A Reichian orgasm – a complete orgasm – is neither …

(1) partial or

(2) precocious.

It involves the pleasurable and involuntary movement of the entirebody from core (Yin) to periphery (Yang).

If there’s no GOOSE BUMPS and niacin-like SEX FLUSH during sexual intercourse, there’s …

(1) no Tantra and

(2)deficient Kundalini.

One vertebra short of total spinal engagement is enough to short-circuit Kundalini – the spermal and serial propulsion principle in both men and women.

The spine began as aSPERM and the skull began as an OVUM.

Theyjoined forcesat the medulla oblongata (the Mouth of God),uniting in Holy Matrimony.

“The only marriage that cannot be put asunder is the one between the sperm and the ovum,” according to Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley).

Men are designed to produce a minimum of 1,000 sperm per heartbeat.

The ovum is 85,000 times larger than the sperm.

A Reichian orgasm is blocked by a condom, partiallyby preventing the intermingling of the acidic discharge of a woman’s Bartholin’s glands in the superficial perineal pouch and the alkaline discharge of a man’s Cowper’s glands in the deep perineal pouch, leaving awould-be Tantrist with basically4 options …

(1) Stay with one sexual partner,

(2) cultivate superimmunity to avoid STDs,

(3)play Russian roulettewith multiple sexual partners, or

(4) pretend to do Tantra by doing “White Tantra.”

The fourth approach is stupid, whereas the third approach is both stupid and dangerous.

Wilhelm Reich (The Function of the Orgasm: Sex-Economic Problems of Biological Energy, 1942, 1973) wrote …

“Since only vegetative sensations of pleasure are accompanied by an increase of the charge at the surface of the organism, pleasurable excitation has to be regarded as the specifically productive process in the biological system. All other affects, e.g., unpleasure, vexation, anxiety, pressure, are, in terms of energy, opposed to this process and hence represent life-negating functions. Thus, the process of sexual pleasure is the life process per se. This is not a manner of speaking; it is an experimentally proven fact.”

The orgasm is oftenreferred to asa “mini-death.”

In Tantra, this mini-death isa necessaryprecursor to a MAXI-LIFE resolution involving both …

(1) a bio-mechanical tension-relaxation and

(2) a bio-electrical charge-discharge.

Orgasm slows down the speed of electromagnetic energy (measured at 186,000 miles per second) to the speed ofcariac peak conduction velocity(measured in millimeters per second), generating the PLEASURE WAVE – “streaming” -during the process.

Swing Your Partner Dosey Doe! :)

'What Is a Reichian Orgasm?' has 1 comment

  1. August 12, 2011 @ 11:47 am atomb

    Re: Does the urinary bladder have anything to do with orgasms?

    The bladder connects to sexual RELATIONSHIP traumas via the thyroid (Triple Heater Meridian).

    The internal and external vesical sphincter muscles of the bladder can contribute to a woman’s orgasm.

    The Bladder Meridian “shunts” the Triple Heater Meridian, the “I DO” Meridian beginning on the RING finger.

    “I WON’T” is especially time-anchored to Triple Heater Time (9:00-11:00 pm).

    The Spleen-Pancreas Meridian is also a “shunt” to the Bladder Meridian, which is why diabetes has such a profound effect on sexuality and orgasm.

    Reichian orgasm is a “WE DO” cooperative orgasm, recruiting OXYTOCIN and bio-electrical charge-discharge for the easiest way for the entire ORGANISM to ORGASM.

    The hardest way to recruit oxytocin is by SOLITARY ORGASM, but it’s possible with generous doses of …

    … self-love, self-esteem, self-nurturing, self-compassion, self-worship, and self-awareness.

    Lady GaGa avoids “sex with a partner” because it depletes her “creative energy.”

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