Anchoring to Liver Time (1:00-3:00 a.m.), Solar Nutrition facilitates three defenses.
(1) The 24-hour circadian ectodermic defense response involves …
copper (cytochrome oxidase, superoxide dismutase, etc.),
magnesium (the properdin system),
sterols, and
fatty acids.
This defense is primarily digestive, causing the hydrolysis of toxins, and is regulated by the Stomach and Circulation-Sex meridians.
(2) The 7-day circaseptan endodermic defense response involves …
manganese (pyruvate carboxylase, etc.) and
coagulant lipoproteinic antibodies.
This defense is primarily allergic, and is regulated by the Spleen-Pancreas and Triple Heater meridians.
(3) The 15-day semicircatrigintan mesodermic defense response involves …
phosphorus (nucleoproteins, adenosine triphosphate, etc.) and
proteinic antibodies.
This defense is primarily healing, and is regulated by the Liver and Small Intestine meridians.
Solar Nutrition stimulates proteolytic enzymes that dissolve the oxidized (aging) body’s disulfide (sulfur plus sulfur) bonds, accelerating their replacement with new, youthful sulfhydryl (sulfur plus hydrogen) bonds.
Solar Nutrition activates free radical quenchers and detoxifying microsomal enzymes for cathodic bonding and time-mediated superimmunity, e.g. …
Breast cancer is corrected when the daily surface temperature of the breast returns from a 20-hour rhythm to it’s phase-optimal 24-hour rhythm.
Our e-books & e-booklets are available at …
Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at
'You Are WHEN You Eat Trumps You Are WHAT You Eat' have 5 comments
August 9, 2012 @ 8:29 pm atomb
Eat in time before time eats you! ;)
August 11, 2012 @ 3:37 am John
Hi Atom,
what are the heath benefits of apple cider vinegar ?
When I buy it I am told it should have gas in it ?
How do I know it is ‘live’ when I get it ? Is there any way to test it ?
August 11, 2012 @ 10:09 pm atomb
Supermarket apple cider vinegar will do.
Malic acid is the active ingredient. Maybe its potassium too (if Dr. D.C. Jarvis was right).
Plain old Heinz apple cider vinegar combined with honey cured me of a diagnosis of “incurable arthritic gout” in 1970.
Honey contains hydrogen peroxide.
However, the pint and quart bottles of Heinz are real apple cider vinegar, but the larger bottle is caramel-colored acetic acid.
Always read labels. :)
But I often buy the “live” vinegar to support the alternative health community.
August 12, 2012 @ 4:59 am John
I want to juice wild stinging nettles.
I have read that “Only the young tops should be used, as older plants can be irritating to the kidneys and may cause digestive disturbances”
Do you know is this true ?
Can the stems be juiced as well as the leaves ?
August 12, 2012 @ 3:21 pm atomb
Yes, young plants only, then you can juice both stems and leaves. :)
Nettle is a midday food.