Atom’s Blog

Here’s a major secret of biological alchemy, discovered by the Great Gugga Mugga Shugga Bugga Dr. Emanuel Revici (1896-1997).

He (Research in Physiopathology As Basis of Guided Chemotherapy – With Special Application to Cancer, 1961) wrote …
“We could go farther and correlate the above classification, made on the basis of biological properties, with the electronic configurations of the elements. For the members of the A series, those with an odd number of electrons in the valency shell were hetero type, while those with an even number were homo type. Among the B series, this criterion did not hold true. We found, however, that a similar correlation existed if consideration was given not to the valency shell alone but to the sum of the two external shells, the valency and the shell beneath it. This accords with the fact that in the B series elements, the two shells have insufficient electrons to fulfill the quantum numbers. We saw thus that those members of the B series with an odd number for the sum of electrons of the two shells have a homo character, while those with an even number have a hetero. This criterion applies to all members of the B group, including those in the I B and II B series, which have their full quantum quota of electrons in the shell beneath the valency shell. This same criterion was used to classify the three subseries of series VIII shown in the chart. The Fe subseries and Ni subseries were considered hetero type, the Co homo type. This antagonism was seen to be in accord with experimental findings.
“These considerations also permitted us to classify the members of the Lanthanium and Actinium Series. Characteristically, all show nonfulfillment of three of their electron shells – the valency and the two shells beneath. We established for these elements a separate series designation, C. Using the sum of the electrons of the three shells, we separated the elements of the C series into hetero and homo categories. Here, the criterion was the opposite of that used for the B series. The members with odd numbers of electrons were considered hetero, those with even numbers homo.”
Hetero is code for ANABOLIC (acidic).
Homo is code for CATABOLIC (alkaline).

This is one of the Five Great Secrets of Cosmo-Geo-Biological Alchemy.


'The Yin & Yang (Duality) Of Cosmic Mathematics' have 2 comments

  1. March 14, 2014 @ 2:29 am atomb

    Check out my e-books at …

  2. March 14, 2014 @ 3:47 am atomb

    Re: Ubiquinol is absorbed 8 times more efficiently than conventional CoQ10.

    What about UTILIZATION?

    What about STORAGE?


    What about ELIMINATION?

    Absorbed to do WHAT?

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