Daily Archives: November 5, 2013

Obama: Caught in the Same Lie 29 Times

Kimberly Paxton www.TheDailySheeple.com Do you remember hearing Obama say, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan, period.”? Well, you might remember it, but our fearless leader certainly doesn’t. It’s a good thing that video exists of him saying itat least 29 times! Obama is now backpedaling and saying that he…

Ralph Ellis – Jesus, King of Edessa: The True Origins of Jesus Christ? – November 5, 2013

  THE MORNING SHOWwithPatrick Timpone   Ralph Ellis “Jesus, King of Edessa” Why is Jesus missing from the historical record? Jesus was an influential king (the King of the Jews) and probably the most famous monarch of the last two millennia, so why cannot we find archaeological evidence for his life? The answer is that…

Playing God: 4 Geoengineering Projects Doomed To Fail While Polluting The Earth

By Marco Torres Geoengineering technologies are the stuff of Hollywood catastrophe flicks. It seems scientists want to play God with our climate and nothing will stop them. Researchers have recommended sending out a giant glass sunshade into space to reflect light; the eruption of artificial volcanoes, or spraying of sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere; dissolving…

Dr. Christopher Exley – The Systemic Toxicity of Aluminum: The Cause of Neurodegenerative Diseases? – November 5, 2013

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Christopher Exley The Systemic Toxicity of Aluminum Adjuvants Dr. Christopher Exley is the Reader in Bioinorganic Chemistry at The Birchall Centre, Keele University in Staffordshire and Honorary Professor at the UHI Millennium Institute. Exley is a biologist (University of Stirling) with a PhD in the ecotoxicology of…

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