution to metastatic cancer (Klieveri, et al., 2000), lipofuscinosis [Yellow Fat Disease] and liver damage, among other problems.”


What about DHA’s supposed “quantum effects”?

No way, no day, no shape, no form.


The global fish oil market is expected to reach $4,080,000,000 ($4.08 billion) by 2022.

It’s another classic case of transnational corporations stealing both your money and your health.


To see what Yellow Fat Disease can do to an animal’s liver, check out the YouTube video …

The Most Mysterious Strange Places on Earth National Geographic Documentary / The Kruger Crocodiles Dying

Unfortunately, and perhaps predictably, the “experts” blamed the crocodile die-off on “toxins,” not the actual cause of carp eating smaller fish feeding on DHA- and EPA-rich algae.

Yellow Fat Disease escalates as it ascends the ecological food chain.

'Waxy Liver Disease' have 2 comments

  1. August 16, 2017 @ 4:00 pm Atom

    Charles Murchison, M.D. wrote (in 1868) …

    “Lastly, when the disease [Fatty Liver as opposed to Waxy Liver] appears in the course of phthisis, it rarely calls for any special treatment, but its presence is a contra-indication to the use of cod-liver oil, or other oleaginous remedies.”


  2. August 16, 2017 @ 4:08 pm Atom

    Body Dowsing (Mind Reading For the Millions) is a portal to the true source of 99% of all illness — Who’s the Matter With Me?

    It’s not, What’s the Matter With Me?

    The Cornerstone Technique acts like a Geiger counter that can differentiate between two different kinds of radiation — Male and Female Cognitive Shocks.

    It’s Men on the Left and Women on the Right, just like military marching.

    The first step is odd (like the Odd Fellows Lodge), and the second step is even (no Odd Ladies Lodge).

    XY is odd. XX is even. The Body Doesn’t Lie.


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