Monthly Archives: October 2013

Saturated fat myth busted in British Medical Journal

By Yvonne England, Practitioner Liaison, and Rob Verkerk PhD, Executive and scientific director, ANH Europe The mainstream media has been awash with stories about saturated fats not being the big dietary baddie it was once thought, following an editorial published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) by a well-regarded mainstream cardiologist. Most importantly, the message…

Tryptophan – The Natural Antidepressant and Sleep Aid Pulled to Save Prozac

by Christina Sarich October 26th, 2013 ( years ago, theFDA pulled tryptophan(an amino acid) from the US market when a contaminated batch was delivered to the American soil from Japan. Several people got sick, but it had nothing to do with trytophan itself, and only the fact that it was contaminated. In fact, trytophan is…

7 Days Of Full Moon Eating to Blow Off Steam

There’s a time to “give the Devil his due.” There’s a time to howl at the Full Moon. Many species (including bass and grunion) spawn during the Full Moon. Coral colonies indulge in mass spawning on the day of the Full Moon during Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.) Full Moon Eating is a focus diffuser for…

Open Phone Friday – The Changing Hearts and Minds of Man by Wishing Everyone Well – October 25, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   OPEN PHONE FRIDAY When Anything Goes…. And Usually Does!   Show Highlights: -Taking Lugols? How much is too much? Dr. Flanagan shocked us yesterday with the amount he takes -Sleewalking? How about sleeptalking? -Peritonitis: Something that once killed people is now rather easily treated. Allopathic medicine definately has…

Prelude to Disaster: The Coming Instantaneous Collapse of Obamacare Services

Mac Slavo Activist Post There is no doubt that President Obama’s health care system promises to fundamentally transform America. It’s been touted as the saving grace of the working class. But how feasible is it really? We know it’s essentially a wealth redistribution scheme that takes money from one group of people in the form…

What Can We Learn From How Grandma and Grandpa Used To Eat?

By Natasha Longo Every successive generation seems to be getting sicker, with more illness and disability. This despite government claims that the science of diet has mostly improved from just 50 years ago. These claims are far from the reality the modern world and its population experiences. Our grandparents used to make their own butter,…

Bear Medicine In the Wee Willie Hours Of the Morning

Meditation and relaxation are not the same. Meditation – Mental Energy Directing Individual Thought Activity Towards Intuitive Observation and Oneness with Noumena or Nature – is MINI-HIBERNATION. Mini-Hibernation Time is from 2:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. It’s not necessary to hibernate from November to April like Arthur E. “Turkey” Gehrke (1883-1942) did for over 25…

Supplementing With Probiotics Reduces Risk of Common Cold By Up to 72 Percent

Daily supplements of the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis subsp lactis may reduce the risk of the common cold (upper respiratory tract infections or URTIs), reducing fevers by 72 percent and coughs by 62 percent. In a earlier study done in China, small children who drank a mixture of probiotics twice a day during the winter and…

What – You Still Think Salt Consumption Causes High Blood Pressure?

by Paul Fassa October 23rd, 2013 High sodium intake as a source of high blood pressure has been an unchallenged dogmatic mantra for decades. But afew renegade MDs, several naturopaths, and chiropractors have challenged the unproven hypothesis of salt being the basis of high blood pressure (HBP). Turns out that the link between high sodium…

Andrew Gause and the Real World of Money – Borrow, Borrow, Borrow or the Whole Thing Collapses, Period – October 23, 2013

Andrew Gause THE REAL WORLD OF MONEY Show Highlights: -Wasting money: Why we value it more when it’s made and not given. Patrick recounts the tumble of a business built on a small business loan compared to a business built on money earned. Andy comments, “If you lose, as long as you don’t lost the…

Milan Bender – Harvesting Your Own Rainwater – October 22, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Milan Bender Harvesting Your Own Rainwater Show Highlights: -How could rainwater be clean enough to drink and bathe in? -Rain purifies the atmosphere: Milan explains how roof washing works and why it’s best to collect the rainwater after the first 15-20 minutes -Getting started in harvesting your own rainwater…

Dr. David Belk – The True Cost of Healthcare: A Look Into the Bizarre World of Health Insurance, Over the Top Bills and Prescription Costs – October 22, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. David Belk The True Cost of Healthcare Dr. Belk sheds lights on the health insurance industry; medical billing and the true cost of healthcare in this timely interview. Dr. Belk states on his website: When I began my medical career more than a decade ago, people were…

Health and Oral Health

  Health and Oral Health       By Dr. Alison Adams, Contributor One Radio Network Periodontal disease is the most common disease in the world with 90% of the adult population affected to some lesser or greater extent.The microorganisms that can be found in the mouth would be considered a serious threat to health…

Wifi: A Thalidomide in the Making?

By Barrie Trower The Natural Recovery Plan Professor John R Goldsmith, International Advisor/Consultant for R.F.Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor tothe World Health Organisation, Military and University Advisor,Researcher; wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwaveirradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women:   “Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages priorto the 7th week of…

Why Most Calcium Supplement Recommendations are DEAD WRONG

BySayer Ji Contributing Writer forWake Up World An alarming new meta-analysis published in the journalNutrientstitled, “Cardiovascular Effects of Calcium Supplements,” brings to the forefront theserious though mainly downplayed health risks associated with calcium supplementation, concludingthey increase the risk of heart attack by 27%-31% and the risk of stroke by 12%-20%.[1] The study based its findings…

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