Caffeine increases sperm motility and metabolism … and ups antioxidant levels in seminal fluid.

You’ve probably heard otherwise, and that’s because you need to know WHEN to take caffeine.

The color yellow is the color of decision and kinesis.

Yellow initiates the electron transport of both the mitochondrion and the endoplasmic reticulum via flavin adenine dinucleotide.

Flavin means “yellow.”

Flavin adenine dinucleotide is a component of the molybdenum-containing xanthine oxidase.

Xanthine means “yellow.”

Molecules containing molybdenum – classified in the yellow range by atomic absorption spectrometry – are powerful batteries capable of the simultaneous exchange of two electrons and two protons.

Yellow is the key to somatic energy transference – it’s the coffee of the human body, and is at the very core of the caffeine molecule, as well as theophylline (found in black, green, oolong, white, and brick tea) and theobromine (found in cacao and chocolate).

Caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine are all methylxanthines.

Xanthine means “yellow.”

You can’t get pregnant without the color yellow. (Ditto green, but that’s another story.)

Lutein is located in egg yolk and in the corpus luteum of the human ovum.

Lutein means “yellow.”

Corpus luteum means “yellow body.”

Hmmm. We seem to be developing a pattern here. :)

Yellow drives the mitosis vital to the growth of the conceptus.

You can’t get cancer without the color yellow.

Xanthopsis is a yellow pigment routinely detected in cancer.

Xantho means “yellow.”

The VITAMER riboflavin can accelerate melanin production unto malignancy.

Ribose is a simple sugar and flavin means “yellow.”

Riboflavin comes in two enzymatic forms …

(1) flavin mononucleotide and

(2) flavin adenosine dinucleotide.

If you go return to the top of the page, you’ll see we’re back to where we started.

Fortunately, both platinum and xanthopterin are also connected to the color yellow.

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FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at




'Yellow Is the Power Behind Coffee' have 5 comments

  1. April 16, 2012 @ 4:06 pm atomb

    Fortunately, both xanthopuccine and xantbopicrin are also connected to the color yellow.


  2. April 16, 2012 @ 4:40 pm atomb

    A current nutrition book states …

    “Chocolate for breakfast? Only if you are one of those people who can’t survive more than one hour without a chocolate rush.”

    Exception to the Rule: In Solar Nutrition, chocolate is eaten only once a day … for “break the fast.”



  3. April 16, 2012 @ 11:14 pm Ryan

    Ha ha – so funny – after your last post on the Kindey’s and Yellow I stared at a large piece of yellow cloth for a couple of hours… and was going to ask you the value of meditating on mellow yellow….



  4. April 17, 2012 @ 4:05 pm atomb

    Re: What do you think about Metabolic Typing used in cancer therapy?

    Unfortunately, it’s a distorted version of Dr. John Beard’s (1857-1924) Universal Trophoblast concept. :(

    Dr. Beard’s research has been degraded by William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. (1925-2005) and Nicholas Gonzales, M.D.

    The proteolytic enzymes are better INJECTED to prevent them from being denatured in the stomach.

    Even if orally ingested pancreatic enzymes are acid-stable (as Dr. Gonzales states), that’s rarely true for an unhealthy person.

    Acid-stable enzymes may not be heat-stable, and a healthy stomach warms up to at least 102 degrees during digestion.

    Cofactors, coenzymes, nitrogen, and lesion pH need to be considered.

    Dr. Kelley’s two types of cancers – sympathetic and parasympathetic – don’t exist.

    There’s only one anabolic “category” of cancer and one “category” of catabolic DEFENSE against it.

    I have my own version of Dr. Kelley’s Metabolic Typing, and have found it ineffective unless a “point system” is added to each question.

    For example, on a scale of one to 10, I’d assign at least “10 points” to pupil size as an indicator of sympathetic/parasympathetic dominance.

    Kelley’s cancer treatment is compared to Dr. Emanuel Revici’s in my e-book, The Nitrogen Theory of Cancer, available at …


  5. April 17, 2012 @ 5:27 pm atomb

    Re: Why is Sympathetic better?

    It’s the Way of Action and Interaction, whereas Parasympathetic is the Way of Digestion and Solitude.

    When I showed Adano Ley an earlier version of my Metabolic Test, he scoffed and told me only one question was necessary for the test …

    “If your mother phoned you long-distance and said she was in trouble and needed you to be there, and you had no money, what would you do?”

    A Sympathetic Type would hang up the phone and immediately GO.

    A Parasympathetic Type would be stymied by the obstacles (“I don’t have any money,” “They need me at work,” etc.).

    When the news of Adano’s Mahasamadhi reached me, I acted like the Sympathetic Type, and, with no money, headed for the freeway with a poorly-packed suitcase in hand.

    My girlfriend Roberta drove up as I locked up my mobile home, and asked, “Where are you going?”

    “To Richmond,” where Adano was.

    “How are you going to get there?” she continued.


    She drove me to my friend Wild William Vance, and he bought me a one-way airline ticket to Richmond.

    I made it to Richmond, and Adano’s body was scheduled to be flown to Houston.

    Everybody left, and I was left behind.

    My friend Jonathan Dune stayed behind, and smirked, “Wait and see what happens.”

    Texas rejected Adano’s body, and I was still in the right place at the right time for the right experience.

    After the funeral (Adano’s body smelled of roses, especially his forehead), my friend Andrea of El Paso bought me my return ticket home.

    I’m pretty sure I paid both William and Andrea back.


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