Monthly Archives: April 2012

Barbara Allan -Conquering Arthritis: What Doctors Don’t Tell You Because They Don’t Know – April 9, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Barbara Allan Conquering Arthritis April 9, 2012 It all started when … Barbara at the young age of 25, developed arthritis that left her in chronic, overwhelming pain. In fact, it was often difficult for her to walk without passing out and she relied on an electric cart to…

David Healy – Author of ‘Pharmageddon’ – The Hijacking of Healthcare in America – April 9, 2012

Dr. David Healy Psychiatrist, Psychopharmacologist, Scientist, and Author April 9, 2012 Pharmaceutical companies have hijacked healthcare in America, and the results are life-threatening. Dr. David Healy, internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author, documents a riveting and terrifying story that affects us all in PHARMAGEDDON. Reversing the trend of the past century, life expectancy in…

Chickens Fed Caffeine, Banned Antibiotics, and Prozac Often Without The Farmer’s Knowledge

Sara Novak Living / Health April 7, 2012 It’s no surprise that conventionally factory farmed chickens aren’t fed the best diet. We already knew that they were routinely fed arsenic. In fact, a 2004 study from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy showed that more than half of store-bought and fast-food chickens contained elevated…

Pregnancy Sometimes Cures Cancer

Pregnancy isa well-regulated anabolic state compared to the runaway anabolic character of the trophoblast cells involved in activating cancer. Pregnancy sublimates trophoblast cells into regulated supportive assistance with fetal development. Placental cells are so highly invasive they actually metastasize – without becoming cancerous – into the lungs of20 percent of pregnant women. Pathological lesions and…

Cancer & Negative Nitrogen Balance

The protease inhibitors in raw seeds and nuts provide chemoprotection against cancer. This is an aspect of the “nitrogen factor” Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) championed. Every cancer patient ends up in NEGATIVE NITROGEN BALANCE, and nitrogen is destroyed – made unavailable for assimilation – by the cooking process. Dinitrogen gas – the kind that makes…

Bernarr (“Weakness Is a Sin”) Macfadden

Macfadden Publications amassed millions of dollars for physical culturist Bernarr MacFadden (1868-1955). A chain of physical culture hotels and numerous other investments stacked up millions of more dollars. During his heyday, Bernarr MacFadden owned Physical Culture, Ghost Stories, The New York Graphic, Photoplay, Police Gazette, True Detective, True Story, True Romance, True Experiences, and many…

Topography & Reflects-ology of the Brain

Jitterbug Perfume, 1989, by Tom Robbins, is an edu-taining read for the Longevity Lifestylist. Wiggs Dannyboy, a character in this novel, divides the brain into three sections … (1) diencephalon, (2) mesencephalon, and (3) triencephalon. He labels these … (1) the “stem” brain, (2) the “leaf” brain, and (3) the “flower” brain. The three Growth…

Is Stress Destroying Your Immune System?

Mike Barrett NaturalSociety April 5, 2012 The serious impact of stress on the body should never be overlooked. Stress not only brings your overall happiness level down, but also plays a significant part in the development of illness and disease. Recent research shows how long-term stress can significantly compromise your immune system and increase your…

Monsanto’s GMO Seeds Contributing to Farmer Suicides Every 30 Minutes

Anthony Gucciardi Activist Post In what has been called the single largest wave of recorded suicides in human history, Indian farmers are now killing themselves in record numbers. It has been extensively reported, even in mainstream news, but nothing has been done about the issue. The cause? Monsanto’s cost-inflated and ineffective seeds have been driving…

Cancer Is Immortality Retrograde

If the medical mainstream or the holistic mainstream would heed my e-book Not Cancer … CANCEL, millions of lives might be saved. Those who think an alkaline diet, baking soda, or supplementing with vitamins and minerals will protect them from cancer may one day be in for a rude awakening. And the situation is exponentially…

Vaccines And Autism: The Secret That You Are Not Supposed To Know

Michael Snyder, Contributor Activist Post According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of children in the United States with autism has risen by 78 percent over the past decade. It is now estimated that 1 out of every 88 children in the United States has some form of autism disorder. Our…

Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked To Statin Drugs

Post date: Monday, April 2nd 2012 at 7:30 pm by Sayer Ji A growing body of clinical research now indicates that the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins, are associated with over 300 adverse health effects — research boldly flying in the face of national health policy, medical insurance premium guidelines, statin drug manufacturer…

The Way of the Meditator

The “way of the meditator” involves the paired LATERAL GENICULATE NUCLEI of the hypothalamus, the “negative-light center” of the brain. The lateral geniculate nuclei and their intergeniculate leaflets are receptive to “darkness cues,” and can be metaprogrammed with dark pulse therapy, blinking, meditation, or by manipulating melatonin and neuropeptide Y. Neuropeptide Y augments the constriction…

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