Monthly Archives: September 2011

Losing Your Aura Is a Good Thing

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said, “An aura is a philosophic term for the electromagnetic illumination of the tissues based upon the crystalline structures which indicate the polarity of the tissue under stress or no stress. The Kirlian camera does electrophotography of the emission of that radiation.” Scientists have been measuring the “aura” with telemetry electromyology…

Dr. Thomas Levy M.D. – Primal Panacea – Vitamin C: The Most Important of All Supplements – September 29, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Thomas E. Levy M.D. Board certified cardiologist and author of over six books on health-related issues. His latest book Primal Panacea talks of a hereditary defect which prevents the human body from synthesizing a natural cure-all made by most animals and found in abundance by primal man. Overwhelming…

Too Much Coffee for At-OM ???

Re: the mind-brain-boy connection […] is the new frontier for knowledge about health. New? Obviously, _____ has never heard of Helen Flanders Dunbar, M.D., (1902-1959), the foremost compiler of psycho-neuro-immunological literature the world has ever known. He probably doesn’t have a clue in a carload about the U.S. Army’s role in PNI during World War…

John Lamb Lash – True Knowledge of the Divine: Dispelling the Myths of Paganism – September 29, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone John Lamb Lash Comparative Mythologist Author of “Not in His Image” September 29, 2011 It is a rare occasion to run across someone who provokes real and deep thought. One who is not concerned with financial gain, being popular or even being well embraced. Someone with the courage to…

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause – When Physical Demand Outpaces the Paper Market – September 28, 2011

The Real World of Money featuring Andrew Gause September 28 Andrew Gause is on top, as usual, of the goings on in the world of money. Todays interview dives into: -Quantitative Easing and Quantitative Contraction -Contracts, Futures, Options-What’s the difference? -The Greek default -How the “Boys” are doing everything possible to discourage the holding of…

Nitrogen Balance & Cancer

Nitrogen in the form of ammonia is an essential byproduct of photosynthesis. Oncologists know that all cancer patient patients (if they live long enough) reach a stage of negative nitrogen balance. Much of the nitrogen is lost from the attrition of visceral protein. Some aggressive cancers cause a daily urinary loss of up to 24…

Now is the time to take action! FDA extends comment period for dietary supplement takeover proposal

(NaturalNews) Massive public outcry against the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) proposed guidelines for New Dietary Ingredients (NDI) in supplements appears to be having a significant impact, as the agency recently announced a 60-day extension period for the public to submit comments on the issue. This means that now is the time to petition…

Coen van der Kroon – Ayurvedic Medicine and Urine Therapy – September 27, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Coen van der Kroon Founder of The Academy of Ayurvedic Studies The Netherlands September 27, 2011 Coen van der Kroon joined us for a fascinating 2 hours on everything Ayurveda He covers body types, diets, digestion, urine therapy, colon cleansing, balancing hormones and lubricating the body internally with the…

Is Cancer a Nitrogen Deficiency?

It’s been known for well over 100 years that nitrogen utilization is a key concept in the understanding of cancer. According to “Clue to How Cancer Kills: Cancer, at least in mice, picks up nitrogen from protein food and holds it trapped so that body can’t use it. With nitrogen gone, the body dies,” Science…

Five health-enhancing Foods That Don’t Seem Like Health Foods: Mustard, Cole Slaw and More

Five health-enhancing Foods That Don’t Seem Like Health Foods: Mustard, Cole Slaw and More (NaturalNews) When observing the typical diet of American consumers, with all the fried foods, aspartame-laced “diet” products and pasteurized, hormone-ridden dairy products that typical people consume, I sometimes ask myself a question that perhaps you’ve pondered, too: What on Earth is…

Vitamin Product Banned After Snatching Man from Death

Vitamin Product Banned After Snatching Man from Death   Reprinted from Doctors were ready to pull the plug. Allan Smith, a New Zealand dairy farmer who had been diagnosed with swine flu, had been in a coma for nearly nine weeks. While there was nothing more traditional medicine could do for the man, Smith’s…

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause – When Confiscation is Not Too Far Behind – September 24, 2011

The Real World of Money featuring Andrew Gause For starters Patrick wants to know if emergency feeding of deer is a socialist idea? Andrew gives his opinion on Patrick’s very important question in addition to taking questions and making comments on: -The banks and why they had to be bailed out -Europe: Going through what…

What’s In Feces & Orange Blossoms & LSD?

Indoles and skatoles are relevant to hibernation, cancer, consciousness, and longevity. The ptomaines putrescine and cadaverine and the indigoids indole and skatole are common lower bowel toxins. Indoles and skatoles accumulate in the colon during the putrefactive degradation of dietary L-tryptophan. A fundamental part of the longevity puzzle involves the INDOLE, a planar heteroaromatic molecule…

Yawning Away Erectile Dysfunction

Continuous yawning and blood flow to the penis (or clitoris) are affinitive. There’s a difference between a partial yawn and a COMPLETE YAWN. A series of semi-yawns can make a man semi-hard. A semi-yawn – an average yawn – lasts only 6 seconds. A semi-yawn is a stifled yawn – but a partial yawn is…

Open Phone Friday with Patrick Timpone and Our Listeners – The Proof is in the Pudding…Only You Know What is Best For You – September 23, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY …when anything goes and usually does! Fridays are a great opportunity to connect with listeners and answer questions that come in throughout the week. Patrick made comments and answered questions about the following topics: -Watching the ups and downs of gold and silver -Treating yourself to…

Sea of Marrow for Radical Longevity

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) defined the SEA OF MARROW as the “bone marrow, spinal fluid, and brain fluid.” He said, “Kidneys control marrow.” The “sea of marrow” plays a crucial role in Longevity Lifestyles. According to “Live To Be 125: Serum made from the bone marrow of cadavers is believed by Russian scientist to be…

Equitime Transport Flow & Mobile Samadhi

Trauma – shock – causes a SONIC IMPRINT to be electrochemically deposited into the saliva. The pharyngeal plexus at the throat is a person’s ATTITUDE CENTER. Some call it the Vishuddha Chakra or Throat Center. (1) Sticking the tongue out straight forward is aggressive Body Language, a phallus compared to a penis. Adano Ley (Swami…

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