Whenever Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) spoke, he “mounted his horse and rode off in all directions.”
“I’m St. Peter’s bellboy.”
“Spirituality is practicality. Divinity is immunity. Liberation is to act on command performance.”
“You always sneeze at the truth.”
“Your highest self is self-acceptance.”
“If you like high tones, your mother is dominant. If you like low tones, the father is dominant. The therapy for these conditions is the opposite tone.”
“Diarrhea is a father trauma. Constipation is a mother trauma.”
“Attachment is biomagnetic alignment to an object.”
“Enlightenment is prismatically mirrorizing everything.”
“Lie to yourself if you want to be energetic.”
“There are no sins, only misapplied decisions.”
“Therapy is reevaluation.”
“Creative Consciousness will not meet your individuality all the way.”
“The pain is only bringing to the surface an unfinished memory bank.”
“The glory of God is to correct your own mistakes. Your immune levels will meet you halfway.”
“Flex and change. You can’t lock yourself into fixation.”
“The student and the teacher are not above each other. It’s equal exchange of Oneness.”
“Consciousness has nothing to do with intelligence.”
“God pressurized manifestation.”
“You are a mini in a maxi.”
“Vibration is equal to the quanta of the motion.”
“Nothing occupies space by virtue of kinesis.”
“Kinesis is sonics, activated motion. Kinesis is motion as sonics. Sonics is its own resonance.”
“Your nothingness is its thingness at its fullest, a helix action. Motion is sonic ions.”
“There’s no way to analyze your own internal structure.”
“We are an evolved part of the creation that is locked up in its own involution.”
“We are a 144 element organism.”
“The 144,000 mentioned in the Bible is 72 nadis times one thousand, 72,000 nerve endings in polarity.”
“Mongolians are supposed to be one of the Lost Tribes of Israel.”
“The human body is a biological processor. Man does not eat.”
“A survivalist smells the air.”
“Tissue is a lipid and salt water amalgamate The lipid comes from sap, which is resinous.”
“Red is a color to stop. Green is a color to move. Yellow is a color to make decisions.”
“The shoulder assumes responsibility as part of the anatomy.”
“Better to be a weirdo than a dead know-it-all.”
“It’s better to be lucky than smart.”
“You’re entitled to placebo yourself from here to infinity.”
“Yogananda said, ‘My time has come to do other work. In 200 years I’ll come back and see what you’ve done with my work.'”
“Jesus said, ‘I’ll be back when you need me, not when you want me.'”
“A man is only as good as his verbs. ‘I am a winner.’ ‘Pick up your body and walk.'”
“I am soul.”
'Your Nothingness Is Its Thingness At Its Fullest' have 5 comments
September 12, 2013 @ 2:36 pm atomb
My e-books are available at …
Most of the quotes above are from …
Butterflies Need No Taxidermist: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Resurrection Lifestyles of Swami Nitty-Gritty
I realized Adano Ley had never failed to answer ANY question anyone asked him since the day we met.
It was 1976, more than six months since our first meeting prior to Thanksgiving, 1975.
It was like living in a fairy tale, finding the goose that laid the golden answer.
A bunch of us as usual were sitting in various chairs and on the floor gathered around Adano asking questions, so I immediately asked the first one that popped into my mind.
Adano leaned forward, intensely staring into my eyes, and VERY deliberately intoned, “I … DON’T … KNOW.”
He answered my question several months later.
Adano claimed his name meant “I dunno” (A-da-no), saying, “There’s only ‘I don’t know,’ and everything else is a lie.”
September 13, 2013 @ 5:04 am lydia
Hi Atom
Please could you recommend a food nutrient to thicken hair and nails that could replace MSM supplement. Used to take ages ago but stopped because it is expensive.
September 14, 2013 @ 6:02 pm atomb
Any morning Zone One food containing sulfur, silicon, zinc, copper, cysteine, cystine, arginine, folic acid, pyridoxine, etc., supports hair growth.
Watery foods help hydrate hair. (Don’t dry your hair with heat.)
Skimmed milk at noon supplies extra cysteine (at a price).
Shark oil at night also supplies extra cysteine.
Reflexology stimulates hair growth.
September 16, 2013 @ 11:53 am mushroomboy
Atom. So do you have any thoughts on supplementing with a “pure” sulfur source?
September 16, 2013 @ 1:46 pm atomb
Know the Growth Zone of your sulfur source.
MSM sulfur is morning Zone 1.
Yellow dirt organic sulfur is midday Zone 2.
Homeopathic sulfur is also midday Zone 2.
Aerosol sulfur (obtained by breathing) is midday Zone 2 (specif. from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.).
Thousand-year-old egg sulfur is evening Zone 3.
Aerosol sulfur is your “purest” source (not recommended in a polluted city).
Homeopathic sulfur is the second most “purest,” depending on its dilution.