Zen Is the Zenith Of Mind
Most disease is caused by a virus — a primary kind of virus.
The virus is the WORD and the vector is the MOUTH.
According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …
“Your mouth is a gun. It uses bullets called word, and the trigger is the intent. Be careful you don’t point it at yourself.”
Both health and disease are products of DOUBLE BIND.
If I tell you, “Be spontaneous,” you’re in a double bind unless you grok how words can split you in two.
Reflection stops infection.
Healing is ZEN and disease is DEADLOCK.
Ernest L. Rossi & Milton H. Erickson (The Nature of Hypnosis and Suggestion, 1980) wrote …
“Illogic continues to have a field day with Erickson’s casual insertions of all sorts of non sequiters and reductio ad absurdi in the form of double binds. As was illustrated in Erickson’s ‘going to bed’ examples with children, he will often give a series of double binds when one does not suffice. Frequently, the more he gives the more absurd they become, except that consciousness does not recognize their absurdity and is eventually structured by them. In the non sequitur double-bind there is a similarity in the content of the alternatives offered even though there is no logical connection. Thus Erickson says, ‘Do you wish to take a bath before going to bed, or would you rather put your pajamas on in the bathroom?’ One could get vertigo trying to figure out the sense of illogic of such a proposition. One cannot figure it out, one cannot figure it out, one cannot refute it, so one tends to go along with it.”
The concept of AGING is a double bind …
“Do you want to get old now or later?”
“Do you want to pay the piper in 2017 or in 2027?”
Adano Ley demonstrated the principle of duality versus unity by holding up a pen and asking, “How many ends does this pen have?”
Most people answered, “Two,” demonstrating the mind’s natural polarization and reductionistic duality.
Two better answers are, “One end” or “Infinite ends.”
Kabir wrote, “I’m looking at you, you’re looking somewhere else. Damn the kind of mind that’s in two places at once.”
But the STRAIGHT WORD trumps the crooked word.
Joseph Barber (“The Irony of the Ericksonian Legend: The Power of Hypnosis,” Developing Ericksonian Therapy: State of the Art, 1988) wrote …
“In the 19th Century, [Hyppolyte] Bernheim said that if a patient is in a normal waking state and you want him to follow a suggestion, you need to be indirect. But, he said, the value of hypnosis is that you can be quite direct in making such suggestions. It is easy to forget this at meetings such as this Congress or at workshops in which we see clever, sometimes very moving, interventions, in which there is inordinate focus on cleverness of language.”
According to Adano …
“Kinesis can [also] lead to brain wave jamming [hypnosis].”
Mesmerism is the Father of Hypnosis.
'Zen Is the Zenith Of Mind' have 5 comments
January 18, 2017 @ 3:34 pm Atom
“There are two Stargates. Both are at the end of your nose.” — Sky Baba-Rebop
January 18, 2017 @ 3:36 pm Atom
Generally, not specifically, the most critical anabolic (heterotropic) time window is 11:55 a.m. for heart diseases of over-activity and remedies of super-activity, while the most critical catabolic (homotropic) time window is 1:55 p.m. for heart diseases of under-activity and remedies of benign neglect.
January 18, 2017 @ 3:49 pm Atom
Chris Morgan (Future Man, 1980) wrote …
“In time interstellar man will come to outnumber all the stop-at-homes who have remained on Earth or in its immediate vicinity. He is the future of our race.”
January 19, 2017 @ 8:36 pm David
Is it better to be acidic or alkaline to fight off a cold,? I heard an old time remedy was baking soda.
January 22, 2017 @ 8:19 pm Atom
Usually slkaline for a virus (cold or flu). Usually acidic for an infection.
I say usually because the body attacks a virus with it’s own alkaline chemotherapy and an infection with its own acidic chemotherapy.
Doubling up is often dangerous, so it’s best to know your body (Know Thyself).
Body Dowsing helps. :-D