Daily Archives: November 5, 2011

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause -Adding More Skin to the Bubble So It Doesn’t Pop – October 29, 2011

The Real World of Money featuring Andrew Gause October 29, 2011 Tonight’s Topics Included: -Occupy Wall Street-Have we decided what we’re protesting?-Andrew says that 63% of all federal spending goes to individual benefits-Where can we cut spending? -Germanys LOST and FOUND Billions-How could that happen? -Yields for Italian and Spanish bonds -Credit unions vs. banks:…

The Greater Good Documentary

THE GREATER GOOD looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. The film re-frames the emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program. From October 30th through…

How Many More of these “Unavoidably Unsafe” Drugs Will Become Mandatory?

By Dr. Mercola For more than a century pharmaceutical companies have created and enjoyed a lucrative monopoly on health care in America. They’ve done this by forming alliances with doctors and politicians and scientists inside and outside of government. In this manner, slowly but surely, they’ve managed to steal basic human Constitutional liberties from you,…

Never Buy Meat, Potatoes or Herbs With This Label on it

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 05 2011 Irradiated herbs, seasonings and spices are exposed to HALF A BILLION chest X-ray’s worth of gamma radiation. This information is clearly publicized by the USDA and FDA. The FDA presently supports the use of Cobalt-60 culled from nuclear reactors on all domestically produced conventional food. The level…

Omega-3 fats from fish oil and supplements prevent and slow arthritis progression

Thursday, November 03, 2011 by: John Phillip (NaturalNews) Humans have been consuming omega-3 fats from natural fish, nut and seed sources for countless generations. Our core genetic structure depends on a regular supply of the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA to form cell wall structures and perform millions of metabolic functions that we…

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