Monthly Archives: August 2008

Low-Carb Diet Beats Low-Fat Diet

A low-carb diet and a Mediterranean-style diet both helped people lose more weight than a traditional low-fat diet in one of the longest and largest studies to compare the various weight-loss techniques. The low-carb diet also improved cholesterol more than the other two, even though some critics had predicted the opposite result. The two-year study…

Open Friday Forum – 08.01.08

We cover lots of ideas, callers, emails and Patrick going into detail on his experiences with liver flushes. And several callers do the same. That is what the forums are really about, hearing ideas from all over. We talk about being a frugavore, eating less and living longer, using the Norwalk Juicer, Karma and letting…

Andrew Gause – 08.30.08

It is challenging keeping up with the bank failures without a scorecard. “This is the biggest financial crises in the history of these United States.” I have been hearing reports of such a lot lately and I asked, the usually conservative in viewpoints on such statements, “Do you think that is accurate?” Mr. Gause calmly…

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