They’re not pinwheels.

There’s 2 chakra systems. The sperm has one. The ovum, the other.

Kundalini force is the business of the sperm.

Cosmodyne energy is the business of the ovum.

The sperm and the ovum are Mr. & Mrs. God — Yin and Yang, Moon and Sun.

The sperm is the Moon. The Ovum is the Sun. (Surprised?)

The sperm accelerated to become the SPINE.

The sperm’s swimming action is called “kundalini.”

The ovum accelerated to become the SKULL.

The skull is a cavity resonancechamber responsible for”cosmodyne energy.” (Think Crystal Skull.)

The place where they mated is called the medulla oblongata, the skull-spine juncture, the Yes No Maybe Sweet Spot.

A sniper’s “sweet spot” is the “apricot.” The motor senses are cut off immediately,so a victim cannot cry out.

(Yes, eating an apricotfor breakfastis an elixir forthe medulla oblongata — and its respiratory and cardiac control functions.)

The medulla oblongata is the only “instant” and “timeless” part of the brain.

Snipers target it for an NRK — No Reaction Kill.

What are the sperm and ovum composed of? …

The “144 elements” of the Periodic Table of the Elements — arranged in 7 levels.

Hydrogen (desire) rules the 7th Chakra, Period 1.

This is thedomainof the Ascended Master.

Carl Jung dismissed this level as being “without practical level for us.”

Oxygen (consciousness), Nitrogen (will), Carbon (longevity), and Fluorine rule the 6th Chakra, Period 2.

This is the domain (and terrain) of the Manifest (Descended) Master, the level of Consciousness acting on Consciousness, Mind on Mind, Thought on Thought, the ultimate Placebo level of existence– and the self-governing dominion Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) operated from.

In Tucson, Arizona,Adano said …

“I stayed in delta for 15 minutes, and became a Swami.

“I stayed in delta for an hour, and became a Paramahansa.

“I stayed in delta for 2 hours, and became a Siddhi.

“I stayed in delta for 12 hours, and became an Ascended Master, and went away to a faraway sterile corner of the Universe.

“But I looked back at the Earth as a tiny blue ball, and I realized, ‘If all is One, I left myself behind.’

“So I returned to Earth as a Descended Manifested Master, and here I AM, sitting in this chair, a liberated being, talking to myself as unliberated beings [pointing to us, his audience], and watching the whole thing as an Unidentified Principle.”

(to be continued)

'What Are Chakras Really? (#1)' have 6 comments

  1. April 28, 2011 @ 7:36 pm choptop40

    Atom , appreciate your work and looking forward to reading your book.please email me your schedule as id like to meet you and take some classes..sincerely mario , [email protected]

    • April 28, 2011 @ 8:02 pm atomb

      Hi, Mario …

      I’ll keep you posted.

      For the moment, I’m only doing workshops and consultations in California and Arizona.

      I’m especially looking for a (1) sponsor and/or (2) business partner and/or (3) apprentice in or near Ojai, California.

      My plan is to make Ojai my new Part-Time Intergalactic Headquarters.

      I lived in the nearby beach community of Carpinteria for almost 2 decades.

      Ever New Highways! :)

  2. April 30, 2011 @ 10:13 am shellinspector

    Hi Atom!

    A personal question, if I may: Can you yourself enter Delta, and if Yes, can you tell what gives more “bang for the buck” in terms of achieving that state?

    What is your take on HemiSynch biaural beats used by Monroe Institute people?

    With respect to the chakra system the Vedic wisdom stipulates that women usually have a more functional 7th chakra than men, hence more women are best at extrasensory communication, clairvoyance, spirit talking and other ‘cheap’ supernatural tricks, with all due respect;-)

    8’th chakra, on the other hand, is of much higher vibrational frequency allows contact with the divine realm, the realm of highest virtue, power and requiring greater level of purity , integrity and responsibility of the being. I think it is incorrect to say that ‘desire’ is it’s main attribute. I’d rather assign desire to a 2’nd 3’d chakra, depending on what kind of desire we have in mind. Men, as a general rule, have more developed 8th chakra.

    If anyone should become offended by this difference in gender, I’d like to mention, that it oftentimes does not make sense of talking about 8th chakra in men or women living in our place and our time. We are all ants in that respect.

    Atom, what is your take on eating apricots out of season?Does chronobiotic nutrition stress eating food with respect to the time of the season as well as time of the day?

    Thank you for the blog!

    • April 30, 2011 @ 4:15 pm atomb

      My delta brain waves are confined to slow-wave sleep.

      A Swami can hold his (or her) breath for 15 minutes.

      A Paramahansa, for an hour.

      Look for future “Atom’s Blog” entries for more info on chakras.

      Local and seasonal food 80% of the time, and nonlocal and nonseasonal food 20% of the time is an acceptable Chronobiotic strategy.

  3. April 30, 2011 @ 10:17 am shellinspector

    OOPS! Made a mistake with respect to numbering. Of course, 6 th (women) chakra is the paranormal perception one and 7th is the Divine realm (men), not 7th and 8th like I wrote above.

  4. April 30, 2011 @ 4:24 pm atomb

    A fully-activated 2nd chakra is equivalent to an atomic explosion.

    A fully-activated 3rd chakra is equivalent to putting the explosion back in the bomb … or vomiting up a digested sandwich in its original state.

    The Siddhis are low on the totem pole.

    We can’t astral project because we’re already at our destination before we ever departed.

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