Monthly Archives: October 2008

New Bretton Woods System?

Bretton Woods was effectively an exchange rate mechanism, were gold backed the new kid on the world block, namely the post war US dollar and all other currencies floated around the dollar in a fixed range. If a currency moved too far either way of the range then the respective Central Bank stepped in and…

Healing Organs by Eating Chronobiotically – Atom Bergstrom – October 20, 2008

As the old comedy masters would say, “Timing is everything.” And so goes our cutting edge nutritionist Atom Bergstrom, co-author of Yes, No Maybe – Chronobiotic Nutrition. Atom Bergstroms archived shows – Click Here Website: Atom gives us specific foods to eat at specific times to heal specific organs. Doesn’t get much better than…

What does the Department of Energy do?

What was the reason given for developing the Department of Energy during the Carter administration?   We have spent multi billions of dollars in support of this agency and I am willing to bet not one person who hears this will remember the reason given. It was very simple. >>> >>> THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WAS INSTITUTED…

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