Wheat Belly & Bagel Butt

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

William Davis, M.D., is the author of Wheat Belly (2011) and Super Gut (2022).

He’s spot on about Frankenwheat — today’s wheat and other grains are not what our ancestors ate before 1888.

Why 1888? That’s the year plant breeders started genetically modifying foods.

It was called “selective breeding” 133 years ago, but — call it whatever you choose — 1888 ushered in the Age of Frankenfood.

But it’s not as dire as Doc Davis makes it out to be.

You can avoid the Wrath of Wheat and the Rage of Rye by (1) buying organic whole grains, (2) cooking them thoroughly, and (3) adding butter and/or extra virgin olive oil.


Re: What about sprouting, nixtamalization, and pyro-dextrinization?

Excellent, but not “necessarily necessary” if you follow the threefold guideline above.


Doc Davis is on the right track — processed grains aren’t doing us any favors.

Store-bought breads, including those sold in “health food” supermarkets, transform Sheep-Bots who are foolish enough to eat these corporate perversions into hospital fodder.

That goes double and triple for muffins, donuts, cake, waffles, pancakes, pizza, crackers, chips, rolls, cereals, bread crumbs, hidden sources of grains (cheap filler), and so on.


William Davis is an M.D., so, of course, he’s steeped in Medical Nemesis mythology.

It’s not his fault. Blame the Medical Police State (officially born in 1847).

1) He’s against gliadin.

Gliadin is usually no problem if you follow my threefold guideline and minimize omega 3 fatty acids.

2) He’s against gliadin-derived opiates.

This is greatly exaggerated.

3) He warns against amylopectin raising blood sugar

Dr. Ray Peat says the “safest starch” is found in short-grain rice because … it’s 100% amylopectin.
According to him, it’s even safer than white potato starch.

(At least Doc Davis knows the difference between glycemic INDEX and glycemic LOAD.)

4) He calls wheat germ agglutinin a “potent bowel toxin.”

It’s also being used to oppose the growth of cancer (same as mistletoe agglutinin and jimson weed agglutinin).

5) He’s down on grain phytates.

Supplement sellers remove phytates from grain and sell them back to consumers as IP-6 (inositol hexaphosphate) for tumor cell destruction and the control of cancer metastasis.

6) He thinks grain contains “potent endocrine disrupters.”

This is grossly exaggerated.

7) He insists on 100% adherence (no exceptions) to the Wheat Belly Lifestyle.

It’s human to take a bite out of your mother’s birthday cake once in a blue moon, so now it’s not the fault of the protocol, IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT FOR DISOBEYING THE RULES!

8) He permits the eating of white potatoes but they MUST BE RAW.

Raw potatoes are toxic. John Harvey Kellogg rightly claimed that under-cooked potatoes are toxic.

(Yes, once in a while raw potatoes can be used as a therapeutic medicine. So can cyanide, digitalis, quabain, mercury, etc.)

9) He advises against eating ripe bananas, but green bananas are OK.

“Awww [bleep], here we go again … here we go again,” as George Carlin would say.

10) He calls whey one of the “undesirable aspects of dairy.”


11) He claims we can eat all the fat we want.

Bad advice.


Later days, Willie Mays! In a while, crocodile!

Thanks for reading “Atom’s Blog.”


'Wheat Belly & Bagel Butt' have 4 comments

  1. January 19, 2022 @ 4:09 pm Bint

    Hi Atom
    Off topic but I decided to reorder one of those superfood blends and noticed that they adding “fermented lithium”. What is this? Why add this? Is this safe?
    I recall reading about lithium on your blog and using tongue positioning to increase lithium in the body. I enjoy this product but this has really given me pause.

    Much appreciated


    • January 21, 2022 @ 1:47 pm Atom

      Lithium is dangerous and I would be wary of any company using it in their products.


  2. January 23, 2022 @ 1:10 pm Noreen

    Hello Adam,
    My beautiful wonky brain is confused most of the time from all the different information on how to nurish our bodies. Thank you for your balanced approach.


    • February 21, 2022 @ 8:41 pm Atom

      THANKS !!!!! <3


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