The APPLE is a symbol of both the sperm’s kundalini force and the ovum’s cosmodyne energy.

The core of the apple represents kundalini, Magnetic Flow.

The skin of the apple represents cosmodyne energy, Life Flow.

Magnetic Flow is finite, counterclockwise, and draws its power from the body.

Life Flow is infinite, clockwise, and draws it’s power from the environment –it phase-locks tothe environmental field.

Magnetic Flow links to the spine, nerves, and “gray matter” of the brain.

Life Flow links to the skin, blood, and “white matter” of the brain.

The odd-numbered elements of the Period Table relate to the sperm, and are MALE.

The even-numbered elements relate to the ovum, and are FEMALE.

The even-numbered elements are far more stable. (Verify this at Wikipedia’s “List of elements by stability of isotopes.”)

XY is the odd-numbered MALE chromosome, and XX is the more stable even-numbered FEMALE chromosome.

It’s the Odd Fellows Lodge.

If there was a women’s version, it would be the Even Ladies Lodge.

In astrology, the odd-numbered signs are MALE, and the even-numbered ones are FEMALE.

In the I Ching, the odd-numbered hexagrams are MALE, and the even-numbered ones are FEMALE.

When a man and a woman use the TV’s remote control, guess who does the most channel surfing?

Moses’ rod is a symbol of Life Flow.

Moses parted the Red Sea with it.

Aaron’s rod is also a symbol of Life Flow.

Pharaoh’s sorcerers cast down their rods to become serpents (kundalini), but Aaron’s rod-serpent ate them all.

The woman who “touched” the hem of Jesus’garment was healed by Magnetic Flow.

All other healingsof Jesus were doneusing Life Flow.

Adano Ley said, “Magnetic flow leaves you vulnerable. Neutral flow is collective integration. Life flow is superior to all. The life is in the blood.”

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