Monthly Archives: July 2012

Gene Skaggs – Teacher, Healer and Author of Anderson Speaks: Messages From Across the Unknown Sea: How to Navigate the Loss of a Life Taken Too Soon – July 31, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Gene Skaggs Author, Teacher and Healer Mr. Skaggs discussed book series Anderson Speaks. How can a parent deal with the loss of their child? This is a gutwrenching account of the day that Anderson left his body and the pain that his parents endured as they tried to make…

Mary Newport M.D. – Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? – Providing Energy to the Brain with Ketones – July 31, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Mary Newport M.D. Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? Dr. Mary Newport joined us this morning to share her experience with using coconut oil andmct oil to reverse her husbands symptoms from Alzheimers. She calls this disease “diabetes of the brain”. The person with Alzheimers is having…

Surprising Links: How Big Banks Manipulate and Influence Your Health

By Dr. Mercola Ellen Brown is a civil litigation attorney who has written 11 books on health and the politics of health, including the Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System (which focuses on the money and banking system itself), and Forbidden Medicine, which traces the suppression of natural health treatment back…

Ken Presner – Eliminating the Cause Cures the Disease- Alternative Healing Therapy Through Zapping – July 30, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone July 30, 2012 Ken Presner Alternative Healing Therapy Through Zapping Ken was paralyzed and bedridden with Multiple Sclerosis in 1989. He nearly died on the operating table at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver during abdominal surgery for Crohn’s disease in 1994. It took nearly 7 years to get his…

Pineal Sand Is Evolving for Our Journey to the Stars

Pineal sand (brain sand) is mostly composed of the salts of calcium, magnesium, and silicon. Conscious evolution is headed in the direction of more calcium and less silicon in the pineal gland, and less calcium and more silicon in the skeleton. Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “The 200-mile limit is the trough in the…

Walter Cruttenden – The Cosmic Influence: A Framework for Epochal Changes in Consciousness – July 30, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Walter Cruttenden Amateur Theoretical Archaeo-Astronomer and Author of the Binary Theory of Precession Ancient cultures around the world spoke of a vast cycle of time with alternating dark and golden ages; Plato called it the Great Year. Most of us were taught there is no cycle and there was…

The Color Orange & the Electronics of Sexuality

What happens when you shine orange light on ducks? It encourages them to mate. Rabbits too. Orange energizes the Svadhisthana, or Hypogastric and Inguinal Chakra, which is intimately associated with human sexual and reproductive functions. Orange regulates the hydraulic functions of the body, such as blood, lymph, and that potent type of lecithin known as…

Aluminum Can Supercharge Your Sex Life

Older tea leaves contain 30,700 milligrams or so per kilogram of aluminum, while young tea leaves only contain 600 milligrams or so of aluminum. It’s no accident that Mother Nature – a sexy lady indeed – put more aluminum in the WOODIEST species of trees, especially those originating in the STEAMY tropical rain forest. There’s…

BREAKING NEWS: Major Harvard Study Published in Federal Government Journal Confirms Fluoride Lowers IQ

Anthony Gucciardi Activist Post If the scientific link between fluoride exposure and a noted decreased in IQ is a conspiracy theory, then perhaps the Harvard researchers who just confirmed such a link should be tarred and feathered by the ‘evidence-based’ medical media. In a telling review of a variety of studies that have demonstrated just…

We Came Here to Realize Our CELLS, Not Our Selves

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “We came here to realize our CELLS, not our selves. The butterfly and the caterpillar is the reminder.” The bodies of Saints often smell like flowers or incense after they leave for their “cosmic vacation.” Common fragrances include roses, lilies, violets, sandalwood, and even iodine, carbolic acid, and tobacco….

Dr. Richard Massey, MD – Fascists are Running the Healthcare System So It’s Time to Reorient Ourselves to a More Natural Way – July 26, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Richard Massey, MD Ask Dr. Massey Dr. Massey joins Patrick once a month for a fun and information filled time answering your questions on health and healing. Todays Topics: -Cancer stem cells are sugar junkies. Dr. Massey talks about cancer cells, tumors and the effects of cancer and…

BREAKING NEWS: Physician speaks out about cancer fraud

Thursday, July 26, 2012 by: Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) In 1998, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) approved funding for a landmark cancer study comparing a nutritional enzyme approach to chemotherapy. Many supporters hoped that this clinical trial would bring together conventional scientists and alternative healthcare professionals. But, in reality, once promising research became one of the…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – The Profitable and Big Business of Banking: Why We The People Don’t Own The Federal Reserve Banks- July 25, 2012

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY July 25, 2012 Todays Topics: -The debt ceiling fiasco is happening again – August -The words of art used in describing just what and who The Federal Reserve Bank of NY is, or isn’t -Cutting off the competition was one of JP Morgan’s arts of war -A little…

Acidity Coils DNA & Alkalinity Uncoils DNA

Most diseases manifest as a disturbance of acid-alkaline balance. Acidity correlates with GELATION, an anabolic condition, while alkalinity correlates with SOLATION, a catabolic condition. Acidity coils DNA to build tissue while alkalinity uncoils DNA to tear down and renovate tissue. Excess alkalinity progresses to its ultimate state of sol, a puddle, and, pathologically, an ULCER….

Daniel Vitalis – ReWild Your Body! Freeing the Animal Within for a Healthier, More Energized, and Exciting Life! – July 23, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone July 23, 2012 Daniel Vitalis Leading Health, Nutrition, and Personal Development Strategist as well as a Nature Based Philosopher He teaches that our Invincible Health is a product of living in alignment with our biological design and our role in the ecosystem. Daniel incorporates the wisdom of indigenous peoples…

Earthing is essential for optimal health

Friday, July 20, 2012 by: Dr. David Jockers (NaturalNews) Walking barefoot on the earth has been a staple part of human and animal life since the beginning of time. In the past couple of generations, humans have made shoes, sandals and boots that insulate us from the natural energies of the Earth. Although these shoes…

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