If you don’t understand today’s blog entry, share it with your physician, lab technician, or holistic health counselor. IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE ONE DAY.

The growth of cancer is an anabolic and ACIDIC/YANG process, while the metastasis of cancer is a catabolic and ALKALINE/YIN process.

In Dr. Emanuel Revici’s concept, at the (systemic) bloodstream level …

(1) anabolic agents generally increase red blood cell volume, whereas catabolic agents generally decrease red blood cell volume;

(2) anabolic agents generally decrease the red blood cell sedimentation rate, whereas catabolic agents generally increase the red blood cell sedimentation rate;

(3) anabolic agents generally increase the perseverance of red blood cell isolation (hemoisolation) and decrease platelet aggregation and sludge formation, whereas catabolic agents generally decrease the perseverance of red blood cell isolation and increase platelet aggregation (hemoconcentration) and sludge formation;

(4) anabolic agents generally increase the bright red color of blood, whereas catabolic agents generally darken the color of blood;

(5) anabolic agents generally increase the number of white blood cells in circulating blood (leukocytosis), whereas catabolic agents generally decrease the number of white blood cells in circulating blood (leukopenia);

(6) anabolic agents generally increase the number of eosinophil white blood cells (eosinophilia) in circulating blood, whereas catabolic agents generally decrease the number of eosinophil white blood cells (eosinopenia) in circulating blood;

(7) anabolic agents generally decrease (and even eliminate) C reactive protein (CRP), whereas catabolic agents generally increase C reactive protein (CRP);

(8) anabolic agents generally increase the perseverance of oxygen fixation in circulating blood, whereas catabolic agents generally decrease the perseverance of oxygen fixation in circulating blood;

(9) anabolic agents generally decrease potassium in blood plasma (hypokalemia), whereas catabolic agents generally increase potassium in blood plasma (hyperkalemia); etc.

In Revici’s concept, at the (systemic) urinary level …

(1) anabolic agents generally promote water excretion, whereas catabolic agents generally promote water retention;

(2) anabolic agents generally lower the specific gravity of urine, whereas catabolic agents generally raise the specific gravity of urine;

(3) anabolic agents generally increase the surface tension of urine (making it less “wet”), whereas catabolic agents generally decrease the surface tension of urine (making it “wetter”);

(4) anabolic agents generally increase urinary pH (alkalinizing the urine), whereas catabolic agents generally decrease urinary pH (acidifying the urine);

(5) anabolic agents generally promote phosphate retention, whereas catabolic agents generally promote phosphate excretion;

(6) anabolic agents generally promote sulfhydral retention, whereas catabolic agents generally promote sulfhydral excretion;

(7) anabolic agents generally promote calcium excretion, whereas catabolic agents generally promote calcium retention;

(8) anabolic agents generally promote sodium excretion, whereas catabolic agents generally promote sodium retention;

(9) anabolic agents generally promote chloride excretion, whereas catabolic agents generally promote chloride retention;

(10) anabolic agents generally promote retention of surfactants (surface active agents), whereas catabolic agents generally promote excretion of surfactants; etc. (To see alveoli with and without surface active agent, consult “Surfactant” at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Interactive Respiratory Physiology Website.)




'Yin & Yang of Cancer & Other Diseases' have 6 comments

  1. November 2, 2011 @ 2:03 pm atomb

    Re: One thing I never got is how a coffee enema is cleansing to the liver if the colon is one system and the liver doesn’t even touch it?

    The superior hemorrhoidal vein drains into the portal vein, which drains into the liver.

    The middle and inferior hemorrhoidal veins bypass the liver and go directly to the bladder, sexual organs, and heart – making a coffee enema a Tantric Sex technique, but that’s another story for a sexier time involving the Liver Meridian being a 90-degree Time Shunt for the Circulation-Sex (Pericardium) Meridian.

    Once upon a time, the medical profession made extensive use of coffee enemas, bringing some of their patients back from death’s door.

    One out of many examples is reported in the November 26, 1897 issue of The Sanitary Record: A Weekly Journal of Public Health and the Progress of Sanitary Science at Home and Abroad.


  2. November 2, 2011 @ 3:32 pm atomb

    Re: When is a good time for a coffee enema?

    2:00 pm – in the middle of Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 pm) – is optimum.

    The BILIARY CYCLE of the liver peaks at 2:00 pm, and is at its nadir at 2:00 am, in the middle of Liver Time (1:00-3:00 am).

    Conversely, the GLYCOGEN CYCLE of the liver peaks at 2:00 am, and is at its nadir at 2:00 pm.

    A cirrhotic or diseased liver blunts circadian rhythms because of the many FOOD & FLUID CLOCK GENES it contains.

    An (1) early bedtime, (2) sleeping in the dark, and (3) Time Conscious Eating help synchronize the peak of the GLYCOGEN CYCLE with the peak of the MELATONIN CYCLE, offering maximum protection against gallstones, fibrosis, cirrhosis, radiation (including the gamma radiation from SPECT brain scams, uh, er, scans), etc.


  3. November 2, 2011 @ 4:20 pm atomb

    Re: What is the correct oscillatory equilibrium and how to reach it naturally?

    The ultimate acidic outcome is a ROCK, and the ultimate alkaline outcome is a PUDDLE.

    Optimum oscillatory acid-alkaline balance results in healthy TISSUE.

    A healthy person is more acidic in the morning than he/she is in the evening.

    A friend of mine named Doug had a martial arts instructor in San Francisco who asked him to flex his biceps.

    Doug flexed, and his biceps were solid and hard.

    The instructor said, “Now relax your biceps.”

    Doug’s biceps remained solid and hard.

    The instructor flexed his own biceps and said, “Now feel mine.”

    His biceps were solid and hard.

    The instructor unflexed and said, “Feel mine again”

    His biceps were soft and FLEXIBLE.

    The instructor pointed to Doug’s biceps, then to his own, commenting, “IGNORANT muscle … SMART muscle.”


  4. November 2, 2011 @ 7:53 pm atomb

    Re: I am trying to avoid an operation for hemifacial spasm.

    Emotional trauma is involved in 99 percent of all physical ailments.

    Many folks could be helped with my system of Body Language Analysis IF THE WORLD WOULD TAKE NOTICE.

    Effective yawning …

    (1) brings tears to the eyes, and

    (2) causes the mouth to water.

    A yawn can be artificially supercharged by temporarily placing a slice of freshly-cut onion a few inches away from the eyes, and by applying a pinch of cayenne pepper to the tongue.

    Stress, fatigue, estrogen-replacement therapy, and certain medications, etc., are secondary causes of hemifacial spasms.


    • November 3, 2011 @ 5:14 pm Thomas

      This may or may not be useful to other yawning enthusiasts, but I find that jiggling my tongue quickly right-left-right-left-right-left-etc. inside of my mouth before I yawn helps to induce a fuller, easier yawn.

      I just started doing this instinctively, and wonder if it has any useful brain/being bi-lateralisation effects.



      • November 4, 2011 @ 1:44 pm atomb


        Some of the best Yogic yawning techniques available are found in scuba diving guidebooks …

        (1) coughing,

        (2) swallowing,

        (3) jaw thrusting (forward and down),

        (4) tongue thrusting,

        (5) tongue retraction,

        (6) tongue popping,

        (7) tongue rolling,

        (8) compressor naris flexing,

        (9) Politzerization,

        (10) Frenzel maneuver,

        (11) Toynbee maneuver,

        (12) Valsalva maneuver,

        (13) Edmonds Technique,

        (14) Lowry Technique,

        (15) Voluntary Tubal Opening, and (now) …

        (16) Croger Technique. :)

        Equalizing ear pressure by clearing the Eustachean tubes, inner ear, nasal airways (the roof of your mouth is the floor of your nose), paranasal sinuses, and sinus ducts, allows better reception of the Audible Life Stream (Sound Current).


        Intense weight-lifting exercises, e.g., squats, can result in hearing loss if not accompanied by ear clearing – yawning, coughing, or swallowing.

        Kriya Yoga – and the mastery of Kundalini – is yawning with a Ph.D.

        Swami Nitty-Gritty phrased it, “I hate to be crude, but Kundalini is a hard-on in the tongue.


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